Knowledge For Men

Steve Sims is a kid from London with a knack for networking and an attitude that refuses to believe the word “Impossible”.

Founder of the super exclusive, membership only personal concierge service for VIPs and executives seeking the ultimate in unique experiences and travel for themselves and their companies, Steve Sims is an unlikely expert marketer within the luxury industry. But his secret to success is that he’s built a life out of keeping his word, and not taking no for an answer. Profiled and often quoted in international publications including the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, London’s Sunday Times, and South China Morning Post, TV and Sims is a sought-after speaker at a variety of prestigious organizations such as the Pentagon and Harvard!

Whether you want to sing with your favorite rock star, have lunch with Donald Trump, get married in the Vatican, or dive to the wreck of the Titanic, Steve Sims is the guy who gets to yes when the answer for anyone else would be no. You can connect with him and learn more at

Favorite Success Quote

“No one ever drowned by falling in the water. They drowned by staying there.” ~Steve’s Father

Key Points

1. It’s Not About How You Go Down It’s About How You Get Up 

Life is hard.

It will kick the crap out of you and leave you on the ground and there is very little you can do to avoid this.

So stop trying to fight failure and accept it.

You are GOING to fail. You are going to mess up. You are going to make bad decisions. You are going to lose money. You are going to fail at important relationships.

You are going to fall down.

But that’s not what is important.

Everyone in the history of humanity has fallen down. What history cares about, what the marketplace and the “gods” of success care about is how you get up.

If you are willing to pick yourself up off the ground, get back up, and start swinging again, life will reward you greatly.

If you are willing to push through adversity, smile in the face of failure, and persevere no matter how many times you fall down, you will eventually succeed.

Failure is inevitable.

It’s what you do after you fail that makes all the difference.

2. People Will Pay to Avoid Rejection and Humiliation 

If you are struggling to make ends meet, one of the quickest ways that you can increase your income is by becoming comfortable with rejection and humiliation.

People all over the world will pay handsomely to avoid the discomfort of rejection.

It’s simply part of human nature.

Humiliation and rejection are not pleasurable experiences. But if you can learn to overcome your fear of rejection and humiliation and then leverage that skill to help others, there is no limit to the amount of money and influence you can create.

3. Communication Opens the Doors of Life 

The “Secret Sauce” to becoming wildly successful in 2018 and beyond is simple… Master the art of communication.

While everyone else stares down at their cell phones, stays addicted to their Crackberries, and struggle to make small talk while they’re in line for a coffee, you can accelerate your success by learning to communicate.

Learn how to cut through the bullshit and start interesting conversations.

Master the art of building reciprocity.

Learn how to persuade people and connect with power players. Master the art of gift giving.

Become a master communicator and the world will become your oyster.

Our society is slowly but surely losing its ability to connect and collaborate.

If you can maintain and improve your ability to network and build authentic relationships, there is no limit to what you can achieve.

4. Be Memorable 

The worst crime that you can commit in a social situation is to be boring.

The world is filled with boring and uninteresting people.

It’s your job to stand out from the crowd, be authentic, and be memorable.

This doesn’t mean that you should be an obnoxious clown or some sort of ass hole.

It simply means that you must learn how to stand out in people’s minds.

Learn how to make people feel special and how to present yourself in a way that is unique and unexpected.

If you can successfully position yourself as a memorable and interesting individual you will have an abundance of business opportunities and romantic relationships coming your way.

5. Throw Sh*t at the Wall and See What Sticks 

Life is about experimenting.

Try out 1,000 things this year until you figure out what you like.

Try three new things a day.

Talk to as many strangers as you can.

Throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Tal Gur, a blogger, entrepreneur, and devoted adventurer, has spent a decade pursuing 100 major goals around the globe. But his journey had its challenges.

Like most people, he faced crippling self-doubt and struggled for a sense of purpose. Behind every difficulty, he discovered a life-changing gift, and now he’s passing what he learned onto others. You can connect with him and learn more at

Favorite Success Quote

“Happiness before goals”

Key Points

1. Put Your Happiness Before Goals

Happiness should not be something that we defer until we achieve a specific goal.

It should be a state of being that we cultivate every single day. It should be an emotion that we make incredibly easy to achieve.

If you are reading this blog right now you have a lot to feel happy about. You have your sight. You have an internet connection and a device that is more powerful than the computers NASA used to put a man on the moon. You have full control of your brain and an ability to comprehend complex ideas and sentences.

You have a LOT to be happy about.

So act like it. Lower your barrier to happiness.

Make a conscious effort to cultivate more happiness in your life by making it stupid simple to feel happy.

When you wake up each morning, take a moment to feel happy for the warm sheets and cozy blankets covering your body. When you walk into work (even if you hate it) be happy that you have some sort of employment. When you come home each day, be happy that you have a roof over your head and food in your belly.

Be happy now.

Because now is all that we have.

2. Fulfillment is Dependent on Direction

So often people assume that fulfillment is dependent on achieving some goal or arriving at some arbitrary destination.

It’s not.

Fulfillment should depend on one thing and one thing only… Direction.

Sit down in a quiet place later this week and really ask yourself what direction you want to take your life.

Don’t tie this to a specific goal or outcome, simply a direction.

Do you want to move in the direction of more physical fitness? Greater financial freedom? More love and abundance?

Whatever you decide, write it down and then commit to take three actions each day that move you in that direction.

3. Pain is a Messenger 

Most people try to ignore or hide from pain. This is like trying to put a bandaid on cancer.

Pain is a messenger. It’s there to tell you that something is broken and you need to fix it.

If you have a broken arm, a shot of morphine will numb the pain but it won’t solve the problem. You need to visit a hospital, get a cast, and allow your bones to heal.

Pain in your life is the same way.

If you are depressed, anxious, or feeling overwhelmed… Good.

This is a sign that something in your life isn’t working. And you have the power to fix it.

Whenever you experience pain don’t run from it. Feel it. Experience it fully and sit in it for a few hours.

Ask yourself, “What is this pain trying to tell me?”

Are you in the wrong job or relationship? Struggling to be disciplined with your finances? Overweight and unhealthy?

Before you run from the pain always try to uncover why you are experiencing pain in the first place.

Because until you solve the root cause of the problem, you will never truly overcome the pain.

4. Focus on Financial Freedom First 

People will often begin their journey of self-transformation by trying to fix their relationships, their career, or pursuing more of their passions.

In most cases, this approach is completely backward.

The first step that you should take to building your dream life and achieving your biggest goals is to achieve financial freedom.

Until you have the money to do what you want, when you want, with whom you want, everything else should be secondary.

Financial freedom will revolutionize every aspect of your life.

It will allow you to travel more and pursue your passions with greater ease. It will allow you to have more choices in your relationships and care for the people you love. It will allow you to take care of your body and give yourself the care and attention you truly need.

Financial freedom opens the doors of life and allows you to pursue your dreams on your terms.

Focus on getting your money right first, and the rest will follow.

5. Pick One Thing and Stick With it to Completion 

One of the most powerful ways to improve your quality of life is to master the art of single focusing on a task to completion.

Life isn’t short. We make it short by chasing too many goals at once and filling our time with unnecessary garbage.

By learning to pick a goal or project and see it through to completion, you will unlock one of the master skills of life and learn that you can accomplish anything you want with the right sequencing and a little perseverence.

Pick one goal and stick to it.

The benefits will be enormous.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Ryan Stewman is a high-performance sales coach and trainer who went from spending two stints in federal prison to building a multiple seven figure income.

He is the author of several best-selling books including Kick-Ass, Bulletproof Business, Elevator to the Top, and Hardcore Closer. You can learn more and connect with Ryan at

Favorite Success Quote

“You must take action before you can take over.”

Key Points

1. Knowledge is Only Power if You Take Action 

You often hear the phrase “Knowledge is Power”.

This simply isn’t true.

In and of itself, knowledge is useless.

Knowledge doesn’t do anything. It can’t add money to your bank account. It can’t make you ripped. It can’t help you find the woman of your dreams. It can’t do a damn thing.

As the (in)famous entrepreneur and investor Derek Sivers said:

If [more]information was the answer we’d all be billionaires with six packs.

But we aren’t and it isn’t.

Knowledge is only power if it’s applied.

It’s only worth a damn if you use it.

It only matters when you leverage your knowledge to take massively informed action towards achieving the life of your dreams.

2. Everything But Death is Temporary 

Everything in life is temporary.

Good and bad.

All of the pains, frustrations, and heartaches will eventually end.

All of the success that you are enjoying will one day grind to a halt.

Everything in your life will end.

And this is a beautiful thing.

Because life is temporary and fleeting, like the cliche feather in the wind, everything falls into place.

When you are struggling you know that your struggles are temporary.

When you are at the top, you take the time to savor the moment because you know that it will end.

Keep perspective on your life, the good and the bad, by always remembering that “This too shall pass”.

3. Your Past Doesn’t Matter 

This year alone, Ryan’s company will generate more multi-millions of dollars in revenue.

Which illustrates a very important lesson…

Your past doesn’t fucking matter.

Who you were yesterday has no bearing on who you are today and Ryan is living proof of this.

At 19, Ryan was strung out on every drug that you can imagine and dealing full time to make ends meet.

He was eventually busted by the feds and sent to federal prison for several years.

When he was released, he dove into the world of sales and eventually, was making so much money in real estate that he was again targeted by the police who thought he was still selling drugs.

They raided his house and found zero evidence of any drug possession, use, or trafficking. In order to save face, they arrested for felon possession of a firearm (which resided in a legal grey zone).

He was sentenced to prison again except this time, his then-wife stole all of his assets and left him for the man with whom she’d been having an affair.

Talk about a mess, right?

Upon his second release, Ryan dove into the world of sales again taking special care to keep his nose clean and, in the last two years, has grown his sales coaching business from $0 to multimillions in revenue.

If a convicted felon and former junky who lost everything can rise from the ashes and rebuild his life to the top then so can you.

So cut the excuses and quit using your past as a crutch.

You are capable of achieving anything that you desire.

But you have to overcome your excuses and hustle.

4. It’s All Sales 

In life and business, you must become a master of sales.

I know that the word conjures up images of sleazy used car dealers and snake oil peddlers but let me assure you, everything that you do is sales.

Want to meet the woman of your dreams and convince her to marry you? That’s sales.

Want to get funding for your new startup? That’s sales.

Want to convince your kids that it’s important to read personal growth books and regularly exercise? That’s sales.

Want to get your boss to give you a raise or move forward with one of your ideas? You guess it! Sales.

Everything that you do is sales or, to put it in less cringy terminology, influence.

If you lack this skill then your quality of life and success will suffer.

If you can master it then the world is your oyster.

5. Take Massive Action. Fast

Although I’ve already mentioned the importance of taking massive action in this article, it’s a point worth repeating.

Experience is the best teacher and there is no book or course that can serve as a shortcut for rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty.

Your goal in business and life should be to acquire the MVIR or ‘minimum viable information required’ to take action on your next step.

I’m not recommending that you simply take action without a plan or system to support you.

am saying that you should take action as soon as you have a concrete next step.

You know what you need to do to improve your body, boost your income, or improve your love life. So go and do it.

Once you’ve taken action, collect the MVIR for the next step and take action again.

Information is important.

But in a world where more than 2.5 million blog posts are published each day, information can also be a massive obstacle.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

We live in a world caught between two extremes. In one breath, we eschew and vilify masculinity and traditionally “manly” virtues, labeling them as “toxic” and detrimental to society. Yet in another, we revel in them. Subconsciously pining for a resurgence in traditional masculinity.

We are enamored with the classically masculine archetypes that proliferate our favorite movies, books, and TV shows (think Jon Snow, Don Draper, Hank Moody, and Captain America).

The blood in our veins rips at the sight of a vicious knockout in the UFC and, as we watch the victor leap to the top of the cage with his arms held high in the air, we can’t help but imagine ourselves standing in his place…the taste of blood on our lips, the deafening roar of the crowd filling our ears, and the inner confidence of knowing that we are capable of handling ourselves in conflict.

Yet all of our imagining does little to change the way we feel and show up in life.

Despite our desire to “be the man”, to feel strong, accomplished, and powerful…our desires are left unmet. We are not the hero of our lives so we allay our growing sense of emasculation by watching other hero’s through a steady stream of action movies, video games, and extreme sports. 

The reason is simple…

Men today are lost. In the famous words of Bob Dylan, “The times, they are a-changing.” And modern men have failed to evolve with the changing times.

As feminism has given rise to unprecedented equality men are faced with a growing and inescapable sense of obsolescence.

Men aren’t needed in the way that we once were and, our seeming lack of utility has left men wondering, “What the hell am I supposed to do now?” We no longer have clear roles in society and men all over the world want to know how to be more masculine and even if it’s okay.

And today, I'm going to give you the answers you've been looking for. 

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Category:Masculinity -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

oes it feel like something is missing internally?

Like the fire that once consumed your very soul has been extinguished…replaced by frustration, dissatisfaction, and the exhausting monotony of working your fingers to the bone to fuel a materialistic lifestyle you no longer want or have never truly enjoyed? 

Like you’re missing out on the most important things in life…the deep connections and friendship, the wild and exciting intimate relationships, and the lust for adventure and purpose that has fueled men for millenia. 

Thoreau wrote,

“The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation.”

Look around you – this is as true today as it was then. Perhaps even more so. 

And today, I'm going to teach you how to change it for good. 

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Dr. David Lieberman is one of the most sought-after leaders in the fields of human behavior and interpersonal relationships. His groundbreaking research and writings have established him as a remarkable force of influence across a spectrum of fields and industries.

His eleven published books, which include two New York Times bestsellers, have been translated into 27 languages, selling more than three million copies worldwide.

Dr. Lieberman has appeared on more than 300 programs. He is a frequent guest expert on national television and radio shows, and he has been interviewed for, and featured in, leading newspapers and magazines around the globe. You can connect with Dr. Liberman and learn more at

Favorite Success Quote

“Mental health requires an allegiance to reality at all costs to consequences ”

Key Points

1. You Must Accept Reality 

The first step to developing true mental health and emotional control is to accept the reality in which you live.

As the famous words written on maps and billboards across the world state: “You are here”

Wherever ‘here’ is…

If you wish to create the life of your dreams you must start where you are. You must develop real clarity on where you are in the important areas of life, where you want to be, and (most importantly) what’s holding you back.

I challenge you, right now, to write down the answer to the following questions:

  • Where am I in my health?
  • Where am I in my relationships?
  • Where am I in my happiness, adventure, and play time?
  • Where am I in my career?

Until you have a clear picture of where you are, you will never be able to get where you are going.

Be real with yourself and accept reality. Because once you do, life get’s a helluva lot more exciting.

2. Maximizing Your Potential Requires Enduring Pain 

If any of you have watched the (now) mainstream classic “Rick and Morty” then you probably remember the episode with the Meseeks box.

If you have a particularly astute memory, then you probably remember their tagline: “Existence is pain“.

Although you don’t often uncover valuable life lessons from cartoons on Adult Swim, I’ve gotta hand it to the writers of the show… They were right.

Existence is pain.

Because there is nothing in life that can be achieved without pain and nothing that can be truly appreciated without adversity.

Pain is what makes existence valuable, it’s what makes life worth a damn.

Think about the Olympics that are going on right now.

How would you feel if you walked up to the podium and were simply handed an Olympic Gold Medal?

Sure, some of you might use it to brag or try and pick up women, but most of you reading this would feel completely and utterly cheated.


Because you didn’t earn it. You didn’t endure the pain of early morning workouts, strict diets, and sobriety.

You didn’t experience the pain of grueling training sessions and years of dedication for that one moment of victory.

Pain is what makes life valuable. So stop avoiding pain and start accepting it.

Because the more comfortable you become with pain, the more pleasure and, ultimately, fulfillment you will experience.

3. Uncover Your Values… And Live Them 

One of the biggest problems holding men back from achieving their true purposes is that most men aren’t living their lives based on their values.

In fact, most men aren’t even consciously aware of what they value.

Sure, every guy can tell you that he values family or fitness or money or success but do his actions reflect these values?

Have you taken the time to clearly define the values that drive your life? Have you asked yourself the tough questions to help you understand what you care about and why?

If not, then you are like a ship at sea with no rudder, a feather in the wind. Without clearly defined values you have no purpose, no mission, and no fire driving you forward.

As soon as you finish listening to this podcast I challenge you to sit in silence and contemplate what you value.

Once you have your values defined, make a list of actions associated with those values.

From there, it’s simply a matter of living those values each and every day.

4. Anger Doesn’t Solve Problems (It Only Helped You Survive)

One of the most critical steps to ridding your life of anger is to first change your relationship with it.

Many men believe that anger is a good thing. They think that it’s somehow manly to get pissed off and try to solve problems with their fists or strained vocal chords.

And while it’s certainly true that there are rare moments in most men’s lives where violence or aggression is called for, these moments make up less than 0.0001% of your lifetime interactions.

In almost every other case, anger is simply a sign of weakness. It’s a sign that you lack control over yourself and, by extension, the world.

The grounded man doesn’t get angry. The strong man doesn’t lose his temper. The wise man doesn’t scream and yell to make a point.

Anger is childish and, what’s worse, is that it rarely solves problems.

When was the last time that you got pissed off with a friend, family member, or romantic partner, began screaming at them and arrived at a positive outcome?

I’m going to assume “Never” is the answer you would give.

This is important to realize.

Anger doesn’t solve problems. It simply makes them worse.

Thousands of years ago on the plains of the Sahara, anger had its place in our survival instincts.

But in 2018 it’s an outdated method for interacting with the world that needs to end.

5. Anger Stems from Poor Communication

When you get angry with someone, especially someone to whom you are close, your anger typically stems from ineffective communication.

Sure, there are times where someone is genuinely trying to egg you on and get a response from you. But 9 times out of 10, you are angry because the communication between you and someone who loves you wasn’t clear.

Maybe a friend forgot your birthday, a lover said something that hurt your feelings or a family member berated you for a particular political or religious belief.

Whatever the case, most anger is formed from misunderstanding, not genuine friction between two individuals.

And that’s the catch 22.

When we get angry with someone, the last thing that we want to do is sit down and attentively listen to what they have to say while trying to fully understand and internalize its meaning.

All we want to do is prove that we are right and they are an a**hole.

But I want to challenge you.

Next time you get angry, stop.

Take a deep breath and ask the other person what they really mean. What are they really trying to say and why are they saying it.

Until you understand the root of the problem which, by the way, is NOT the fact that your wife forgot to do the dishes again, you will never solve anything.

So calm down, shut up, and listen.

It might not solve anything but it will allow you to enter into the interaction from a place of understanding.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Gary John Bishop is one of the leading Personal Development experts in the industry with a global reputation that has impacted tens of thousands of people worldwide. He is the author of Unf*ck Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life. 

His “urban philosophy” approach represents a new wave of personal empowerment and life mastery that has caused miraculous results for people in the quality and performance of their lives. He calls it like it is while being influenced by ontology, phenomenology and the philosophy of some of the world’s greatest thinkers to help you be inspired, unburdened and grounded.

Favorite Success Quote

“You have the life you are willing to put up with.”

Key Points

1. You Are Responsible for Being F*cked 

Whenever you (or someone that you know) is confronted with the cold reality that they are utterly and completely f*cked, the initial reaction is almost always one of blame.

“My parents were terrible! You don’t understand.”

“Yeah, well I grew up poor so this is just how it has to be”

“You don’t know what it’s like to be an [insert minority group of choice]!”

Although every statement above could be true, it doesn’t change the facts.

You are 100% responsible for your life.

Why would you let anyone else control even a fraction of 1% of your life?

Do you really want to leave your future, your potential, and your one life to the whims of other people? If not, then you must accept full responsibility for your life and move one.

2. Authenticity is Inherently About You

Whenever people hear the phrase “Just be authentic”, they often assume that they now have free reign to say and react to others in any way that they choose.

This is not authenticity, it’s called being an ass hole.

Authenticity in your interactions is about expressing your truth and owning that truth.

Let me give you an example of what I mean.

Let’s say that a client of yours responded to an error in a manner that was completely inappropriate and unacceptable on both a personal and professional level.

You are feeling frustrated, hurt, and angry by their actions and feel compelled to bring them up.

There are two ways of going about this.

The first way, (which most people choose) is to make the interaction about them.

How dare you treat me that way! You are such an ass hole and you clearly don’t value our working relationship! You can take this project and shove it because I can’t stand this crap anymore.”

Although the statement might be true, it’s not productive because it’s focused on the other person instead of you.

A more authentic way to approach the conversation would be to say:

Look, what you did yesterday made me feel very hurt and undervalued. I don’t know whether you understand how your actions affected our professional relationship, but I wanted to let you know that I will no longer be able to continue working with you if we have another incident like that.”

When you shift the focus from the other person and onto yourself, you step into your power and own your responsibility for your feelings and your response to those feelings.

3. Someone Somewhere Has Dealt with What You Are Dealing With 

It’s funny how often I hear the words “No one knows what I’m going through”.

It doesn’t really matter what the topic is about.

It could be an abusive childhood, a controlling partner, a crappy boss, bad health, or any wide variety of ailments and general shittiness.

But the simple fact of the matter is that someone somewhere has experienced the exact same thing that you are struggling with and they have turned this perceived weakness into their greatest strength.

Sean Stephenson was born with a genetic deformity that stunted his growth, permanently confined him to a wheelchair, and weakened him so much that he’s broken every bone in his body.

Yet he’s an inspiration to millions.

Tony Robbins was abused as a child and kicked out of his house, left to live on the streets at 16.

Today, he is worth more than $1 billion and coaches some of the world’s top performers to the top.

Grant Cardone lost his father at the age of 9, became addicted to drugs at 16, and was in line for unemployment at 26.

Today, his real estate empire has helped him amass a fortune of more than $750 million with a beautiful wife and two children.

Whatever excuse you are allowing to hold you back… It’s bullshit.

Someone somewhere has gone through the same things as you and worse.

It’s up to you to choose a more empowering story, follow their example, and reclaim control of your life.

4. Always Seek to be of Service

When we are focused on ourselves, life can quickly become a pit of chaos and confusion.

The smallest obstacles derail us from our dreams, our emotions run wild, and we get so caught up in our own drama that we can miss out on the beauty of our lives.

The simplest and most powerful way to fix this issue is to shift your focus from yourself to others by seeking to be of service.

This doesn’t mean that you are a doormat but rather that you actively look for opportunities to serve others.

In the office, do what you can to serve your boss, your clients, and your customers.

At home, seek to serve your wife, your children, and your family.

When you go into the gas station, think of how you can serve the attendant helping you find your favorite candy bar.

Always look for ways to serve others and your life will transform at a pace you cannot imagine.

5. If You Want Something You Must Express It

Something I’ve always found a bit frustrating about our society is how many people feel that they are entitled to things.

People want raises without producing more value.

They want respect without earning it.

And, as it pertains to our conversation, they look for love without expressing it.

How man women have you met who complain that they can’t find a “Nice Guy” while sleeping with a different ass hole at the club each week?

How many men have you met who complain that they “Can’t find a good girl” and yet spend their weekend’s nose deep in cocaine and hookups?

How many people have you met who are always looking for love but never willing to start by giving love themselves?

If you want to experience something, then you must be the kind of person who is capable of manifesting and generating it in your own life.

In the examples above, if you want a quality partner, you must first become a quality human being.

If you want more money, you must first provide more value.

If you want more love, you must first express and give love freely before you expect it to be returned to you.

Stop searching for the things that you want and start expressing them.

As soon as you make this shift, your life will change forever.

Influential Books

1. Man’s Search for Meaning by Dr. Viktor Frankl

2. Being and Time by  Martin Heidegger

3. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.


Next Steps

We’re on a mission to impact a million men with powerful life changing content. If you enjoyed this article, please share it with your friends on your preferred social network on the left. I spent a ridiculous amount of time creating this article for you and with your support, we can impact the world together.

Want to become the strongest version of yourself?

Then click here to get a free trial to my elite community of 800+ high-performing men, The Secrets of the Top 1% of Men. Not only will you get tapped into your own “band of brothers”, but you’ll also have access to some of my best content and training as well as bi-weekly group calls with my team of coaches.

If you’re ready to push the boundaries of what’s possible in your life and become the man you’ve always wanted to be. This is the fastest way to do it.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Kenneth Shamrock (born Kenneth Wayne Kilpatrick; February 11, 1964) is an American mixed martial artist, Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Hall of Famer, and retired professional wrestler. He emerged as one of the biggest stars in the history of mixed martial arts, headlining over 15 main events and co-main events in the UFC and Pride Fighting Championships during the course of his career and set numerous pay-per-view records.

Shamrock is widely considered to be a legendary figure and icon in the sport of mixed martial arts. Shamrock was named The World’s Most Dangerous Man by ABC News in a special entitled “The World’s Most Dangerous Things” in the early part of his UFC career, a moniker which has stuck as his nickname.

Favorite Success Quote

“You have no idea what I’m willing to do to get where I’m going.”

Key Points

1. Be Willing to Do Whatever it Takes

If you want to truly succeed in the most competitive environments then you must cultivate a “Whatever it Takes” mentality.

This doesn’t mean that you are willing to engage in unethical or immoral activities, simply that you are willing to sacrifice, to hustle, and to grind your way through any challenge and any adversity.

For those of you who are content to be in second place (and there’s nothing wrong with that), doing whatever it takes isn’t truly necessary.

You can skate by, cut corners, take shortcuts, and still arrive at your destination.

But if you want to be the best, the top 1%, a leader, mover, and shaker in your industry, then you must show up early, stay late, and outwork all of your competition.

The price of admission is high, but the rewards are worth it.

2. You Have to Choose Yourself

In business and in life, most people wait to be called on.

Like a child being called on by the teacher instead of raising their hand, most people wait until life presents them with an opportunity or opens a door.

If you want to play the game of life in the top echelon of society, then you need to find opportunities and kick the doors down yourself.

Or as previous podcast guest James Altucher puts it, you must Choose Yourself.

No one is going to give you the freedom, the career, or the lifestyle that you desire.

If you are a man, then do what needs to be done and take it for yourself.

Take massive action, take huge initiative and do the work.

Because if you don’t… Someone else will.

3. If You Don’t Seize the Moment Someone Else Will

Life is competition.

Anyone who has even the most basic understanding of our species’ history and the story of evolution knows this.

Although we live in a world filled with abundance and a plethora of resources, we also live in a world filled with fierce competition.

And the most dangerous thing that you can do in your life, relationship, or career is to hesitate and allow someone else to seize your moment.

Think about how many times you saw that pretty girl, had that business idea or wanted to make that change but you didn’t. You hesitated, you waited, and you procrastinated.

But someone else didn’t.

Someone else went up and introduced himself, someone else set up their LLC and took action on their idea, someone else made the change, reaped the rewards and enjoyed the spoils of their labor… But you didn’t.

In each of our lives, we are presented with a small handful of pivotal moments where we must decide whether we will take action or not.

It is in these moments that your destiny is shaped.

Don’t allow someone else to shape it for you.

Take action, seize the moment, and live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

4. Find Your “Person” 

If you continue down your current trajectory of personal and professional development, sometime in the future, you will arrive at a place in your life where you are surrounded by “Yes Men.”

Your success and reputation will be so great that the people in your social circle will rarely tell you the truth and will, instead, try to tell you what they think you want to hear.

This is one of the most dangerous places any man can be.

You must find someone, whether a friend, relative, or coach who will tell you the truth all the time with compassion.

You need someone in your life who will tell you when you are messing up, when you are on the right track, and when you need to shut up and get things done.

Find your “Person” who will always be honest with you and you will find that your life will be a lot smoother and easier than it will when you operate on the opinions of impressed “friends”.

5. Slow Down and Be Patient 

Life is a marathon, not a sprint.

It seems like our instant gratification society has lost touch with the realities of life and, the simple truth is that life is meant to be lived and experienced.

Don’t be so eager to achieve great things that you forget to live your life and enjoy the journey.

Be patient and allow success to happen in its own time and its own way.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Russell Whitney is an entrepreneur, philanthropist and a recognized worldwide leader in the business, real estate investment, and financial training fields.

Russell prospered in both business and real estate and eventually used his knowledge and experience to help others do the same. Over the past 15 years, he has traveled the world speaking to audiences as large as 10,000, at one time to a fully packed arena.

He has spoken alongside luminaries like Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Anthony Robbins, and George Foreman, always spreading his message of how to take immediate action to achieve financial goals and dreams by following his easy-to-follow, step-by-step process.

Favorite Success Quote

“Rock bottom is the foundation that you can build upon”

“If you truly want something you will find a way, if you don’t you will find an excuse.”

Key Points

1. Fear of the Unknown Disappears when you Commit to Massive Self Education

The one thing that holds most people back from achieving the life that they want is not laziness, procrastination, or ignorance.

It’s fear of the unknown.

When you don’t know what will happen next, it’s easy to become complacent and get trapped in mediocrity.

You think to yourself “Things aren’t that bad right now. If I quit my job, leave this relationship, or move to a new city, everything could go horribly wrong!”

And these thought patterns keep you stuck in your current situation and prevent you from ever achieving your dreams.

So what’s the solution?

Massive self-education through books, courses, and mentors.

Other people have been where you are right now, taken massive action, and experienced the joy and pain inherent in the goals you are pursuing.

Instead of trying to do it all on your own, learn from others.

By educating yourself on your goal you will know what obstacles to expect, how to overcome the challenges you will experience, and how to capitalize on opportunities that come your way.

When you educate yourself, fear disappears.

2. Sales is the Key to All Financial Success

If you want to succeed at business and in life, then you must become a master of sales.

There’s no way around it.

Regardless of what you do to make money or what your goals are in life, sales is the key to unlocking everything that you want.

Want to make millions of dollars with real estate? Then you must learn to sell the leads, prospects, and clients on why they should work with and buy from you.

Want to have a beautiful spouse and an amazing family? Then you must go out and sell yourself to your ideal partner and convince them that they should be with you and not the millions of other men out there.

Want to lose weight, gain muscle, and get in the best shape of your life? Then you must go out there and sell yourself on why it’s a ‘must’ for you to go to the gym and eat clean every day.

Sales is the key to everything.

The sooner you can master it the sooner you can have the life that you want.

3. Use Fear of Failure as your Greatest Motivation

After the 2008 market collapse, Russel lost everything.

He went bankrupt, became homeless, severed ties with his family and friends, and developed a massive drug problem.

One night as he was contemplating suicide, he suffered from a drug-induced schizophrenic episode and flushed every narcotic that he had down a toilet.

He committed to himself that he was going to get sober and rebuild his life and in a little under 3 years, he went from living on the streets to reaching multi-millionaire status.

He told me that the reason he is so “Disciplined” with his finances and lifestyle today is not willpower or a commitment to his future, but rather a crippling fear of going back to rock bottom.

In our modern society, we often treat fear as a negative thing.

In some cases (as with fear of the unknown) fear can cripple us and prevent us from taking action.

But in other cases, fear can be our most powerful ally in driving ourselves towards the life that we want.

Learn to harness your fear and you’ll be amazed at the results that you can achieve.

4. The Key to Success is Humility and Drive 

In our interview, Russel shared a story about one of his students who was a young 20-something who went from a college dropout to multi-millionaire with online business in only a matter of months.

When I asked him what separated his student from the other people he’d mentored Russel’s answer was simple.

“He’s willing to listen to people who are smarter than he is and he has a tremendous hustle and drive.”

Humility and drive.

If you want to achieve your biggest goals, it will not be easy.

But it is simple. If you are willing to learn from people who are smarter than you, be humble about your abilities, and obsessed with your craft, you will succeed.


It may take months, years, or even decades, but if you are willing to be humble and put forth a tremendous effort, nothing can stand in the way of achieving success.

5. As Soon as You Make Money Throw it Away (Invest)

I’m about to give you the secret to financial abundance and freedom for the rest of your life.

Are you ready? Here it is…

Stay broke and invest every extra dollar you make. 

It’s that simple.

If you are willing to set a reasonable budget for yourself so that you can enjoy your lifestyle and you are willing to increase your income and invest every single dollar into income producing assets, you will become a millionaire over the course of your life.

It doesn’t matter how much money you make or how many bills you have. If you can set a budget, increase your income to exceed your budget, and invest the surplus, you will get rich.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Olaniyi “Niyi” Sobomehin is a former American football fullback. He played college football at Portland State. He was signed by the New Orleans Saints as an undrafted free agent in 2008.

After being cut from the NFL due to an injury, Olaniyi decided to begin coaching and from there, in addition to being a full-time firefighter, he has built a coaching company to help young athletes be successful at an elite level. You can connect with him and learn more here,

Favorite Success Quote

“People wish to be settled but only as far as they are unsettled is there any hope for them.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Key Points

1. You Must Have a Vision 

Before you can achieve any goal, you must first set that goal.

Before you can arrive at a destination, you must know what destination you wish to arrive at.

Before you can live the life of your dreams, you must have a vision for what that life looks like.

So many men today walk around aimlessly, without any real vision or purpose to their lives. Maybe they have some arbitrary goals that they set because society told them to, but they lack a visceral purpose and vision that pushes them forward in life.

If you hope to live a great life, a life of meaning, a legendary life, then you must start with your vision.

Who do you want to be? What do you want to achieve? How do you want to show up every day? How many lives do you want to impact?

Until you know the answers to these questions, you cannot achieve the life you were born to achieve.

2. Reverse Engineer Your Vision and Treat Failures as Opportunities 

Once you have a vision, you have just gotten started.

With your vision clearly written down, you must reverse engineer the steps that are required to achieve that vision until you have a long list of small steps that will help you achieve your goals in the coming years.

Once you know what steps you need to take and when you need to take them (this will take you a long time to figure out), you must take daily massive action and learn from everything you do.

You must remember that failure doesn’t mean you’re out of the game, it means you have a chance to learn.

For example, if you sit down to work and have a completely unproductive day, instead of viewing this as a failure, ask yourself “What did I learn?”

Maybe you learned that your phone needs to be on airplane mode throughout the workday. Maybe you learned that you need to have your days planned before you begin them. Or maybe you learned that you just need to get some extra sleep because you’re too damn exhausted to work.

Whatever you learn, write it down, tweak your approach, and continually learn from the process until you achieve your goal.

3. Stay Hungry and Focus on Growth 

One of the biggest traps into which many men fall is the trap of success and complacency.

You see, many of us start with relatively small visions that we achieve early on in life.

Maybe you’ve sold your business, finally earned the 6-figure salary, or married the woman of your dreams. That’s great, but you’re not even close to finished.

In fact, you’re just getting started.

Life is all about expansion, it’s about growth, it’s about constantly striving to be, do, and achieve more.

Instead of resting on your laurels, you must stay hungry.

Even when you are enjoying the fruits of your hard work, you must set your sights on the next milestone, the next goal, and the next vision.

Because if you don’t, if you settle in your current circumstances, you will eventually atrophy and die, leaving this world with so much potential left on the table.

No matter how successful you are or how much success you achieve, you must remember the famous words of Steve Jobs and “Stay hungry, stay foolish”.

4. Commit Yourself to Discipline Every Single Day

Most of you have probably heard our interview with Jocko Willink where he echoes his infamous statement that “Discipline Equals Freedom”.

And most of you treat this statement as a convenient war cry instead of an ethos by which you live your life.

Most men commit to discipline sporadically and as a result, they make great achievements and breakthroughs sporadically as well.

They are disciplined when they need to be but they aren’t disciplined when they should be.

And this reality is clearly reflected in their success and failures.

If you want to be one of the greats, if you want to be a legend, if you want to be the kind of person who people remember, then you must be willing to discipline yourself daily.

You must make a commitment to discipline every day that you wake up, you must stand strong in your values, and take massive action towards your goals even when you don’t need to.

This is the only way to achieve lasting success and it’s the only way that you will leave a dent in this universe.

5. Surround Yourself with the Right People 

When you have created a vision, reverse engineered that vision, committed yourself to discipline, and begin learning from your failures, there is only one final step towards ultimate achievement.

Your network.

Who you surround yourself with is one of the single most important factors in anyone’s journey.

If your five closest friends are millionaires, high achievers, and grounded men, then you will be the sixth.

Conversely, if your five closest friends are slobs, party animals, and lost boys then you will become the sixth.

You are the average of your five closest friends so pay careful attention to the company that you keep… It can literally make or break your success.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Dan Millman is a former world champion athlete, university coach, martial arts instructor, and college professor.

After an intensive, twenty-year spiritual quest, Dan’s teaching found its form as the Peaceful Warrior’s Way, expressed fully in his books and lectures. His work continues to evolve over time, to meet the needs of a changing world.

Dan’s seventeen books, including Way of the Peaceful Warrior, have inspired and informed millions of readers in 29 languages worldwide. The feature film, “Peaceful Warrior,” starring Nick Nolte, was adapted from Dan’s first book, based upon incidents from his life.

Much of Dan’s time is devoted to writing and speaking. His keynotes, seminars, and workshops span the generations to influence men and women from all walks of life, including leaders in the fields of health, psychology, education, business, politics, sports, entertainment, and the arts.

Dan and his wife Joy live in Brooklyn, NY. They have three grown daughters and four grandchildren. You can connect with him and learn more at

Favorite Success Quote

“Success is making progress towards a meaningful goal”

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”

Key Points

1. Seek Excellence Not Success

One of the most common mistakes that people make in their pursuit of happiness is that they seek success instead of seeking excellence.

Let me break down what this means…

Most people, especially the kinds of people who listen to this podcast and read this blog, are future and goal oriented.

We are laser-focused on the attainment of something, on the accomplishment of something sometime in the distant future.

But what we often forget is that these accomplishments for which we are striving are made up of individual pieces.

For example, no one can “Build a Business”.

A business is built by doing hundreds, maybe even thousands of small things well.

You don’t “Build” your dream body by doing one thing once. You build your dream body by doing thousands upon thousands of reps with perfect form.

And that is where your focus should be.

Yes, you must have compelling goals that push you forward and encourage you to perform at your best.

But you must always remember that every worthy goal is comprised of thousands and thousands of micro-actions that you must take in the present moment.

They are the product of committing to excellence in the present moment and maintaining that commitment year after year after year.

Focus on doing things with excellence and success will inevitably follow.

2. The Quality of Your Moments Becomes the Quality of Your Life 

In the same way that many people mistakenly pursue success instead of pursuing excellence, many of us devote our lives to the pursuit of the “Good Life”.

We hustle, grind, and sacrifice so that, one day, we can finally be happy and enjoy a high quality of life.

We give up the things that are most important for an uncertain future that may or may not bring joy and fulfillment into our lives.

And by doing this, we forget to live our lives as they are happening.

We fail to realize that the “Good Life” is nothing more than a life filled with “Good Moments”.

If you want a good life, you must have good years. To have good years, you must have good months, weeks, and days.

And to have good days, you must have good moments.

You must learn to embrace where you are right now and enjoy the moment for all that it is.

Because the present moment is everything.

It’s all that you have.

There is no future.

There is no past.

There is only now.

So live in the now.

Cultivate those small moments of joy, happiness, and excellence. If you do this, I promise you that you will look back on your life with a smile, knowing that you lived it well.

3. Trust the Process of Your Life Unfolding 

This if the 400th interview that I’ve conducted on the Knowledge for Men podcast and, after almost 4 years of interviewing top achievers, thinkers, and performers, I’ve noticed an interesting pattern.

Success, happiness, and fulfillment almost always exist on the other side of pain.

Grant Cardone was struggling with a drug addiction, broke, and unemployed before he found his future in sales and real estate.

Ryan Blair was involved in the most dangerous L.A. gangs almost sentenced to a decade of incarceration before he fell in love with entrepreneurship.

Bedros Keulian was literally digging through dumpsters to find food before he created the 8-figure fitness empire that he now owns today.

Yet these men trusted the process (admittedy they may have done so unconsciously).

They were willing to take a leap of faith and trust the process of their life unfolding.

They were able to accept that, as Steve Jobs said, “You will never connect the dots looking forward, only looking backward. So you have to somehow trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

And you must do the same.

Trust the process of your life unfolding.

Live in the present moment.

Have faith in yourself and in the universe and realize that life is an adventure that is meant to be lived… Not avoided.

4. Anticipation is One of the Greatest Sources of Suffering 

One of the most sinister and seemingly innocuous sources of suffering is anticipation.

Think about it like this…

Imagine that there is a co-worker whom you cannot stand. The kind of person who makes your skin crawl and your stomach turn into a knot.

Imagine that later today, you have a meeting and you know that this particular co-worker will be in attendance.

In anticipation of the event, you imagine all of the possible outcomes in your head, forcing yourself to live in an unpleasant and mentally exhausting reality that hasn’t even happened yet!

You bring yourself into a state of dissatisfaction and discomfort because you are living in future pain even though the present moment is completely tranquil!

How differently could this scenario be if you simply allowed yourself to live in the moment.

To know that you will have to face your peer but… Not yet.

To give yourself permission to say “I am not in that situation in the present moment so I am going to live life now and cross that bridge when I get there.”

5. We Are All Just Humans 

At the end of the day, we are all human beings on this journey together.

We have different views, beliefs, personalities, and desires, but we are all people.

We all experience deep emotions, we all have dreams and desires, and we all have struggles to overcome.

Even the seemingly invincible characters like Tony Robbins, Gary Vaynerchuk, or Bradd Pitt have problems.

We are all humans.

No one person is inherently better or worse than anyone else.

We are all in this race together.

So why can’t we start acting like it?

Instead of judging others and blaming them for their shortcomings, seek to understand and empathize with their struggles.

Instead of acting superior to your fellow man, remember the times in which you acted and behaved in unscrupulous or unsatisfactory ways.

Instead of pretending that you are on this journey alone, remember that we are all in this together.

Man, woman, black, white, gay, straight, republican, democrat… We are all in this together.

The sooner we realize this, the sooner we will unlock our specie’s true power.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Mastin Kipp is the #1 best-selling author of Daily Love: Growing into Grace and his latest book Claim Your Power and has been recognized by Oprah Winfrey on her Emmy-award winning show Super Soul Sunday as a “spiritual thinker for the next generation.”

He is the founder of Functional Life Coaching (TM) and has appeared alongside Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Brene Brown and others as a part of Oprah’s Super Soul 100, a collection of awakened leaders who are using their voices and talent to elevate humanity.

He leads sold-out seminars and retreats all over the world, and collectively two million people in over 100 countries have been influenced by Mastin’s work. You can connect with him and learn more at

Favorite Success Quote

“Unless you’re in mortal danger, fear is a compass showing you where to go.”

Key Points

1. You Always Have a Choice Between What is Easy and What will Lead to Your Dreams 

In every person’s life, they will come to a hallway, perhaps many hallways where they will be presented with a simple choice.

Will they take the first door on the left, the door that leads to ease, comfort, and safety?

Or will they take the second door, the door on the right that exposes them to danger at every corner but allows them to live their lives fully and completely?

When you take the first door, you make the decision to play safe to avoid doing the uncomfortable things that will drive you towards your dreams, and eventually, you become so bitter and jealous of other’s success that you begin to sabotage yourself and your goals.

When you take door number two, you take a bold step into uncertainty.

And it’s terrifying.

But it’s also worth it.

2. What’s Really Going On? 

If you have found yourself stuck in a rut, unable to break free of the habits and tendencies that have kept your life where it is today, then you need to take a step back and ask yourself, “What’s really going on?”

Peel back the layers of the onion and look beneath the surface.

Maybe you are terrible at relationships and no matter how many beautiful women you bring into your life, they all seem to leave faster than they show up.

Are you really terrible at relationships or is there something in your past, some sort of unresolved trauma or experience that is causing you to subconsciously sabotage yourself?

Is there a deeper reason for the struggles that you are experiencing?

A common one that I see with many men is the problem of laziness and procrastination.

I know so many men who are powerful, excited and motivated about life, but when it comes time to actually go to work, they drag their feet and fail to accomplish even the most basic tasks.

Are they lazy?


But I think the real problem is that their subconscious is telling them that there is an incongruence.

Maybe they are working a job they aren’t passionate about, maybe they are in a business they don’t really love, or selling a product they don’t truly believe in.

Whatever the case may be, you will never be able to fix your biggest problems until you understand the root of the problems themselves.

What’s really going on?

3. Don’t Just Use Your Pain… Transcend It 

Your pain is a powerful motivating force, but it must be used for good.

I see so many men who are burnt out and struggling simply because they’ve spent the past decade of their lives fueled by pain.

Pain is often the spark that can start a fire in your life. But if you aren’t careful, it can also be the fire that consumes and burns your life to the ground.

Therefore, we must learn to transcend our pain and trauma.

Use it to ignite the fire you need to make bold moves and step forward in life and then… Let it go.

Come to terms with your pain, let go of your suffering, and forgive whoever and whatever hurt you.

Pain is a powerful ally.

But it can be an even more powerful enemy.

4. Start with What You Have Where You Are

If you are broke, struggling, and depressed, then this is one of the most powerful pieces of advice that you will ever hear.

You cannot win the marathon that is life until you start running.

And the only way to start running this race is to start where you are with what you have.

You might be living in a 400 square foot apartment with no running water and $50,000 in debt.

Great. Start where you are with what you have.

You might be living a great life but you know that you can do better if you just knew how.

Great. Start where you are with what you have.

There is no better time to start moving towards your dreams than today.

No matter what you have or don’t have. No matter what you lack or need.

Start where you are with what you have.

5. Your Purpose is Based on an Emotional State and Nothing Else

I often hear guys who will tell me that they are unsure of their purpose in life.

But what’s funny to me is that no one seems to have agreed upon what purpose actually means.

In the same way that 30 different people can all believe in “God” but they all have wildly definitions of who/what “God” is, thousands of you reading this will all have different definitions of what purpose is and how you pursue it.

But here’s the thing.

Purpose is extremely simple.

Your purpose is nothing more than an emotional state that matters to you and your ability to express and cultivate that emotional state.

Purpose is the feeling that you get when you are acting in a way that is congruent with what you want.

Purpose is the emotion that you feel when you are expressing yourself at the highest level.

Purpose is a fluid emotional state that can change and shift on a daily basis.

So stop worrying about finding your purpose and realize that it’s your responsibility to cultivate your purpose.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Noah Kagan was #30 at Facebook, #4 at, and is the Chief Sumo (founder) of SumoMe, a company which offers free tools to help grow website traffic. He has built 4 products that each generated 7-figures and become one of the leading marketing experts in the world

Favorite Success Quote

“The squeaky wheel gets the grease”

“You’re not important and no one cares”

Key Points

1. Just Do Things You Enjoy 

As far as we know, we only have one life. We only have one opportunity to live, laugh, and love.

So why is it that so many of us waste our precious time doing shit that we don’t like?

Why do we work jobs that we hate, stay in relationships that we don’t enjoy, and force ourselves to spend time with people who suck?

It’s absolute insanity.

Although there’s no “One size fits all” approach to happiness or living the good life, everything starts by doing more of the things you enjoy and less of the things that you hate.

So start today.

Find a way to cut out activities that you don’t enjoy and that don’t serve the bigger picture and a way to add in more activities that light you up and put a smile on your face.

2. No One Gives a Sh*t About You 

This sounds harsh, I know.

But if you think about things objectively, you will quickly realize that it’s true.

Outside of your immediate family and maybe a handful of close friends, no one cares about you, no one.

People don’t care whether you succeed or not, they don’t care if you’re happy, and they don’t really care if you carry on living.

Although it sounds morbid, this is actually good news.

The fact that no one cares gives you permission to screw up, it gives you permission to fall on your face, to fail, to lose, and to try things that might not work because, at the end of the day, no one really gives a shit either way.

So stop worrying about other people and focus on yourself.

If you don’t, you will live your life trying to make everyone else happy without ever taking a second to think about your own happiness and well being.

3. Learn to be Empathetic 

Even though no one really cares about you, this doesn’t mean that you should go through life constantly ignoring others, acting like a narcissist, and screwing people over to achieve your goals.

You must develop a certain level of empathy so that you can successfully maneuver through the world.

The people that you encounter in your everyday life have their own goals, their own struggles, and their own problems.

When you can learn to identify with them and consider things from their point of view, you will become a social powerhouse.

4. Define Success for Yourself 

One of the biggest mistakes that anyone can make in their life is striving to achieve a version of success that isn’t truly congruent with their deepest goals and desires.

Noah has made millions of dollars several times over but his lifestyle is pretty modest.

You won’t see him posting on Instagram about his new McLaren or bragging about his new private jet.

He’s content to live in a 700 square foot flat and drive his scooter downtown in search of the city’s best tacos.

Because that is his version of success. He enjoys what he does and has a simple life.

For other people, however, this would be a living hell.

People like Gary Vaynerchuk need to be in constant motion to enjoy their life and feel fulfilled, they need the rush of the deal and the job in order to feel successful and fulfilled.

Neither path is wrong.

It’s simply a matter of what works for you.

So I want to challenge you to take some time to think about what success really means to you. What do you really want? What would it take for you to be happy and fulfilled?

Once you have your answer, go do that thing, and ignore everyone else’s opinions and ideas.

Because your definition of success is the only thing that matters.

5. Stop Complaining and Start Looking for a Solution 

For the next 30 days, I want you to do something.

It sounds simple, but I promise it’s not as easy as you might assume.

I want you to quit complaining.

That’s it.

For the next 30 days, I want you to consciously quit complaining about anything in your life whether it’s your job, your spouse, your kids, or just crappy weather.

Stop complaining and start looking for solutions.

If something bothers you, instead of bitching about it, find a way to change it.

It might sound simple, but I promise that it will change your life.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

In today's podcast I'm tackling one of THE most infectious diseases affecting men today...Oneitis. 

In other words, the belief that ONE specific woman is the ONLY woman who can complete you and make you happy. 

I'll be destroying common myths, giving you powerful exercises to reframe your mindset, and giving you tactical action steps to overcome oneitis for good and build the dating life of your dreams. 

Let's dive in. 

Direct download: Oneitis.mp3
Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 1:14pm EDT

Jon Acuff is the New York Times Bestselling author of six books including his most recent Wall Street Journal #1 Bestseller, Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done.

For over 20 years he’s helped some of the biggest brands in the world tell their story, including The Home Depot, Bose, Staples, and the Dave Ramsey Team. Most recently he’s spoken to hundreds of thousands of people at conferences, colleges, companies and churches. Featured regularly on national media, Jon has been seen on CNN, Fox News, Good Day LA and several other key outlets.

In addition, Jon is also a big proponent of social media with blogs that have been read by 4 million people and almost 300,000 twitter followers. In 2010 he used his influence with his tribe to build two kindergartens in Vietnam. Jon lives with his wife Jenny and two daughters in Franklin, TN.

Favorite Success Quote

“Starting is fun, but the future belongs to finishers.”

Key Points

1. Starting is Fun But Success Belongs to Finishers 

Do you remember the last time that you started a new workout program or online course?

Do you remember that warm fuzzy feeling you got in the pit of your stomach while you were starting a journey towards your goals?

Now let me ask you another question…

Do you remember the last time that you actually went through and completely finished a book, workout program, online course, or anything else of importance?

Most of you don’t…

And this doesn’t make you a bad person, it doesn’t make you lazy, it makes you human.

You see, as people we are wired to start things.

Whether we are starting a new diet, a new business, a new book, or whatever else it is, we love starting.

It’s fun, it’s exciting, and it makes us feel important.

Finishing, on the other hand, sucks.

To finish something, you must endure small failures and setbacks, you must persevere even when you don’t feel motivated, and you must keep pushing through the parts that don’t feel particularly exciting or fun.

But success belongs to finishers.

No one became successful by starting something.

They became successful by following it through to the end and finishing. 

When you realize this, when you truly internalize this principle, everything will change.

2. Perfectionism will Break You 

Nothing will wreck your goals, limit your potential, and destroy your plans more than perfectionism.


Perfectionism is merely an alibi for inaction. It’s an excuse to do nothing.

Whereas the non-perfectionist says “I know that I can’t do xyz perfectly with my current resources, what can I do to move things forward anyways.”

The perfectionist says “I know that I can’t do xyz perfectly so why even bother doing it at all?”

When you operate from this framework, you are setting yourself up to fail.

No one succeeds when they have a commitment to perfection.

Because, quite simply, perfection cannot exist.

There will always be something that prevents you from achieving true perfection which means there will always be something that prevents you from finishing your goals, no matter what they are.

If you want to live a great life and have a lot of fun doing so, then I challenge you to eradicate the word “Perfect” from your vocabulary.

Focus on getting things done and finishing.

Because success belongs to the finishers.

3. Slow it Down and Cut it Back

Once you have committed to being a “Finisher” and not a perfectionist, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

You have all of these goals and big dreams that you want to achieve, but they just seem so daunting and scary.

Take a deep breath, relax, and realize that it’s going to be ok.

Instead of stressing yourself out and killing yourself to achieve arbitrarily set goals that don’t have any real significance in your life, slow things down and cut back.

Here’s what I mean.

Let’s say that your goal is to lose 15 lbs. in the next month.

While it’s admirable that you want to lose weight, it’s also a foolish goal.

You are simply trying to do too much too quickly.

Why do you need to lose so much weight in the next 30 days? What’s so significant about the next month that you are willing to starve yourself to death in order to hit an arbitrary weight goal?

Instead, let’s take the finisher’s approach.

Cut the goal in half and double the timeline.

Now, instead of 15 lbs. in 30 days, it’s 7 lbs. in 60 days.

That means you need to lose less than one pound a week!

That’s doable right?

Some of you reading this might think, “No! I’ve gotta push hard, I’ve gotta go crazy and lose this weight”

And I get it, that’s what you’ve been conditioned to think.

But let me ask you something…

If this approach works, then why haven’t you lost the weight already?

4. Examine What Has Worked in the Past 

Whenever you set out to achieve any new goal, start by looking at what has worked in the past.

For example, if you take stock of your life and realize that you have mastered your physical health but you’re struggling to get a grip on your finances, simply look at the habits and routines that helped to become physically fit and apply them to your life so that you can become financially fit.

When you examine the habits that helped you become healthy, you might realize that the first step you took was to clear out your pantry of all junk food, thereby eliminating 90% of the temptation you felt.

This can be applied to your finances.

Call your bank and setup an automatic savings transfer that will draft out of your account every time you get paid. The next time your paycheck hits your account, you will automatically have a small portion of your income going directly to your savings account. You don’t realize it’s gone, you can’t touch the money that has been transferred, and you have no temptation to spend that money on things you don’t need.

Success leaves clues.

If you have achieved success anywhere in life, you can achieve it everywhere in life if you are simply willing to look at what has worked, pick out the patterns, and apply them to all areas of your life.

5. Have Fun with the Process 

At the end of the day, life is supposed to be fun.

It isn’t supposed to be a rat race, it isn’t supposed to be a drag, it’s supposed to be fun!

So start acting like it.

Enjoy the goals that you set, enjoy the things that you pursue, enjoy every moment that you can because life is precious and it’s meant to be enjoyed.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Chris Guillebeau is the New York Times bestselling author of The $100 Startup, The Happiness of Pursuit, Born for This, and The Art of Non-Conformity.

Chris travels the world and writes for a small army of remarkable people at, or you can listen to his daily podcast, Side Hustle School, at

Favorite Success Quote

“Once in a while it really hits people that they don’t have to experience the world in the way they have been told to.” -Alan Keightley

Key Points

1. You Don’t Have to Live the Way You Are Told 

Go to school, get good grades, attend college, find a cushy job with nice benefits, buy a house, get married, have 2.5 kids, die.

That’s the script that most of us have been told to follow.

We’ve been fed a steady diet of lies and misinformation that make us believe that there is only one way to approach life, that there’s a select set of goals and ambitions that are acceptable and the rest are heresy.

Luckily for you and me… There’s more to life than what we were told growing up.

Since the inception of the internet, it’s easier now than it’s ever been in human history to create a sustainable income doing something that you love.

It’s easier than it’s ever been before to shrug off the expectations and “should’s” of society and to go about life in our own way.

You don’t have to do what anyone else tells you to do.

If you want to go to college, get a job, get married, and buy a house in the hills, then great!

If you don’t, if you want to drop out, travel the world, start an online business, and live the expat lifestyle, you can do that too.

You have the power to decide who you want to be and what you want to do.

You have the ability to decide for yourself what kind of life you want to live.

Make the most of it.

2. What One Man Can Do Another Man Can Do 

In a world that glamorizes the end result without giving so much as a second thought to the process, it’s easy to look at the successes of others and believe that their accomplishments are out of your reach.

But they were people just like you.

Grant Cardone, Gary Vaynerchuk, and yes, Chris Guillebeau are all just normal people who have done extraordinary things.

There’s nothing special about them, they didn’t have any unique advantages that you don’t have, they were just normal everyday guys who applied proven principles and tactics to achieve extraordinary results.

Whatever it is that you want to achieve in this life, it’s possible, and the first step on your path to making it happen is to acknowledge that it’s possible.

What one man can do, another man can do. If it’s been done before it can be done again.

Always remember this and always keep your head up.

3. A Side Hustle is an Asset 

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to building a side hustle is to think that a “Side Hustle” is the same thing as a part-time job.

There’s nothing wrong with freelancing or working part-time, but at the end of the day, these endeavors all require the same thing… Your time.

No matter how highly paid you become, anything that directly requires your time to make money is a part time job, not a Side Hustle.

A side hustle is an asset, it’s something that can make you money while you sleep, it’s something that you can set and forget.

It’s something that generates revenue without consuming your life.

4. Your Hustle Isn’t that Big of a Deal 

I know countless individuals who work jobs that they love.

They decide to build a side hustle, quite simply, because they want the extra cash.

After weeks of brainstorming and agonizing over potential paths they could take, they eventually collapse into a puddle of nerves and anxiety.

Not because the task ahead of them is so monumental, but because they have put their side hustle on a proverbial pedestal. They turned it into something that it wasn’t.

A side hustle is nothing more than a fun project that you work on in your spare time to generate extra revenue.

That’s it.

You don’t have to be passionate about it as long as you enjoy it.

You don’t have to make 6-figures with it (unless you want to).

You don’t have to turn it into anything of significance.

It’s just a way to make extra income doing things you like.

So don’t worry about finding your “One Thing”. Make a list of 10 different side hustles, try each one for 2-3 weeks and if you don’t like it, throw it in the garbage and start the next one.

This is an experiment, treat it as such.

5. Just Get Started 

No matter what goal you are pursuing, whether it’s to travel the world, find your dream job, or simply start a side hustle to earn an extra $2,000 a month, the first step will always be the hardest.

You will always second guess yourself, over analyze, and eventually, give up if you don’t take the first step and dive into the water head first.

Just get started.

As simple as it sounds, it’s the key to about 90% of success.

Just get started, take the first step, write the first word, buy that domain, talk to that girl, do whatever it is that you need to do to move towards your dreams.

Get started today.

Because tomorrow you will wish you had started yesterday.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Lewis Howes is a lifestyle entrepreneur, high performance business coach, author and keynote speaker. A former professional football player and two-sport All-American, he is a current USA Men’s National Handball Team athlete. Lewis hosts The School of Greatness podcast, which has received millions of downloads since it launched in 2013.

Lewis was recognized by The White House and President Obama as one of the top 100 entrepreneurs in the country under 30. He is a contributing writer for Entrepreneur and and has been featured in The New York Times, Forbes, Men’s Health, The Today Show and other major media outlets.

Favorite Success Quotes

“No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care”

Key Points

1. Show that You Care 

As men, we have a pathological need to feel important, to feel special, to feel powerful.

To fill this need, most of us walk through our lives searching for ways to make other people see how important we are.

We work ourselves to death at jobs that we hate so that we can afford to buy things we don’t need.

We stay in relationships that we should have left years ago because the person that we are dating is attractive and popular.

We live our lives for the approval and validation of others while forgetting one obvious truth.

No one cares.

Seriously… No one cares about how much money you have, how hot your girl friend is, or how many horsepower your car has.

The people in your life are struggling with plenty of trials and struggles as it is, do you really think they’re going to care that you bought a “Luxury Class” Mercedes instead of a Standard?

What people want and desperately need isn’t another person who’s caught up in their own lives.. What they need is someone who cares, someone who listens, someone who is real.

The people in your life are dying to connect, they are dying for someone who is real, they are dying for someone who genuinely cares about them and is willing to listen and be present.

If you really want to impress someone (which shouldn’t be your focus to begin with), then show them how much you care, don’t show them how much you have.

2. Vulnerability is the Key to Freedom

If you are reading this right now, then chances are good that you’ve been hurt. Some of you have been hurt so deeply and so profoundly that you have never shared your pain with another living soul.

And it sucks…

When you’ve experienced trauma and pain in your life, it’s easy to get stuck in your head, to become isolated and believe that you are alone or that no one would love you if they knew the truth.

In an effort to protect yourself and others, you put up a wall between yourself and the people that you love, closing yourself off from the people who care for you the most.

And then you let the pain sit inside of you and simmer.

Until one day, that simmer turns into a boil and you find yourself exploding in ways that you never thought possible.

Until one day, the wounds have become so deep and so painful that they change who you are.

This is the path that most men take…

Most men refuse to seek help, guidance of support in times of trauma and suffering. They think they have everything figured out and do their best to act the part.

But I’ll let you in on a little secret…. You are killing yourself and you are killing your relationships.

The past only has power over us so long as we allow it to.

When you are willing to embrace vulnerability, trust the people in your life, and open up about your deepest fears, regrets, and experiences, your whole life will change.

For Lewis, this meant opening up about the sexual abuse he experienced as a child.

For nearly 25 years, he’d kept the pain bottled inside until one day, it all came out on a basketball court and he got into a vicious fight with another player.

The encounter shocked and humbled him and made him realize that he needed to talk to someone and he needed to get help.

And so he did, he opened up to a select group of people about what had happened to him as a child and, much to his surprise, the response he received was nothing but love.

People told him that they could trust him more, that they felt more connected, and that they respected him on a deeper level because of the pain and trauma he experienced.

As time went on and he shared his truth with more and more people, he eventually arrived at a point in his life where he could share his story without feeling the pain in the same way.

Through sharing his authentic truth and being vulnerable, he healed the wounds of the past.

But what about you?

What are you holding onto that you need to let go? What pain has been keeping you back and weighing you down?

I want you to write that thing down right now and commit that before the day is over, you will find someone to talk to, even if it’s a professional.

I promise that if you are willing to take this scary leap, your life will never be the same.

3. Why Are You Doing What You’re Doing? 

One of the biggest mistakes that we as men make is that we detach our what from our why. 

We spend all of our time pursuing goals, dreams, and opportunities but we never really know why we do any of the things that we do.

We hustle and grind all day long and for what?

For most men, it’s for the paycheck or the status, but as many of you have already realized, this is never enough.

You must have a strong and deep why for what you are doing that extends beyond yourself.

If you want to live a truly extraordinary and exceptional life, then you must live your life for the greater good and not just yourself.

Find ways to serve and love and improve the lives of others and your own life will be filled with joy, and love, and opportunities that you could never imagine.

It might seem cliche and worn out, but there’s a great deal of truth to the adage that “Living is giving”.

So let me ask you… What are you giving and why?

4. Pause, Breathe, and Smile 

You can read all of the books that have ever been written on the topic of emotional control, masculinity, and mastering yourself and, unfortunately, there will still be instances where you want to explode and rip someone’s head off.

It’s just human nature.

While you cannot control the initial flood of emotions that happens in these circumstances, you can control your reaction.

When you start to feel these negative thoughts and emotions creeping into your mind and body, take a step back and notice them.

Acknowledge them and be aware of them… Don’t try to fight them.

Once you are aware of the internal dialogue and the reason for your emotional response, take 10 deep breaths and mentally detach yourself from the situation, doing your best to look at things through the lens of an objective observer.

Then, once you have regained your center, look around you and smile.

You are blessed and you have a lot to be grateful for. Smile and remember this.

5. It’s All About Finding the Balance 

In a world that seems to be driven by the “Hustle and Grind” mentality, it’s easy to lose balance and start living a life that is completely and utterly consumed by your work.

When this happens, it’s important to take a step back and regain your inner balance.

Life is seasonal.

There are times where you will need to hustle, grind, and push forward.

There are times where you need to take a step back and rest.

Learn to differentiate between the two and your entire life will transform before your eyes.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Timothy Sykes is a stock trader who turned his $10,000 Bar Mitzvah money into $4,000,000 through exposing the losing game of penny stocks. He then went on to found a community of 84,000 traders, and run a leading trading coaching program called Millionaire Trader

Favorite Success Quote

“Be patient be dedicated and realize that it’s a marathon not a sprint.”

Key Points

1. Challenges Make Life Worth Living

You will often hear personal growth gurus and “enlightened” philosophers espousing the belief that “Life is a journey not a destination.

As cliche as it sounds, anyone who has ever achieved “real” success in life knows it to be true.

Achievement is incredible. Reaching your goals is exhilarating. Finally feeling like you are “Making It” gives you a buzz that no substance can compete with.

But it doesn’t last…

Because as human beings, we have evolved to constantly seek new challenges and accelerate the old status quo.

Challenges are what make us come alive, they are what give us meaning, and they are, when it’s all said and done, what life is truly about.

You were not meant to earn a million dollars and then retire on an island in the sun.

You were meant to innovate, to find new ways to stretch yourself and progress your life.

And when you understand this… Everything changes.

You will no longer see challenges as a “Bad” thing. You will no longer view hardship as a problem.

You will realize that overcoming challenges is ultimately what will give your life meaning and purpose.

2. Money Might Make You Happy but it Won’t Keep You Happy

When you take the previous point a step further and apply is specifically to money, you will realize that the age old adage “Money can’t buy happiness”, while technically untrue, has its merits.

Money can buy happiness and pleasure.

Anyone who tells you otherwise is either lying or has never actually had any money.

Knowing that you never have to work again, knowing that you have absolute freedom, knowing that you can do what you want, when you want, with who you want will make you happy.

But it isn’t enough to keep you happy.

Eventually, you will get bored.

Regardless of how much money you have, if you are not growing and challenging yourself on a daily basis, you will eventually feel stagnant and depressed.

This is why most successful entrepreneurs who take a few years off after a big I.P.O. (thinking that they’re done for good) return to the game almost as quickly as they left it.

Money might make you happy, but it won’t keep you happy.

You need to use it to help others, explore new challenges, and push yourself to grow and evolve.

3. Stretch Yourself and Shoot for Big Goals 

When I was surfing through Quora the other day, I saw a very generic question asking “How can I make a million dollars by the time I’m 30?”

Personally, I felt that this was a ridiculous and arbitrary question.

However, when I started looking through the answers, I saw a response that caught my eye.

The most popular answer in the entire thread started out by posing a counter question, “Why are you playing so small? Why not shoot for something bigger?”

During my conversation with Timothy, he shared a very similar belief.

Over the past few years, Tim has been building schools with a charity called Pencil’s of Promise and he’s already donated in excess of $1,000,000 helping fund 30+ school builds.

However, for Tim, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

His goal is to build over 1,000 schools in the coming years… A $35,000,000 undertaking.

While we were talking about this project, he admits that this is a huge goal and that it’s entirely possible that he will never reach it.

However, it’s the thrill of having something so big to shoot for that keeps him going.

In your own life, how can you 10X your goals to push yourself and get excited?

How can you set a vision and a dream so big that you are thrilled to jump out of bed every morning and pursue it?

Remember, if you aim for the moon you may hit a stump.

But if you aim for a stump… You might miss.

4. If You Don’t Know what You Want to Do, Do Something 

We live in an age of such unprecedented opportunity and possibility that our society has succumbed to something called “Analysis by paralysis”.

Basically, people have so many freaking options to choose from that they can never choose one thing.

If you recently graduated high school or college and had only a few thousand dollars to your name, you could realistically dive into about a dozen different businesses in hundreds of different niches.

For the first time in human history, just about anyone who lives in the Western world has the ability to be and do whatever they want (if they put their minds to it).

The only problem is, most of us don’t know what we want.

So we wander aimlessly, afraid to take action and step into the unknown.

But I’m here to tell you… Just take action.

Just do something even if it’s the wrong thing.

As long as you are making moves, you can pivot and change later down the line to ensure you are making the right moves.

But if you are standing still… You’ll never get anything done and you will never achieve the success you are looking for.

5. The Game Isn’t Over Until It’s Over 

One of the most common questions and concerns that I see on the Knowledge for Men Facebook page, in my Quora feed, and even in the inquiries that are sent to my inbox is this…

Andrew, I’m [insert age]… Am I too old to start a business, meet the woman of my dreams, achieve my ideal body etc. etc.?”

The answer?

Of course not!

If you still have breath in your lungs, then you still have time to pursue your dreams.

Some of the most successful and prolific entrepreneurs didn’t get started in business until their 50’s, 60’s, and even 70’s.

Many more didn’t achieve the success that they truly wanted until a few years before their death… But they did achieve it.

The game isn’t over until it’s over.

It’s never too late to go after your dreams and do the things that you truly want to do.

And it’s never too early.

So step up and embrace this.

Go for the things that you want in life regardless of your age or experience.

If you are on this planet and you are still alive, then you’ve got time to make it count and achieve your dreams.

The only question is, will you take action or not? 

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Nate Lind is the founder of Legendary Man and Legendary Beard, an 8-figure e-commerce company that provides men with high quality beard grooming products.

Favorite Success Quote

“Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” ~Winston Churchill

Key Points

1. You Must Educate Yourself to Succeed 

No matter what your goal, ambition, or desire, the first step is always the same…

You must take massive action and educate yourself on the details of your pursuit.

If you want to build the body of your dreams, start by figuring out what the best meal plans, training programs, and supplement stacks are for your specific goals.

If you want to build a successful business, then start by educating yourself on the nuances of marketing, sales, and management.

If you want to become a master at dating and relationships, then devote time to understanding the female psyche and social dynamics.

Whatever it is that you want to achieve, it is possible… But first, you must take the time to understand it and fully educate yourself about the path to achieving your goal.

2. Embrace the Hero’s Journey 

Once you have a clear goal or vision in mind and have taken the time to educate yourself on the best way to achieve that goal, it’s time to step into your warrior and embrace the hero’s journey.

This journey will look different for everyone, but the general framework is always the same.

In your life, you will face some kind of challenge or adversity.

Maybe, like Nate, you are struggling with obesity and unhealthy eating habits.

Maybe you are struggling financially or in your career.

Or maybe your marriage is failing and your children barely know who you are.

Whatever your particular challenge might be… embrace it.

Own it, step into it, and get ready to overcome it.

Each of us has the power to overcome our biggest obstacles and live a life of joy, achievement, and fulfillment, but we must first take that big scary plunge into unknown and embrace our hero’s journey.

Accept your path, accept the adversity, and accept the consequences of the decisions that you have made in your life.

Because once you have taken full responsibility for your life, you can embark on your quest and change it.

3. Know Thyself 

Gary Vaynerchuk, one of the most prolific entrepreneurs and businessmen of the 21st century has a well-known belief that all success stems from self knowledge.

He and Nate both believe that the first step to creating real success in any area of your life, is to know with 100% certainty who you are.

You must cut the b.s., look at yourself objectively, and take an honest look at your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for growth.

When you cut through the crap and see yourself as you are not as you want to be, you have true power and the ability to go after goals that are congruent with who you are and how you operate.

Nothing is more powerful than operating from a place of strength.

And when you know yourself better than anyone else, you will know exactly what opportunities and endeavors you should pursue.

4. Get Uncomfortable 

Life doesn’t happen inside of your comfort zone.

Life doesn’t happen inside of your everyday routines.

Life doesn’t happen in the complacent, normal, everyday actions that keep us living a life of ease.

Life happens at the edge of your comfort zone.

It happens when you push yourself just a little further than you think you can go.

It happens when you get out of your old ruts and routines and embrace a new way of thinking, acting, or being.

Life begins where your comfort zone ends.

If you want to live a truly remarkable and exceptional life, then you must break free from the chains of comfort and embrace a new way of living.

You must do things that scare you, step into your fears, and conquer them.

When you can master your own desire for comfort and ease, you can master your entire life.

5. Train Your Body 

One of the simplest yet most powerful habits that you can build into your life is to regularly train and develop your body.

Your body and mind are inextricably connected and if you want to truly perform at the highest levels in your work, social, and romantic life, then you must start by optimizing your physical life.

You are no good to the rest of society if you are constantly tired, lethargic, and weak.

You cannot truly perform at the highest levels if you are overweight or physically untrained.

Therefore, your first step towards greatness in life should be to pursue greatness in your body.

Get in the gym, clean up your diet, take a cold shower, and build the body that you deserve.

I promise you won’t regret it.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Known as”The CEO Whisperer”, Cameron Herold is an entrepreneur, highly paid speaker, author, and business coach. He was responsible for taking the company 1-800 Got Junk from $2 million in annual revenue to over $106 million in annual revenue in only 6 years. He works with and coaches some of the most prolific individuals on the planet including multi-millionaires, politicians, monarchs, and Fortune 500 CEOs.

Favorite Success Quote

“You’ll never be smart enough to figure this out on your own. Your R&D should stand for be rip off and duplicate. millions of companies have already spent millions of dollars figuring out virtually every problem and every opportunity you will ever encounter. Just do what they’re doing. Instead of trying to sit down and figure it out for yourself, you already have the cheat sheets, just go ahead and use them”

Key Points

1. Always be learning always be growing 

If you want to have an exceptional life, not a good life, but an exceptional life, then you must commit to constant and never ending growth.

Cameron recently attended an event in Las Vegas with dozens of other high profile entrepreneurs including Cole Hatter, Grant Cardone, and Tai Lopez, and he noticed that every single one of the speakers was actively listening and taking notes while the other individuals were on stage.

Many of these people already had 7, 8, and even 9-figure businesses. However, despite their success, they were still attentive and engaged in the event, constantly seeking to learn something new.

And if you want to create the best life possible for yourself and your family, then you must have the same voracious appetite for knowledge.

Never ignore an opportunity to learn and improve yourself, never assume that you already know something, and never take the wisdom of other’s for granted.

2. If you can control your time you control your world 

Many people think that entrepreneurs only care about money.

And sometimes, this is true. However, most people who delve into the world of entrepreneurship do so because they understand one important thing. When you control your time, you control your world.

When you are at the beck and call of your manager, supervisor, or boss, you will never truly have control of your time. When you are dependent on active income for your livelihood, you will never truly control your time. When you give control of your financial destiny to others, you will never have control of your time.

Entrepreneurship allows you to change all of that.

Sure, entrepreneurship can be even more stressful than working for a business because everything depends on you.

But because everything depends on you, you have absolute control of your schedule and your life.

You are able to say “No” more, work on your own time, take days off when you want, and live a life that most people dream of.

It’s hard work, but it’s worth it.

If you can find a way to create a lifestyle in which you control your schedule (even if you technically work for someone else) then you have achieved one of the ultimate successes in life.

3. Being “Messed Up” Can Be Your Biggest Asset 

Most entrepreneurs are ADHD, bipolar, and suffer from some form of Tourrettes.

And guess what?

They often succeed because of these so called “disabilities”, not in spite of them.

Having severe ADHD allows you to juggle countless projects simultaneously, engage in moments of hyper focus, and constantly be bouncing from idea to idea.

Having a manic-depressive personality is what allows you to persuade people to join your team and work for you even when things aren’t going as well as you had hoped.

Tourettes, a.k.a. thinking out loud is a hallmark of some of the greatest geniuses and businessmen in all of history.

The point is, being “messed up” or “disabled” isn’t always a bad thing.

In fact, if you know how to leverage them, your disabilities can often become your biggest strengths.

4. Good Enough = Success 

So many of you reading this are being held back by your own perfectionism. You are so focused on making everything that you do perfect, that you never embrace “Good Enough” and actually get it done.

Being good creates momentum. Being perfect keeps you stagnant.

Think about Apple.

Techniologically, they are one of the most inferior companies on the market.

But because their product is good enough and they have an incredible marketing team and millions of raving fans, they are one of the most successful tech companies in the world.

Think about McDonald’s.

Their product is inferior to just about any other burger on the planet and it’s actually been linked to serious health problems. b

But because it’s “good enough” and backed by incredible marketing and culture, they continue to succeed as one of the highest grossing fast food chains in the world.

If you want to be great, focus first on being good.

Once you have achieved “good”, market the hell out of it, rinse and repeat.

5. Understand that Your Network is Your Networth 

Nothing will accelerate your results and happiness or keep you mired in mediocrity as much as your net work.

If you are surrounding yourself with grade A+ players who keep you on track and inspire you to do great things, you will find yourself breaking through to new heights and achieving goals that you never thought possible.

If the company that you keep regularly engages in low caliber behavior and holds low caliber attitudes and mindsets, you will quickly find yourself sinking further and further into a pit of failure.

Possible the most important thing that you can do on your quest for the good life is to be intentional about who you allow in your circle.

You are the average of the five people you spend your time with most.

Ask yourself, “Who are my five people and do I want to be anything like them?”

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

David Schloss is the CEO and Founder of Rampify and Convert ROI, two top level marketing and advertising agencies that have generated over $25 million in revenue for their clients.

He has been featured on CNBC, CNN Money, and the Miami Herald.

Favorite Success Quote

“Opportunities don’t happen, you create them” ~Chris Grosser

Key Points

1. All Success Comes from Mastering the “Three P’s” 

The formula for success is simple.

No really… It is.

If you want to be successful, all you need to do is master what David calls the “Three P’s”.

  1. Practice
  2. Patience
  3. Persistence

Seriously that’s it.

Whether you want to lose weight, build an amazing business, or get better with women, the formula is the same.

First, you must practice the important skills and habits required by your craft.

Whether you are practicing copywriting, certain weight lifting movements, or going on dates with beautiful women, the first step is always practice.

But practice in and of itself isn’t enough.

You must be patient and give yourself time to succeed.

You can’t expect to lose 100+ lbs. the first time you go to the gym, make $1,000,000 from your first sales letter, or immediately seduce, fall in love with, and marry the first woman you meet!

You must be patient and give yourself the time required to become a master of your craft.

And finally, you must persist.

Because here’s the thing… Even when you are diligently practicing your craft and patiently waiting for results, you are going to hit a speedbump.

You will lose a client, get dumped by a woman you love, or injure yourself in the gym… It’s inevitable.

But it’s during times of adversity where champions are made.

Because if you are willing to persist and overcome these setbacks and losses, on the other side of these adversities is success.

2. Make Your Own Opportunites 

Thomas Jefferson once said “I am a great believer in luck. And I have found that the harder I work, the more of it I have.”

This sentiment was true hundreds of years ago when our Founding Fathers fought to liberate the United States from British rule and it is true today as you prepare to pursue whatever goals you have set for yourself.

Opportunity isn’t given at random.

It’s presented to individuals who have earned it, individuals who have hustled and worked towards achieving their dreams and goals and are ready to accept the responsibility of new opportunities.

So if you want an abundance of opportunity in your life you must be willing to embrace the grind and go make your own opportunities.

3. Focus on Your Service So You Never Have to Focus on Sales 

Many entrepreneurs and business owners struggle to generate leads and close down new clients.

It seems like no matter how hard they try to grow their client Rolodex and increase their customer retention, they are constantly fighting an uphill battle to get and keep new customers.

The reason?

They are focused on their sales instead of their services.

You see, when you have services and products that blow your customers out of the water, they will naturally refer new clients to you and tell everyone they meet about your awesome work.

Think about Tony Robbins…

Each and every year he sells (literally) millions of dollars worth of online programs, high-performance coaching, and live seminar tickets.

And while he certainly uses online advertising, and email marketing in 2017, for the longest time his company operated almost exclusively through word of mouth.

In fact, the majority of his initial success (which resulted in a $400 million IPO) was a direct result of his client referral programs.

If you want to build a business that will stand the test of time, you need to master online marketing, there’s no doubt about it.

But even more important than any social media platform or native advertising tactic are the services and products that you provide.

If you can wow your customers if you can provide an experience, not just a service, and if you can go above and beyond the call of duty to serve your clients, the results will speak for themselves and you will never have to chase a client ever again.

4. Be Careful Who You Have in Your Corner 

Nothing will have a greater impact on your life and success than the people who you allow into your life.

From friends to mentors to spouses to family members, the individuals who you let into your life can make or break your happiness and success making it crucial that you are highly selective when building your social circle.

For David, his girlfriend was one of the driving factors behind his success.

She supported him and believed in his even when he didn’t believe in himself.

However, I have friends who are in the opposite boat.

Their significant others are the primary reason that they are not succeeding at high levels!

In your own life, you need to take stock of your social circle, and this includes your family and spouse.

Are they helping you or hurting you? Are they pushing you towards greatness or keeping you mired in mediocrity?

5. Make Time for What is Important 

People will often complain that they “don’t have enough time” to spend on the things that are important.

And quite frankly, this is a load of crap.

You will always have time for the things that truly matter to you, and if you don’t have time, then you can make time.

If you claim that your wife is important to you but you can’t remember the last time you went on a date with her, then you need to hire an assistant to free up your day and start taking your wife to lunch.

If you say that your health is important but you never exercise and rarely eat anything other than fast food, spend a little bit less time growing your business and start a simple workout routine with one of your friends.

Stop making excuses and start finding ways to carve out time for what really matters.

Business and money are important, there’s no doubt. However, without your health and without people to share your success with, no amount of money or fame will fill the hole in your life.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Frank Ostaseski is a Buddhist teacher and leader in contemplative end-of-life care. In 1987, he co-founded of the Zen Hospice Project and later created the Meta Institute to train professionals in compassionate, mindfulness-based care. He has lectured at Harvard Medical School, the Mayo Clinic, Wisdom.2.0 and teaches at major spiritual centers around the globe.

His work has been featured on the Bill Moyers PBS series On Our Own Terms, The Oprah Winfrey Show, and in numerous print publications. In 2001, he was honored by the Dalai Lama for his compassionate service to the dying and their families. He is the author of The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully

Favorite Success Quote

“It always seems impossible until it’s done” ~Nelson Mandela

Key Points

1. Keep Death Close at Hand 

You are going to die.

I am going to die.

Everyone that you love and hold dear is going to die.

Life is fleeting, it’s brief, and sometimes, it can feel, as Thomas Hobbes said, “Nasty Brutish and short“.

I don’t say this to scare you, but rather to wake you up to the reality of life.

Life is precious, each moment that you have is a gift, and the only way that we can truly feel this and remember the beauty of life is by remembering that it must come to an end.

Therefore, it is important to keep death close to us.

To meditate on it, to remember it, and to embrace it, not run from it, so that one day when our time finally comes to an end, we can look death in the eyes with a smile and face the final curtain knowing that we lived a life that was full and open no matter how long or short it might have been.

2. There are Only Two Things that Ultimately Matter in Life 

Frank has spent several decades of his life working in hospice with individuals who are close to death’s door. And in his experience, there are only two things that ulimately mattered to any of them.

They didn’t care about the number of horsepower in their engine, how many square feet their estate was, or how expensive their watch was.

They only cared about two things:

  1. How they loved
  2. Who loved them

At the end of their lives, when these individuals came to the end, all they really cared about was who they loved and who loved them.

They wished that they had been better fathers, husbands, sons, friends, and citizens of this world.

But for those of you reading this… It’s not too late.

None of us know how much time has been given to us or when it will run out, but we know that it will run out.

And because of this knowledge, we have the power to live more fully, to love more deeply, and to receive love on a deeper level than ever before.

3. Don’t Wait

Why is it that some people have to be diagnosed with a life-threatening disease before they take a step back and truly appreciate their lives?

Why is it that so many of us wait until the end before we ever truly live?

I want you to imagine that you walked into the Doctor’s office tomorrow and you were told that you had terminal cancer and only had a year left to live.

How would your life change?

How would you show up differently?

Would you love more? Appreciate the small things? Stop complaining about the petty distractions of life? Express gratitude for all of the abundance and joy flowing into your life?

What would you do?

Now let me ask you another question…

Why in the world do you need to wait until the end to start living like this?

Why can’t you live in the moment now? Why can’t you appreciate the small things and express gratitude now? Why can’t you open your heart to give and receive more love now?

Well, you can…

And you should.

4. Welcome Everything 

In every person’s life, they will be presented with experiences that are both “good” and “bad”, and most people run from the bad and towards the good.

This is a mistake.

Most of life’s greatest lessons and greatest experiences are on the other side of pain and suffering.

Think about it…

If you ask most parents, they will tell you that raising a child is one of the most amazing and precious things that they have ever done and yet, for childbirth to happen, the mother must endure extreme pain (at least they did prior to medical advancement) to bring that child into the world.

Or think about going to the gym. The physical and mental rewards of strenuous exercise are tremendous! From increased productivity, happiness, libido, and general satisfaction with life, training has a massively positive impact on your life.

But to reap those benefits, you must endure the agony of tearing your muscles down and literally damaging your body so that you can come back stronger.

Life is the same way.

Everything that you fear, the loss, the heartbreak, the sadness, and the pain… It all has a lesson to teach you.

But before it can teach you that lesson, you must first become fearlessly receptive.

5. Wholeness Doesn’t Mean Perfection, It Means No Part Left Out 

You, me, and everyone else in the world is imperfect.

And we often try to hide this imperfection by putting on a facade and pretending that we have it all together.

But here’s the thing…

Just like there is beauty in the impermanence of life, there is beauty in your imperfection, there is beauty in your darkness.

But you must be willing to accept it, learn from it, and seek to change it for this “dark side” to truly serve its purpose.

We are all imperfect beings living in an imperfect world, pretending otherwise is foolish.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

The most defining moments of your life will be dictated by one thing…

Your ability to stay grounded in the midst of chaos. 

When your life is spiraling out of control…when nothing is working and it feels like the universe is conspiring against you, it’s easy to fall into a dark pit. To be controlled by the fleeting emotions you’re experiencing in the present moment and make irrational decisions that can negatively affect your life.

In my own life, the times when I was not grounded…when I made a decision based on my sudden emotions and not my values…when I allowed something that happened to me, or what someone else did or said to control my reaction.

I often made the wrong decision which I later regretted.

Through all of the challenges and trials I’ve experienced, I’ve discovered that the answer to every challenge in life is to “Stay Grounded”.

And today, I’m going to teach you exactly what this means and, more importantly, how you can become a more grounded person and reclaim control of your life.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Dan Martell is a Canadian Entrepreneur and most recently, the founder of He’s an experienced Angel Investor who has invested in over 23 tech start-ups. Prior to Clarity, Dan was the co-founder of Flowtown (Acquired 11′), founder of Spheric Technologies (Acquired 08′). He has also been a mentor at 500Startups, GrowLabs &

Favorite Success Quote

“Become the person who can deal” ~Dan Martell

Key Points

1. If You Want to Be a Millionaire You Have to Handle Million Dollar Problems

Everyone wants to be a millionaire…

But the problem is that most people aren’t able to handle million dollar problems.

They want the outcome without the action. They want the reward without responsibility. 

And this approach never works.

Just take lottery winners for example.

They immediately come into a windfall of cash with millions, sometimes tens of millions of dollars, but they never did a damn thing to earn that money.

And five years after their success, studies have shown that they are often worse off than before they won.


Because their character didn’t backup their success.

You have to earn what you want. If you want to become a millionaire, then you must become the kind of person who can provide millions of dollars of value and handle millions of dollars worth of problems.

And quite frankly… Most of you reading this can’t.


So go and focus on developing yourself and becoming the type of person who can handle the challenges and can provide the requisite value to achieve your goals.

Because when you go after your goals with this mindset, success becomes all but inevitable.

2. Own It!

I’m going to let you in on a little secret here… Shit happens.

Life can be chaotic, things will not work out, businesses will fail, lovers will leave you, friends will turn on you… Shit just happens.

And I’ll let you in on another little secret… It’s ok!

Failure and frustration are an integral part of life, it’s not a question of if it will happen to you but how you will respond when it does.

If you are like most people, you will try to pin the blame on someone else, you will deny the reality of your problems, and you will avoid addressing the situation until the last possible minute.

But since you are listening to this podcast, you aren’t like most people.

And therefore, you must own your problems.

When shit happens… OWN IT.

When a business fails, a girlfriend walks out, a friend gets angry, own the problem, own your part in the problem, and figure out what you can do moving forward to ensure that it never happens again.

3. Be Grateful for All You Have 

150 years ago, if you wanted to go to Canada, you would have been forced to travel for months on end and risk death or serious injury.

Today, you can fly there in a matter of hours.

100 years ago, if you wanted the information that we give away for free on this podcast, you would have had to track down each guest individually, convince them to speak with you, and then pick their brain for an hour or more (or at the very least found one of their books).

Today… It’s only a mouse click away.

You have a lot to be grateful for.

We live in an age of unprecedented opportunity, ease, and access and 99% of the things that you take for granted on a daily basis would have dropped our ancestor’s jaws to the floor.

We don’t have to hunt… We go to the grocery store.

Most of us no longer work hard physical labor, we work at a cushy desk.

And if we want to get somewhere, we can tap a button on our phone and have our own personal chafeur show up to our home in under 10 minutes!

You have a lot to be grateful for.

So starting today, be fucking grateful!

Write down three things that you are grateful for each and every day and never lose sight of who you are and just how lucky you are to be alive in this day and age.

4. Be Yourself and Put it Out There 

If you look at the most successful entrepreneurs in 2017, from the Tim Ferriss’s to the Grant Cardone’s to the Gary Vaynerchucks, you will notice one consistent factor.

They are all completely and unapologetically themselves.

They don’t care what other people think they don’t care who they offend, they show up in the world authentically and they put it out there for others to see.

And if you want to create lasting success, you must do the same.

Be who you are.

Don’t apologize for it, and don’t ask permission for it.

Be who you are and share it with the world.

Some will love you, some will hate you, some won’t care and that’s ok.

As long as you are living authentically and sharing your gifts and talents with the world, at the end of the day you can call yourself a success.

5.Think About The Long Game 

In a society built upon instant gratification, you must be a man focused on the long game.

Don’t look at the 1-5 year impact of your decisions, instead ask yourself, “What are the ramifications of this decision 20 years from now?”

Because here’s a simple fact, 20 years from now you will arrive… The question is “Where”.

Will you arrive in style because you were patient, played the long game, learned, grew, and invested?

Or will you arrive chasing yet another shiny object because you lacked the discipline and the long term focus to make things work?

The choice is yours.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Want to learn how to be an alpha male? How to be more masculine? How to be the man you’ve always wanted to be?

Then you’re in the right place.

In this episode, I’m going to unveil the 15 habits of alpha males that you must develop to unlock your full potential as a man and live the life you’ve always wanted to live.

But let me be clear…

This article is not about becoming ‘better’ than other men, developing an ego complex, or learning how to be the alpha of a specific clique or social circle.

It’s about learning how to be an alpha male in your life. Taking full responsibility for your life, and living every day fully alive, present, and excited for the future that you are creating.

By the time you’re done, you’ll have a step-by-step guide to becoming the man you always knew you could be.

It won’t be easy. But I promise you, it will be worth it.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

What does it mean to be an alpha male? What are the alpha male traits that separate them from the beta males? How can you develop your alpha personality and eradicate the toxic beta male traits from your life?

In this episode, I’m going to set the record straight and break the false narratives of what an alpha male really is.

I’m going to teach you exactly what it means to be an alpha male by dissecting the 9 alpha male traits required to become the strongest version of yourself and live your best life.

By the time you’re done, you’ll understand the difference between alpha vs beta males and have a clear, path to becoming the alpha of your own life.

Let’s get started…

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Category:Masculinity -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Alejandro Chabán is an author, motivational speaker, certified nutrition and wellness consultant, founder and CEO of Yes You Can!®, and is one of the most popular Hispanic celebrities in the entertainment business. He has dedicated his life to sharing his experiences of battling eating disorders and obesity as a teenager, his journey from a bullied kid in school to an admired TV personality and health and wellness expert, and to helping others to transform themselves the way he did.

Favorite Success Quote

“Feel the fear and do it anyway”

Key Points

1. Turn Your Mess into Your Message 

One of the biggest mistakes that most men make is trying to hide from their past.

Men who have suffered from addiction, obesity, depression, or are convicted criminals will try and brush their checkered history under the rug and forget about it.

But when they do this, they are doing a disservice to themselves and the world.

Because the truth of the matter is that your greatest failures are your greatest assets… Your mess is your message.

Don’t discount where you came from or the adversity that you have overcome.

It is the adversity, the struggles, and the failures that make you relatable… That gives you power.

Men are dying for help…

Whether they are trying to beat an addiction to cocaine, overcome their negative self-image, or surmount a deep depression, they need help.

And the only people who are truly qualified to help are those individuals who have been in their shoes, who know what they are going through and how to fix it.

Do not deprive the world of your most powerful message because you are scared of sharing your mess.

Instead, turn your mess into your message and give yourself permission to change the world.

2. You Need to Find Intrinsic Motivation 

Why do you want to succeed?

Is it because you want to piss off your parents? Prove something to your girlfriend? Make your distant relatives proud of you?

With all due respect… F*ck that.

Creating real success is hard.

Really hard.

And on your path, you will be presented with obstacles and adversity that seem unconquerable and you will ask yourself on a daily basis “Why am I doing this?”

If your only reason for pushing forward is to make someone else happy or to prove something to someone else…. You will fail every single time.

However, if you can connect your goals to a deep intrinsic motivation, a motivation that transcends the material goals of this world, a motivation that lights you on fire…

Then no obstacle will stand in your way, no adversity will be too challenging, and no setback will prove significant in the long run.

Because when you have a strong “Why”, a deep and visceral reason for achieving success that goes beyond your desire for acclaim and financial gain… Then you become unstoppable.

3. Feel the Fear and Do it Anyways

As simple as it sounds, the number one thing holding most men back today is fear.

They are afraid of losing their comfortable jobs, afraid of ruining their current relationship, afraid of achieving success and alienating the people that they love… They are afraid.

And that’s ok.

Whenever it comes time to take a big leap in your life, whether it’s quitting a job, proposing to your girlfriend, or dropping everything on a whim to go and work with a mentor… You should be afraid.

But the key is to feel the fear and do it anyway.

Get scared…

Get terrified…

Get paralyzed by fear….

And then feel that fear, and take action regardless of your emotional state.

When you become a master of fear, you become a master of life.

So feel the fear and do it anyway.

4. Be Quick to Act and Quick to Contemplate 

If you want to achieve real success in your life, then you must start by taking immediate action on your goals and dreams.

If you want to start a business, don’t wait until you have a plan and a perfect team. Go register your LLC, buy a new website domain and get started TODAY.

If there is a woman in your life whom you are crazy about but haven’t had the courage to ask out yet, grab yourself by the balls, man up, and go ask her out to dinner.

If you are overweight and unhealthy, don’t wait until you have all of the information you need to get healthy, just clean out your pantry, take a long walk each morning, and sign up with a personal trainer.

Success loves speed.

And if you aren’t willing to take decisive action and take it now then your hopes and dreams will be hijacked by the men who will.

5. Realizing that You are Lost is the First Step to Being Found 

The first step to achieving success is realizing and accepting your current reality.

In other words, you cannot be found until you accept that you are lost.

Don’t hide from your reality… Accept it.

If you are broke, overweight, socially awkward, or off purpose… That’s ok.

Accept that things are the way they are and that you and only you have the power to change it.

Don’t look at your life through rose colored glasses.

Instead, be objective and honest about who you are and how your life looks right now, and once you have a clear picture of your current reality, commit to making a change.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Adam Braun is an American entrepreneur, best-selling author, and philanthropist. He is the Founder of Pencils of Promise, a non-profit organization that builds schools and increases access to education for children in the developing world.

He has recently founded a company called MissionU which is an alternative to higher education that is set to disrupt the industry and change the way that we view higher learning.

Favorite Success Quote

“Live not in dreams but in contemplation of a reality that is perhaps the future.” ~Rainer Rilke

Key Points

1. Say “No” More

One of the most powerful words in the English language is the word “No”.

If you learn to use this word effectively, you can add dozens of hours of productive time to your weeks, reduce your mental and emotional stressors, and eliminate the vast majority of the tasks that aren’t truly serving you.

But there’s a catch…

In order to become a master of the word “No” you must first learn to prioritize your own time, success, and happiness above anyone else’s.

It might sound selfish or egotistic, but the simple fact of the matter is that you should come first.

If you aren’t taking care of yourself by saying “no” to the things that aren’t serving you, then you are withholding your potential and your power from the world.

Think about it…

If you say “Yes” to working on a project for 3 clients even though that project will not pay you what you are worth and isn’t in alignment with your goals and values, then what’s going to happen when you are swamped with work but have a new client reach out to you with a position that would change your life?

Or imagine that you have said “Yes” to several meetings that you didn’t want to attend and that didn’t serve you in any way… You are now forced to say “No” when an opportunity presents itself that is in true alignment with your vision.

And all of these seemingly little and innocuous compromises will eventually accumulate until you are off track, off purpose, and up to your neck in things that aren’t part of your ultimate mission on this planet.

2.Learn to Delegate

Richard Branson, the (in)famous entrepreneur, author, playboy, and philanthropist was once asked to share the secret behind his numerous billion-dollar companies.

His answer was surprising…

He didn’t say anything about needing a good idea, or working hard, or having lots of capital.

No, he said that his secret was to find people who were better than he was, hire those people, and provide them with everything they needed to take his companies into the stratosphere.

If you truly want to excel at business, then you must learn to delegate.

Find people who are better than you are at a given position and give them the reigns.

Because you can’t do it alone.

And you would be a fool to try.

3. Be an Entrepreneurial Missionary, not a Mercenary 

There are two types of entrepreneurs.

Missionaries and mercenaries.

The entrepreneurial mercenary has one focus… Money.

And while money is not necessarily a bad thing (as we will discuss momentarily) you need to realize that anyone who is solely focused on wealth will likely lose motivation, tire out, and quit.

Instead, you should strive to be an entrepreneurial missionary, or, in other words, an entrepreneur whose end goal encompasses more than just a few added zeroes in your bank account.

You need to have a mission for your business, you must genuinely want to serve the world and make an impact, and believe that you are the person to do it.

Otherwise, you will spend years of your life tirelessly chasing money and success without ever making a real dent in the universe, without ever making a difference.

And the irony of all of this?

Entrepreneurs who focus on adding value and serving their world first tend to be the entrepreneurs who make the greatest profits in the long run.

So regardless of whether you own your own company or are working for someone else, do your best to ensure that every step you make and every goal you set is for a purpose and a mission greater than yourself.

The results will astonish you…

4. Money is an Avenue to Freedom

Money is a complicated beast.

It can bring about so much joy, happiness, and fulfillment, but it can also be at the heart of so much pain, agony, and suffering.

Because of the dichotomous and confusing nature of money (and the fact that few of us receive a relevant financial education), it can be easy to fall into the trap of viewing money as either “Evil” or the “End all be all” of life.

I am here to tell you… It’s neither.

Money is simply an avenue to freedom, it’s a tool, an instrument to be wielded by those who possess it.

With money, you can do some incredible things.

You can transform lives, build a lasting legacy, and create a real impact on the universe.

Without it, your options are severely limited, and your freedom is hindered.

The sooner you realize that money is a tool and that in and of itself, has no moral standing, the sooner you will be able to create real wealth for yourself that you can use to bring about a significant amount of good in the universe.

5. Set a Vision, Stick to It, and Stay Accountable 

If you want to achieve your goals and live a life of success and fulfillment, then you must set a vision, stick to it, and get massively accountable.

You see, most of you reading this right now have at least one of these three steps in order.

Maybe you have a vision, but you are constantly changing it and find yourself unable to follow through.

Maybe you have been working tirelessly towards a goal or a dream but you know in your heart that it isn’t truly congruent with your values and deepest desires.

Maybe you have surrounded yourself with people who lift you to a higher level and want you to excel… But you have no vision for which they can hold you accountable.

Whatever the case may be, if you want to excel in all areas of life and truly live a level 10/10 life, then you must set a crystal clear vision for what you want, stick to that vision, and get massive accountability from people you respect and admire.

If any one of these ingredients is missing, the whole ship will sink and your dreams will never come to fruition.

Set a vision.

Stick to your vision.

And get accountable.


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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Seth Swirsky is a best selling author, clinical psychotherapist, artists, songwriter, and creative. He is most well known for his book “21 Ways to a Happier Depression: A Creative Guide to Getting Unstuck from Anxiety, Setbacks, and Stress

Favorite Success Quote

“Every morning when I wake up, I ask myself, What is Salvador Dali going to do today?” ~Salvador Dali

“Life is in the striving, not the arriving”

Key Points

1. Be Open to Who You May Be and Regrow Your Balls 

Men in the 21st century are suffering from an identity crisis.

Not because we don’t know who we are or who we want to be, but because society and PC culture have told us that who we are is wrong.

It’s wrong for men to be men.

It’s wrong for you to have your own pursuits and passions.

It’s wrong for you to do anything other than work your fingers to the bone in pursuit of arbitrary goals that aren’t really aligned with who you are.

And let me tell you…

It’s bullshit.

You are allowed to be who you are, you are allowed to be happy, and you are allowed to do whatever you damn well please.

Many of you reading this are avid video game enthusiasts who have given up your hobby, not because it interferes with your life, but because society has told you that it makes you weak.

Many of you reading this love art and music but have relegated these pastimes to the realm of “Someday” simply because society has told you that you should focus on your work.

Many of you reading this want nothing more than to pack a backpack and go out into the great outdoors, yet society has told you to be more reasonable and do the safe thing.

But guess what?

Society is broken and it’s time for you to reclaim your masculinity, regrow your balls, and do the things that you want to do.

Life is short and precious, so stop wasting it trying to live up to societal standards that don’t serve you and your mission.

If you want something, go get it. If you want to do something, do it.

Be who you are and enjoy your life… It’s the only one you’ve got.

2. Women Want to Be Heard 

Society has tried to make us believe that women want a 6′ 2″ man with a chiseled jaw, big arms, a deep voice, and a bank account containing countless zeroes.

And once again, society is wrong.

Of course, women want an attractive, athletic, hard working man. But what they want even more is a man who makes them feel heard.

A man who doesn’t pretend to listen to them but who actually shuts the hell up and just listens!

Women don’t want a man who pretends to listen, who shuts his brain off and zones out, they want a man who truly hears them, who understands what they are saying and who genuinely cares.

Take a common example.

Your spouse or significant other comes home to a house sink full of dirty dishes and a house that looks like something out of Hoarders.

You’ve had a long day at work and, much to their chagrin, you are sitting on the couch relaxing.

Your wife starts to angrily complain about how you never clean the house or help out with the household chores.

In this moment, you have three options. You can ignore them, you can get defensive, or you can listen… Really listen.

If you choose to listen you will realize something.

Your wife, most likely, isn’t upset about the dirty house or the nasty dishes, they are upset because they don’t feel like their time and energy is being valued.

So instead of getting defensive, take a step back and listen.

Acknowledge what your wife is trying to tell you and respond accordingly.

“I hear you babe, and if I understand what you are saying, you are upset because you never feel like you have time to relax and unwind. I’m busy with work too and I understand… So why don’t we just hire a house cleaner to take care of things so that we don’t have to worry about it anymore? Would that make things easier for you?”

Do you notice how this response acknowledges your wife’s feelings and makes her feel like she has really been heard?

When you learn to apply this skill of really listening in your romantic relationships, you will find that the majority of your problems and disagreements disappear.

3. Optimize Your Environment to Optimize Your Life 

If you want to optimize your life, reduce stress and anxiety, and truly operate at peak levels of performance, then you must optimize your environment.

Plenty of “gurus” and entrepreneurs will claim that you should ignore your environment and simply hustle your way to your goals, but the truth of the matter is that your environment is stronger than your willpower.

If you are trying to quit smoking and your work at a tobacco shop, you might be able to kick the addiction… But you will be much more likely to end the habit once and for all if you are in an environment that makes it difficult for you to have that cigarette.

Similarly, if you are a ball of stress and anxiety, coming home to a messy home with violent movies playing on the television and loud noise from the neighbors keeping you up at night, your stress and anxiety will multiply.

However, if you can optimize your environment by eliminating clutter, creating a space that elicits feelings of calm and serenity, you will find that your stress and anxiety will become manageable.

Do not underestimate the power of your environment.

If you have been struggling to get motivated, beat an addiction, move on from a divorce, or any plethora of other struggles, the key might lie in changing your environment.

Whether you need to move apartments, cities, or even countries, when you can change and optimize your environment to be more conducive to your goals, you will find that your life and success starts to accelerate at an unprecedented pace.

4. Take a Break 


As men it’s easy to get trapped in hustle mode, working ourselves to death in order to achieve goals that aren’t truly aligned with our purpose.

And when your nose is constantly to the grindstone, it can be difficult to examine your life, solve problems, and enjoy the precious moments each day.

So take a break.

Step back from the laptop and just relax.

Give yourself permission to enjoy your life.

If you want to sit in front of the TV, watch a few hours of football and crash out with a beer in your hand… Do it.

If you want to play Call of Duty after a long day of work, then load up your darn Xbox, join a match, and go kill some virtual baddies.

If you want to sit in your room with a nice glass of wine and an empty canvas, then do it! Create your own masterpiece and enjoy your damn life.

Stop working so hard and start enjoying your life more.

The funny thing is, that when you start to take more breaks when you give yourself permission to relax, your brain will unwind and be better equipped to handle the adversity and challenge of your work life.

It might seem counterintuitive, but I promise, it works.

5. Know When You are Mismatched

How many times have you heard the saying “Marriage is hard work”?

A lot, right?

Have you ever taken a step back and considered that this statement might be a steaming load of crap?

What if relationships weren’t meant to be hard? What if you weren’t supposed to have an endless stream of fights and frustrations?

What if your relationships, especially your marriage… Is supposed to be easy?

Well, I am here to tell you that it is.

Yes, you will have fights in any relationship. Yes, you will have disagreements. Yes, you will have times where things are hard.

But the sum total of your interactions with your spouse or significant other should feel easy. It should flow naturally.

If you find that your relationship is requiring too much work and effort, chances are good that you are not in the right relationship.

Marriage was never meant to be this phenomenal challenge… It’s meant to be a fun relationship between two people whose goals, futures, and dreams are genuinely aligned.

If you find that your current relationship doesn’t match up to this, then you might need to take a step back and reexamine things.

Are you truly meant for each other? Are you truly matched with your current partner?

If not, it’s time to cut your losses and move on.

Life is simply too short to waste it in relationships that aren’t meant to be.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Adam Braun is an American entrepreneur, best-selling author, and philanthropist. He is the Founder of Pencils of Promise, a non-profit organization that builds schools and increases access to education for children in the developing world.

He has recently founded a company called MissionU which is an alternative to higher education that is set to disrupt the industry and change the way that we view higher learning.

Favorite Success Quote

“Live not in dreams but in contemplation of a reality that is perhaps the future.” ~Rainer Rilke

Key Points

1. Say “No” More

One of the most powerful words in the English language is the word “No”.

If you learn to use this word effectively, you can add dozens of hours of productive time to your weeks, reduce your mental and emotional stressors, and eliminate the vast majority of the tasks that aren’t truly serving you.

But there’s a catch…

In order to become a master of the word “No” you must first learn to prioritize your own time, success, and happiness above anyone else’s.

It might sound selfish or egotistic, but the simple fact of the matter is that you should come first.

If you aren’t taking care of yourself by saying “no” to the things that aren’t serving you, then you are withholding your potential and your power from the world.

Think about it…

If you say “Yes” to working on a project for 3 clients even though that project will not pay you what you are worth and isn’t in alignment with your goals and values, then what’s going to happen when you are swamped with work but have a new client reach out to you with a position that would change your life?

Or imagine that you have said “Yes” to several meetings that you didn’t want to attend and that didn’t serve you in any way… You are now forced to say “No” when an opportunity presents itself that is in true alignment with your vision.

And all of these seemingly little and innocuous compromises will eventually accumulate until you are off track, off purpose, and up to your neck in things that aren’t part of your ultimate mission on this planet.

2.Learn to Delegate

Richard Branson, the (in)famous entrepreneur, author, playboy, and philanthropist was once asked to share the secret behind his numerous billion-dollar companies.

His answer was surprising…

He didn’t say anything about needing a good idea, or working hard, or having lots of capital.

No, he said that his secret was to find people who were better than he was, hire those people, and provide them with everything they needed to take his companies into the stratosphere.

If you truly want to excel at business, then you must learn to delegate.

Find people who are better than you are at a given position and give them the reigns.

Because you can’t do it alone.

And you would be a fool to try.

3. Be an Entrepreneurial Missionary, not a Mercenary 

There are two types of entrepreneurs.

Missionaries and mercenaries.

The entrepreneurial mercenary has one focus… Money.

And while money is not necessarily a bad thing (as we will discuss momentarily) you need to realize that anyone who is solely focused on wealth will likely lose motivation, tire out, and quit.

Instead, you should strive to be an entrepreneurial missionary, or, in other words, an entrepreneur whose end goal encompasses more than just a few added zeroes in your bank account.

You need to have a mission for your business, you must genuinely want to serve the world and make an impact, and believe that you are the person to do it.

Otherwise, you will spend years of your life tirelessly chasing money and success without ever making a real dent in the universe, without ever making a difference.

And the irony of all of this?

Entrepreneurs who focus on adding value and serving their world first tend to be the entrepreneurs who make the greatest profits in the long run.

So regardless of whether you own your own company or are working for someone else, do your best to ensure that every step you make and every goal you set is for a purpose and a mission greater than yourself.

The results will astonish you…

4. Money is an Avenue to Freedom

Money is a complicated beast.

It can bring about so much joy, happiness, and fulfillment, but it can also be at the heart of so much pain, agony, and suffering.

Because of the dichotomous and confusing nature of money (and the fact that few of us receive a relevant financial education), it can be easy to fall into the trap of viewing money as either “Evil” or the “End all be all” of life.

I am here to tell you… It’s neither.

Money is simply an avenue to freedom, it’s a tool, an instrument to be wielded by those who possess it.

With money, you can do some incredible things.

You can transform lives, build a lasting legacy, and create a real impact on the universe.

Without it, your options are severely limited, and your freedom is hindered.

The sooner you realize that money is a tool and that in and of itself, has no moral standing, the sooner you will be able to create real wealth for yourself that you can use to bring about a significant amount of good in the universe.

5. Set a Vision, Stick to It, and Stay Accountable 

If you want to achieve your goals and live a life of success and fulfillment, then you must set a vision, stick to it, and get massively accountable.

You see, most of you reading this right now have at least one of these three steps in order.

Maybe you have a vision, but you are constantly changing it and find yourself unable to follow through.

Maybe you have been working tirelessly towards a goal or a dream but you know in your heart that it isn’t truly congruent with your values and deepest desires.

Maybe you have surrounded yourself with people who lift you to a higher level and want you to excel… But you have no vision for which they can hold you accountable.

Whatever the case may be, if you want to excel in all areas of life and truly live a level 10/10 life, then you must set a crystal clear vision for what you want, stick to that vision, and get massive accountability from people you respect and admire.

If any one of these ingredients is missing, the whole ship will sink and your dreams will never come to fruition.

Set a vision.

Stick to your vision.

And get accountable.


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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

After successfully launching his career at Booz-Allen & Hamilton strategy consulting firm, Krister’s father tapped him on the shoulder and asked him to move back to St. Louis to apply his knowledge and experiences to help the family business.  Ungerboeck Software had just celebrated its 12th anniversary and needed some fresh ideas and new leadership techniques.

Within 3 years, Krister had helped turn around the 14 person business and grow revenue 250%.  Over the course of the next 20 years, Krister and the capable team at Ungerboeck Software grew the company over 3,000%. The team added customers in over 50 countries served out of offices in St Louis, UK, Germany, France, Australia, Hong Kong and China.

During his time as CEO, the company won 5 consecutive Top Workplace awards and had employee turnover 50% lower than the industry average.

From 2001 – 2007, Krister moved to France and Germany to drive growth in Europe and the Middle East (EMEA).  During that period, EMEA accounted for nearly 75% of the company’s revenue growth.

In 2016, Krister executed a unique exit strategy that involved retaining 100% family ownership, while passing the torch to an exceptional non-family team that he personally recruited in 2014 and 2015.   As part of the leadership transition, he formed a Board of Directors and recruited external Directors, a new CEO and VP Finance to guide the company going forward.

Ungerboeck Software continues on to great success under non-family leadership as one of a handful of large, 100% family-owned software companies in the US.

Favorite Success Quote

“What got you here won’t get you there.”~Marshall Goldsmith

Key Points

1. What Gets You Here Won’t Get You There 

One of the most common (yet foolish) assumptions in leadership and management is that “What got me here will get me there”.

Or, in other words, what it took to get your company to $1,000,000 is the same thing that it will take to get your company to $10,000,000 or $20,000,000 or more.

But nothing could be further from the truth.

In order to growth hack, or rapidly accelerate the success of your business, you must be willing to take new approaches, create new positions, hire new managers, and even reduce your personal paycheck for a short amount of time.

Growing a company takes sacrifice.

You will have to delegate tasks you would rather do yourself, hire employees who you might believe unnecessary, and methodically remove yourself from the minutia that once demanded so much of your time.

So be prepared.

Rapid growth is achievable and it is a helluva ride.

But it is also one of the hardest things you will ever do.

2. Understand the Importance of Positive Feedback 

Many of the leaders that I know come from homes where positive reinforcements were either absent or unnecessary.

They were either the student with overbearing parents who burdened them with unachievable expectations, or they were the star football player, straight-A student, and Student Body President who knew they were killing it and didn’t need any reminders.

And when you are raised in either of these environments, you find that positive reinforcement and signs of approval and satisfaction are rare.

And since positivity was a rare commodity during childhood, these individuals tend to carry this trend with them into the board room.

This is when things start to get messy.

If you are trying to build a company, you must realize that a company is made up of individuals, many of whom will be like you. However, the vast majority of the people that you hire will come from wildly different backgrounds than your own, with wildly different needs and expectations.

And this is great! You want to be surrounded by a diverse group of minds and ideas who can attack challenges and obstacles from angles that you didn’t even know existed.

However, when you are unable to tailor your leadership style, particularly your ability to give positive reinforcement to employees, is when you will start to fail as a CEO or president.

You might not need positive affirmation, but your employees do. You might thrive on criticism and challenge, but many of your employees don’t. And you need to be aware of this.

Learning to positively reinforce underperforming employees is possibly one of the most difficult but rewarding skills that you can master.

And the sooner you can do it, the sooner you will elicit massive growth.

From your employees, your company, and best of all, yourself.

3. You’re Not That Smart

I hate to burst your bubble, but you are not that smart.

I don’t care who you are, what degree you have, or how many accolades current adorn your home dresser.

You are not that smart… Period.

I don’t mean that you have a low IQ or that you aren’t incredibly well versed in your craft, I simply mean that you are not smart enough to handle the vast demands required to grow a company to the 7, 8, or 9 figure range by yourself.

You need people in your corner who are smarter and better than you at what they do.

Sure, you might be an amazing product engineer, marketer, or leader, but can you set up all of the necessary servers in your IT department? Can you run the HR department by yourself? Can you specifically target your Facebook advertising to maximize your ROI while drastically cutting your budget?

If you can, then I want to take my hat off and applaud you… Because you are some sort of superhuman.

But if you are like the rest of us, then you will quickly realize that you cannot create massive growth by yourself.

You need people who are smarter than you, better than you, and hungrier than you who can meld into your brand and mission and help you accomplish your goals in record time.

Direct download: Krister_Ungerboeck.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Dan Clark began his career as an athlete, playing football for the Los Angeles Rams and in Europe. He later starred as Nitro on the extraordinarily popular reality television show American Gladiators. Clark then turned to acting and screenwriting. He wrote, directed, and starred in the independent film Looking for Bruce.

He recently hosted ESPN Classic’s American Gladiators marathon, and he continues to consult on the revamped American Gladiators franchise. He is the author of the memoir “Gladiator: A True Story of ‘Roids, Rage, and Redemption” and is currently authoring his next book. “Fuck Dying: How Cheating Death Kicked My Ass into Loving, Learning, and Living my Best Life”.

Direct download: Dan_Clark_Rerun.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

If you hate yourself and hate your doesn't have to stay this way. 

In today's podcast, I'm going to walk you through the exact steps you must take to rebuild yourself from the ground up and create a life you LOVE 

Direct download: I_hate_my_life_podcast.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 6:36pm EDT

Mo Gawdat is the Chief Business Officer for Google [X], a serial entrepreneur and author of “Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy

Mo has an impressive combined career of 27 years, starting at IBM Egypt as a Systems Engineer before moving to a sales role in the government sector. Venturing into the UAE, Mo joined NCR Abu Dhabi to cover the non-finance sector. He then became acquainted with the consumer goods industry as Regional Manager of BAT. At Microsoft, he assumed various roles over a span of seven and a half years, in his last role at Microsoft he headed the Communications Sector across Emerging Markets worldwide.

Favorite Success Quote

“The gravity of the battle means nothing to those at peace”

Key Points

1. The Equation for Happiness is Simple 

Happiness is not complicated.

While you might not come to this conclusion by scrolling through your social media feed, watching the latest advertisements, or even reading some of the more popular personal growth and self-help books, when you truly sit down and think objectively, you will realize that happiness is simple.

Despite marketer’s best attempts to prove otherwise, happiness isn’t contingent upon some wild, complex, equation.

In fact, the equation for happiness is almost too simple.

Happiness is equal to or greater than the events of your life minus the expectations you have for those events.

That’s it.

The equation isn’t “Happiness = Fancy Clothes + A 6-Figure Salary + An Italian Sports Car and a French Bikini Model”

It’s simply events – expectations. 

But what does this really mean?

At the most basic level, it means that your happiness in any given situation, and thus your happiness in life, is entirely dependent on the difference between what you expect from a situation and how that situation actually turns out.

So, for example, let’s say that the event in question is coming home to your wife after a long day of work.

Let’s look at how your expectations of the event will determine your happiness.

On one hand, your expectation might be that when you come home after a long day of work, your wife should be preparing dinner, opening you a cold beer, and wearing a sexy outfit that tells you she’s “in the mood”.

On the other, your expectation might simply be that your wife should be relaxing and unwinding after her long day of work and that the two of you should prepare dinner and unwind together.

While neither of these expectations are right or wrong, they can have a tremendous effect on your happiness and well being.

If you come home with the first set of expectations and your wife has already prepared dinner but left it in the oven and is now relaxing on the couch… You are going to be unhappy and angry because your expectations were not met.

However, if you come home to the exact same situation with the second set of expectations, you will not only be happy, but you will feel an abundance of love for your wife because she went above and beyond and exceeded your expectations.

So now, you might be wondering, “If the secret to happiness is to have lower expectations, shouldn’t I just stop expecting anything so that I will never be disappointed?”

Well, yes and no.

While eliminating your expectations would certainly make you happier in the short run, it proves detrimental to your well being and success in the long term.

If you have no expectations of yourself or others, then you will mistreat yourself and allow other people to walk all over you.

Therefore, the key to happiness is to first become conscious of your expectations and then consciously and intentionally craft a new set of expectations that serve you and your purpose in life.

2. We Are All Born Happy 

An often forgotten truth of life is that we were all born happy.

All of us.

We are born carefree and loving, without any hate, anger, or animosity in our hearts.

It is our society that teaches us to be unhappy, to compare ourselves to others, to hate our fellow man, and to be unfulfilled.

And once you become aware of this reality, it is your job to undo the programming that society has instilled into your brain.

Luckily, the process for “deprogramming” all of the crap in your brain is simple, however, this doesn’t mean it’s easy.

The best way to start is to pick up some sort of daily mindfulness practice whether it’s meditation, prayer, long walks in nature, or even just some sort of conscious movements like yoga or Tai Chi.

These practices allow you to detach yourself from the human experience and the brain’s programming and become more aware of how you or your “superconscious” are meant to function.

Let’s use the analogy of a new computer so that you can understand what I mean.

Whenever you get a new computer, everything runs smoothly. It functions exactly as it was designed, quickly opening applications, seamlessly running commands, and doing its job without a problem.

But over time, things start to slow down and problems start to arise.

You begin downloading new programs and applications, visiting questionable websites, and demanding more of your computer than the software and hardware were designed to handle.

And as you execute increasingly demanding operations, your computer starts to slow and malfunction and what once took 2 seconds now takes 2 minutes.

When this happens (and it almost always happen) the only way to restore its original performance is to return it to default settings and execute a complete factory reset.

In much the same way as a computer’s default setting is speed and efficiency, our brain’s default setting is happiness and contentment. But when we start installing (willingly or unwillingly) societal, religious, and familial expectations into our “operating system”, we start to get bogged down, and experience unhappiness.

And when this happens, the only way to return to our original state is a “Factory reset” which typically takes the form of meditation, affirmations, journaling, and other consciousness practices.

These practices are kind of like our brain’s “CTRL + ALT + DELETE” function and the more you can integrate them into your daily life, the smoother and faster you you will operate.

3. Your Emotional State is Determined by Your Thoughts, Not Events

One of the simplest, but most impactful, formulas that you can understand to achieve a happy life is this:

E + R = O


Event + Response = Outcome

In other words, your emotional outcome (happy, sad, angry, loving) is not determined by the events in your life, but rather by your response to the events in your life.

For example, let’s say that you are going out to meet up with a friend.

You agreed to meet at the local coffee shop around 8 a.m., but when you show up he is nowhere to be found.

You order your drink, a few minutes go by, and your friend is still absent.

At this point, you can respond in one of two ways.

First, you can assume that your friend does not respect you, get angry, and allow his tardiness to dampen your mood.

Or, you can simply assume that your friend had some sort of extenuating circumstance that stopped him from showing up on time and reframe his lateness by saying, “Great! This gives me a few minutes to read that new book I bought“, resulting in a happier and more fulfilling morning.

In these two examples, the event was exactly the same, but by changing the response to the event, you achieved two wildly different outcomes.

When you understand the far reaching applications of this formula, your life will begin to change in ways that you could never expect.

Mastering your emotional response to any circumstance gives you power over the events in your life instead of allowing those events to have power over you.

And when your internal world remains unaffected by the chaos of the outside world, you will have true power in your life, business, and relationships.

4. Learn to Differentiate Between Incessant and Effective Thoughts

As it pertains to our happiness, there are only two kinds of thoughts.

Effective thoughts and incessant thoughts.

Effective thoughts are the thoughts that move the needle forward in your life, thoughts that solve problems, achieve goals, and give you a deeper understanding of your place in the cosmos.

Incessant thoughts are the negative thoughts that do nothing to improve the quality of your life or happiness even when they are true.

In the interview, Mo shared a powerful example detailing the difference between these two thoughts during a tragic situation.

At the age of 21 years old, Mo’s son Ali died on the operating table during a routine surgery that should have been quick and simple.

Shocked and in pain, Mo was overwhelmed with a wave of thoughts and feelings that can only be comprehended by people who have experienced a similar tragedy in his life.

Over the coming weeks and months, Mo was faced with a single, pervasive and incessant thought, “I will never get to hug my son Ali again.”

However, as he continued grieving for his son, he realized something. This thought would not bring Ali back, it would not change reality, and it would not benefit humanity.

So he made a very conscious decision to change his thinking.

Instead of thinking “I will never hug my son again”, he reframed the tragedy and said, “My son is dead, now it is my duty to remember his legacy by living my life as he would have wanted and impacting the world in honor of his memory.”

And while this new thought didn’t take away the pain of losing his child, it allowed him to cope with the loss and make sense of the heart break.

Each of us is faced with the same thoughts day in and day out.

Even if we haven’t lost a loved one, we are all faced with our own “Incessant thought demons” that seek to cripple us and hold us back from living a happy life.

Whether we are constantly thinking about a mistake that we regret, a relationship that we ruined, or an opportunity that we lost, we all have incessant loops of unhelpful thoughts playing in the back of our mind.

And the biggest problem with these thoughts is that 99% of the time… They are true!

But just because something is true, does not mean that it is advantageous.

For example, if you lost the woman of your dreams because you were too focused on your work and not focused on the relationship, you might be faced with the incessant thought “I will never have her in my life again”.

Chances are, this thought is true.

But does it serve you in any way!? No!

Instead, you can choose to reframe this thought by saying “I will never have this woman in my life again, so now it is my duty to learn from my mistakes and move forward so that I can find love once more… Only this time, I will make it work.”

The moment that you can learn to eradicate incessant thoughts and replace them with intentional and effective thoughts is the moment that your life will be irrevocably changed for the better.

5. Money Doesn’t Make You Happier… Unless

Countless studies have been conducted on the correlation between money and happiness, and what they found was rather interesting.

Money only affects your happiness up to a certain point.

If you are living below the poverty line, increasing your income to a stable and livable level will drastically improve your happiness. However, going from $100,000 a year to $100,000 a month will only have a marginal impact on your happiness and mental well being.

However, once you have passed roughly $7,000 a month, increasing your income will only result in a nominal increase in your happiness.

So, for example, if you go from $100,000 a year to $250,000 a year, your happiness will not increase by any appreciable amount.

If this is true, then why is it that so many rich people seem to live better and happier lives?

Because they give so much of their money away!

Studies have found that one of the only ways money can make you happier after you have passed the $70,000/year threshold is if you are giving more of your money to charitable causes, family, friends, and organizations that you support.

For example, if you earn an extra $20,000 bonus this year and then use it to put a down payment on a new sports car, your happiness will only increase marginally and temporarily.

However, if you took that same $20,000 and paid for a vacation with some of your closest friends, your happiness would increase dramatically and the effects would last much longer.

So yes, money is important for your happiness.

If you cannot afford to put food on the table, increasing your income is one of the quickest ways to increase your happiness.

But after your basic living expenses are covered, giving your wealth away and spending it on the people you care about is the only way to leverage your money to increase your happiness.

6. Life is a Video Game and Challenges Make the Game Fun 

Life is not fair, it is not perfect, and it is not easy.

But I’ll let you in on a little secret… That’s what makes life fun!

I want you to imagine that the new Call of Duty just came out, and after months of anxiously anticipating the game’s release, you take it home and start playing.

You go through the tutorial, launch the first level, and then get ready to kill some virtual bad guys.

But there’s a problem…

There are no bad guys to kill and no challenges to overcome.

Every level is simply a linear progression where you run from the beginning to the end as quickly as you can, avoiding all signs of danger or adversity.

Does that sound like a fun game? Probably not.

And guess what? Life is nothing more than a very intense and large scale video game.

So why in the world would you want it to be easy? Why would you want a challenge and problem free life?

Just think about it for a moment.

Imagine that I came to your house tomorrow and gave you an Olympic Gold Medal.

How would you feel?

If you are anything like me, you would probably think that the medal was pretty cool, but after a few minutes of looking at it, you would quickly feel disenchanted and bored because you did nothing to earn the medal.

You’d probably sell it or leave it in your sock drawer because it has no significance in your life.

But imagine that you have been training for the Olympics since you were 12 years old.

You worked every single day for the past ten years of your life, and when you finally had the opportunity, you competed and won.

How would that medal make you feel?

I would chance a guess that the medal would have more meaning and significance to you than darn near anything else that you owned.


Because you worked for it, you suffered for it, and you endured more pain than most people are willing to endure in order to call that medal your own.

In much the same way, we gain meaning in our lives by overcoming challenges, by enduring pain, and by beating adversity.

Life isn’t meant to be easy.

It’s meant to be a challenge.

A challenge that you enjoy and have fun with, yes. But a challenge nonetheless.

7. You Don’t Find Your Purpose… It Finds You

So many people in the modern world are concerned with finding their purpose.

But they fail to realize that you don’t find your purpose, your purpose finds you.

People don’t just wake up one day and say “Hmm, I know exactly what I am meant to do and how I am going to do it”.

Instead, they find the intersection of their passions and talents and they work for years honing their skills, setting and conquering goals, and becoming better and better.

Then, when they have mastered their craft, an opportunity presents itself, often in the most unlikely manner, and all of the hard work they put in begins to make sense.

If you want to live a life of purpose, then you must first start by building your skills and growing yourself until you are ready to handle your purpose.

Typically, this means working on rather mundane skills and projects so that you can grow your capacity as a human being.

Think about the classic Karate kid movie where Mr. Miyagi had his student wax the car and paint the fence.

These tasks seemed dull, monotonous, and frustrating.

But, when the time came, and the first punch was thrown, these dull tasks that the Karate Kid had practiced suddenly made sense and he realized that he had been practicing for the purpose of learning a new skill.

Steve Jobs summarized this truth when he said

You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Mark Divine served 9 years on active duty and 11 years on reserve as a US Navy SEAL before retiring as a commander in 2011. After his decorated career in the special forces, Mark went on the found, launch US Tactical, and develop a revolutionary workout program known as SEAL Fit. He has also written multiple New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Amazon best-selling books.

Favorite Success Quote

Undisturbed calmness of mind is attained by cultivating friendliness toward the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and indifference toward the wicked.” ~Patanjali

Key Points

1. Focus On People’s Character Not their Acumen 

If you ever have the opportunity to sit down with any older businessmen or entrepreneurs and ask them the question “What was your biggest mistake”, nine times out of ten they will tell you that their biggest regret in business was trusting someone who they shouldn’t have trusted.

You see, even outside of the realm of business, it’s easy to overlook people’s character flaws because of their other resources.

I see many men fall into this trap in business, dating, and friendship.

It’s easy to ignore the obvious red flags with your new employee because they are a monster salesman and you know that they will make you a lot of money (until they end up stealing it back).

It’s easy to ignore a woman’s blatant character flaws because she’s wildly attractive and great in bed.

It’s easy to ignore your friend’s unscrupulous behavior because he’s funny, rich, and always makes sure you have a good time.

But if you want to mitigate risk and succeed at life, you must adopt a more cautious approach.

Learn to focus on people’s character and their virtues, not just their raw talent.

Because at the end of the day, it’s easier to train a virtuous man to become a good salesperson than it is to train a great salesperson to become a virtuous man.

2. Win the Morning Win the Day 

Mark attributes much of his success to the powerful morning rituals that he follows in order to get himself grounded and ready for the day.

Something that surprised me is that Mark’s routine doesn’t take several hours, one hour, or even 30-minutes. He told me that he can complete his routine in 15-minutes on average and 5 if he’s really pressed for time.

Each morning he spends a few minutes in silent meditation, then he will focus his intentions on his life vision and the daily tasks he needs to achieve to move closer to that vision, and finally, he will review the elements of his “ethos” or the guiding principles upon which he operates his life.

And that’s it.

Whatever your goals in life, you need to start your day in a powerful state to set yourself up to win the day and achieve your dreams.

Personally, I try and start most mornings by watching something inspirational, reading a few pages of a classic book, journaling, focusing on gratitude, and incorporating some sort of physical exercise.

How you develop your own morning routine will be unique to your dreams and vision, but what is important is that you have a morning routine and that it helps you get grounded and ready to go out and achieve your dreams.

3. Turn Failure Into Your Greatest Asset 

Many people believe that failure is a problem, that it’s a liability. But it’s not.

Failure is actually one of your greatest assets and closest friends… When you use it properly and learn from it.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that failure is fun or that you should try and fail. Failure sucks, there’s nothing fun about it, and nobody wants to see their dreams and ambitions fail.

But when you fail and trust me, you will fail, you have one of two options.

You can whine and bitch and complain.

Or you can dust yourself off, look at your failure objectively, and ask yourself “Ok, how can I do better next time?”

Failure is only failure if you don’t learn from it, if you don’t grow from it, and if you don’t reframe it so that you see each failure as a valuable teacher, educating you about how to achieve your dreams.

4. Realize that Your Growth is Limited by Your Shadow 

There is an old saying that “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link”. And in the realm of personal growth, you are only as strong as your darkest parts.

I see so many men today who walk through their lives trying to elicit personal growth by constantly pushing forward, suppressing the pain of the past, and ignoring the emotional trauma that has held them back.

But the harsh reality of life is that you can only grow to the extent that you are willing to address your darkness or your shadow self.

We all have a dark side, we’ve all been hurt, we all have deep wounds and pain whether we want to address them or not.

And most men choose to ignore this dark side.

They try and move on with their lives and pretend that everything is ok when, subconsciously, the pain and hurt of the past is holding them back from living the lives of their dreams.

If you want to move forward in your life, if you want to truly succeed, if you want to open up to true intimacy and love and connection, then you must face your shadow.

You must address the pain, you must conquer your darkness and learn to use it for good.

Because if you don’t, you will constantly be haunted (consciously or subconsciously) by the parts of you that you dare not bring into the light.

5. Detach from the Details of the Outcome & Focus on the Vision 

One of the biggest mistakes that many men make is that they are more concerned with the details of the outcome than the outcome itself.

For example, in the interview, Mark discussed his goal of impacting 100,000,000 lives. He told me that, while he is rigid in his vision, he has learned to be flexible in the details of achieving this outcome.

For Mark, it doesn’t matter whether he impacts 10 people who go and change a million lives or whether he impacts a million people who go on to change 10 lives. He is adamant in his vision, but he is flexible in the approach.

In your life and with your goals, you must adopt the same mentality.

Yes, you should have a strong, crystal clear vision and end game, but you must be flexible about how you achieve that vision.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Tom Bilyeu is the co-founder and President of Quest Nutrition, the second fastest growing privately owned company in the United States (currently valued at over $1 billion). He is also the founder of Impact Theory, a show dedicated to helping you achieve your limitless potential.

Favorite Success Quote

“Do and believe that which moves you towards your goals”

Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.

Key Points

1. Find That Thing That Makes You Feel Alive 

We live in an age of unprecedented freedom.

Never before in the history of the human race have there been so many options available to so many members of the general populace.

In the 21st century, our options and opportunities, like our potential, are nearly limitless.

Traveling across the globe is easier than it’s ever been, growing your brand and authority has never been so scalable, and the ability to build a wildly successful business is now open to anybody with access to the internet.

And yet…

Despite the tremendous number of resources and the almost limitless amount of opportunity circulating the modern economy, recent polls still indicate that nearly 70% of the American workforce is disengaged with their career!

How can this be?

In an era of unparalleled choices and opportunity more than two-thirds of the entire nation spends 40+ hours of their week doing something they hate!

While every individual is different and each circumstance is unique, I personally believe that the primary reason for this disconnect is simple.

People are scared.

They are scared that pursuing their dreams will be hard, they are scared that following their passions will be too difficult, and they are scared that they will fail.

But guess what?

Regardless of the path you choose to pursue, there will be challenges, there will obstacles, and there will be hardships. The struggle is an inevitable part of the human condition.

No matter what path you choose to pursue, you will face challenges and trials, you will fail, and you will probably want to quit more than just once. But, if you decide to pursue that thing that makes you come alive, the thing that lights a fire inside of you, the thing that you are willing to devote the rest of your life to…

Nothing will stop you.

2.  Tailor Your Activities to Achieve Cognitive Optimization 

Since Tom founded one of the fastest growing health and nutrition companies in the world, it should come as little surprise that one of his “Secrets to success” is methodically optimizing his cognitive performance.

No matter what goal you are pursuing, you will need to be operating at full blast in order to effectively make decisions, execute on ideas, and move the needle forward.

And the quickest way to improve your own performance is to optimize the performance of the gray matter in between your ears.

But how does one actually do this? How do you totally optimize your mind without spending thousands of dollars on supplementation, smart drugs, and crazy bio-hacking equipment?

The truth is surprisingly unsexy.

For Tom, it all starts with sleep. He is in bed every night by 9 p.m. and only wakes up whenever he feels rested and ready to attack the day. This is crucial to ensuring optimal brain performance since the majority of memory, association, and cellular repair happens while we are asleep.

After optimizing his sleep, Tom will then head to the gym every single morning, flooding his brain and body with dopamine, endorphins, and endocannabinoids and getting his mind and body into a peak state.

With his workout concluded, Tom will sit in silence to spend time “Thinkitating” which is, as Tom puts it, “Applying the afterglow of meditation to solve the greatest challenges in your life.”

Basically, after concluding a short meditation session using Mark Divine’s box breathing technique, he will sit back and consciously contemplate the greatest challenges he’s facing in his life allowing his mind and subconscious to search for an answer to the problem.

Then, with his exercise and thinkitation done, Tom hits the books and will consciously spend an hour or more each morning filling his mind with ideas from the best and brightest individuals on the planet.

Tom attributes much of his success to this “Cognitive optimization morning routine”.

It’s not complicated, it doesn’t require much equipment, and it can be done from anywhere in the world.

If you want a more detailed description of the Impact Theory Morning Routine, you can check out this article for more info.

3. Always Focus on Delivering More Value than Expected 

Imagine for a moment that you are purchasing a product and deciding between two different companies.

For the sake of the argument (and since Tom is the founder of a fitness nutrition company) let’s assume that the companies in question are selling a muscle gain supplement.

After years of research company A found a formula that helps their clients get results and they decided to follow the age-old advice “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”.

Company B, however, is never satisfied and they continue dumping thousands of dollars a month into sourcing higher quality ingredients, finding new ways to improve their formula, and delivering more value to the end customer.

Who do you think will win?

Even though Company A has a “good” product that provides real value to their customers, Company B is unwilling to settle for “good enough”.

And let me tell you, one of the biggest traps that entrepreneurs fall into is the trap of “Good enough”.

Because the second that you stop improving your product, service, or experience somebody else who is hungrier, more motivated, and more driven than you are will steal your customers and leave you in the dust.

You must constantly improve the value that you bring to the marketplace and look for new and unique ways to expand your services to help more people.

Because at the end of the day, you will be paid in direct proportion to the amount of value that you give. And if you do more than you are paid for now, you will be paid for more than you do later.

4. Email is the Greatest Thief of Productivity

While it might seem a little bit superfluous to devote an entire key point of this interview to the topic of email, I want you to consider for a moment that the average American is estimated to spend a total of 3.2 hours per day just checking work related emails (this doesn’t include personal correspondence).

That’s almost half of their work day devoted entirely to the largely pointless act of reaching inbox zero.

During our interview, Tom admitted to having over 6,000 unopened emails sitting in his inbox and told us that he will typically look at his emails only twice a week for a few minutes.

According to conventional wisdom, there’s no way that he could effectively run a successful company spending so little time devoted to email, and yet he’s the Co-founder of one of the nation’s fastest growing companies.

If you want to become truly successful at the game of business, then you must learn to focus only on profit-producing activities.

Email is not one of those.

5. You Will Never Eliminate Pride, So Use It 

While many philosophers and teachers preach the importance of eliminating pride, anyone with a basic understanding of the human condition knows that pride is an inherent part of our existence and will never be removed.

So if we cannot eliminate our pride, then what are we supposed to do?

The simple answer? Use it.

Pride and ego can actually be a phenomenal tool if they are focused on the right things.

Specifically, learning to develop immense pride around your focus on the processes, not your outcomes. 

What do I mean by this?

Well, instead of priding yourself on how smart you are (which will likely lead to careless mistakes) develop immense pride in your commitment to your education.

Instead of priding yourself on your physique, strength, or endurance (all of which can be taken away with one injury) develop immense pride in your physical work ethic and desire to improve your body.

Learn to take pride in who you are instead of what you are and you will find that pride becomes an asset instead of a liability.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Ryan Nicodemus (and his partner Joshua Fields Milburn) help over 20 million people live meaningful lives with less through their website, books, podcast, and documentary. The Minimalists have been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, Forbes, TIME, ABC, CBS, NBC, BBC, CBC, and NPR. You can connect with him and learn more at

Favorite Success Quote

It’s not a matter of being busy, so are the ants. The question is: What are you busy about?” ~Henry David Thoreau

Love people and use things because the opposite never works.

Key Points

1. Embrace the Drudgery 

Conventional wisdom states that “If you do something you love, you will never work a day in your life”. Unfortunately, as nice as the sentiment sounds, the reality is quite different.

If you want to succeed at anything in life, you are going to have to work and let me tell you, there will be times that, no matter how much you love what you do, the work will feel like endless drudgery.

I believe that a more accurate statement is, “If you love what you do, you will be able to stomach the hard work.”

Ryan loves sharing his message with millions of people across the world, but he doesn’t always love the daily grind of writing, marketing, and speaking.

I love empowering men all over the world to achieve their full potential, but I don’t always love managing employees, testing marketing campaigns, or putting out fires.

Because we love what we do, we are able to handle the drudgery.

That doesn’t make the work any more pleasant or any easier, but it does give those difficult tasks a greater sense of meaning and purpose.

This extends beyond the realm of business too. Think about dating and relationships.

Just because you are madly in love with someone doesn’t mean that the relationship will not take hard work.

There will be fights, there will be disagreements, there will be times when your partner is struggling and you need to stand by and support them. And guess what? It’s hard. But if you truly love that person, it’s also worth it.

So embrace the drudgery, realize that you will have to work and you will have to work hard.

But remember that if you are working on something you love, the drudgery will be worth every second of pain.

2. Get Clear on the Massive Action You Need to Take 

The first step to success in any endeavor is gaining clarity on what you want to achieve. The second step is gaining clarity on the actions you must take in order to manifest that dream and bring it into reality.

Knowing what you want is not enough, you must have a very clear blueprint for the specific actions you are going to take in order to achieve your end game.

Do you want to be financially independent? Great! Now, what specific actions are you willing to take in order to achieve that goal? Will you work 10-12 hours a day for the next five years? Will you devote all of your free time to your side hustle? Will you break off friendships that are dragging you down and keeping you mediocre? What are you going to do to make it happen?

Do you want to be the healthiest man possible? Great! Now, what are you going to do to bring that goal to fruition? Will you give up drinking, smoking, and drugs? Will you commit to training 5 times a week? Will you cut out sugar, gluten, and processed foods? What are you going to do to make it happen?

You see, it’s great to set goals, but most people forget that every worthwhile goal requires massive action.

And before you set out to achieve a goal, you need to have a very clear picture of what it is that you are willing to sacrifice and what actions you are willing to take in order to achieve your dreams.

3. Giving is Living 

While this might sound cliche and overplayed, the secret to living truly is giving.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun to live for yourself. It’s fun to focus on your own happiness. It’s fun to do your own thing and give a single finger salute to the world.

But how long will it fulfill you?

When you stumble home drunk for the fourth night this week, a random girl from the bar on your arm, and unlock the door to your penthouse apartment, you’re having fun. But after a while, you will find that the endless cycle of living for yourself and your needs becomes tiring, and the very things that once brought you immense joy and happiness now leave you with a profound emptiness and a voice in your head asking “Is this it?”

Life isn’t meant to be lived for yourself.

It’s meant to be a shared journey.

And if you are struggling to find fulfillment in your current life, then I want to challenge you to refocus your intentions and desires on giving back.

It doesn’t have to be a huge gesture either.

Commit to giving away $5 a day in a creative way. Do one random act of kindness a week. Volunteer at a soup kitchen a few hours each month. Do something that gets you out of your bubble and allows you to give back.

Because not only will you be contributing to the greater good, but you will also be reminding yourself of just how good your life really is. It will help you remember what is truly important and it will reframe your current struggles and put your problems into perspective.

And what’s more? It will give you a profound sense of inner peace and fulfillment.

The secret to living truly is giving.

So the only question I want to ask you is this… What are you going to give?

4. You Must Know Your Values and Beliefs 

In life, you will often be presented with difficult decisions.

You will find yourself at a crossroads where both paths seem appealing and you are unable to determine exactly which route to take.

During these times of decision, it is imperative that you have a deep understanding of what it is you truly value and what brings you the most fulfillment and joy.

To use a classic example, imagine that you are offered a promotion at work.

The promotion will more than double your salary but it will also take you away from your family and children and will require you to travel 3 weeks out of the month.

What should you do?

The answer depends on your values.

Do you value financial independence and leaving a legacy? If so, then the best course of action might be to take the promotion, be more intentional about the time that you get to spend with your family, and use the influx of cash to create a better quality of life (and guarantee a better future) for the people you love.

Do you value your relationships and your influence over your children’s development? If so, then forget the promotion and spend your time pouring into your children and shaping their future.

There are no right or wrong answers with these types of decisions.

But every big decision is predicated on your unique value system and beliefs.

So you’d better be damn sure that you take some time to define exactly what those are before you go making life altering moves.

5. Happiness Isn’t the Purpose of Life 

Many people believe that happiness is the purpose of life.

But, as we alluded to in a previous point, this is far from the truth.

If happiness is all that we are here for, then 99% of the population should say “Fuck it!” and become a heroin addict.

Afterall, it’ll make you happy right? I mean it will make you really happy for every waking hour of your day.

But I think you and I both know that there is more to life than just feeling good.

While I don’t pretend to know what the meaning of life is, I can tell you with 100% certainty that it is not manic levels of happiness.

Life is about the journey, it’s about contribution, and it’s about living in accordance with your own unique values and beliefs.

And even though I cannot tell you what you should do in your own specific situation, I can tell you that you must have a much higher purpose and calling than happiness.

Because if happiness is your end game, then you should expect to live the majority of your life in an unfulfilling and unproductive way.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

JP Sears is an emotional healing coach, YouTuber, author, international teacher, speaker at events, world traveler, and curious student of life.  His work empowers people to live more meaningful lives. JP is the author of “How To Be Ultra Spiritual,” (Sounds True Publishing, release date of March 7th, 2017).

He is very active with his online videos where he encourages healing and growth through his humorous and entertainingly informative videos, including his hit Ultra Spiritual comedy series, which has accumulated over 100 million views.  You can learn more about JP and his work at

Favorite Success Quote

“Nothing is as it seems.”

Key Points

1. If Nothing is as It Seems, Then What Does this Mean?

While the above line might sound like something out of an esoteric spiritual text or a children’s poetry book, its implications are profound.

As human beings, we are all incredibly delusional whether we want to admit it or not.

The very chair (or whatever inanimate object is currently supporting your weight) that you sit on is comprised of 99% empty space! And yet to us, it seems solid.

And when you stop to think about it, you will begin to realize that this concept of “Nothing as it seems” is applicable in all areas of life.

Take, for example, a common goal among many men… To date a “Perfect 10”.

While most people would agree that this is a fine goal and that every man should seek to find a woman who is his own “10”, when you dive deeper into the nuances of your motivation, you might begin to realize that reality is quite different from what you thought.

For the man desiring a perfect 10, his motivations might be rooted in an early childhood trauma or feelings of deep inadequacy. He may feel that he is a “1” or a “2” and that a perfect “10” would increase his value and worth.

If this is true, then he is faced with one of three options.

He can ignore this new information and uncomfortable way of viewing his desires and continue living his life as he was before.

He can relinquish his desires and move onto more “noble” pursuits.

Or he can do the deep internal work needed to elicit change in his own sense of worth and esteem so that his desire for that perfect woman comes from a place of love, wholeness, and a desire to share a life.

But remember, this is not a judgment, this is not a call to abandon all of your self-serving goals, it’s not even a statement of absolute truth (if nothing is as it seems, then perhaps this isn’t as it seems either).

Rather it is an invitation.

An invitation to go deeper in your life, your health, and your relationships. An invitation to figure out what is really driving you, to see situations for what they really are (or at least what you perceive they really are), and an invitation to go beyond your current level of consciousness.

You owe it to yourself to dive into your life and take a more objective look at who you are and what you want.

And you might be surprised by what you find.

2. Break Out of the Comparison Trap 

One of the greatest single distractions in our modern world is the comparison trap.

And how couldn’t it be?

Each and every day, we are bombarded with images of private jets, exotic cars, scantily clad women, and juiced up “Natty’s” who make us feel inadequate and completely overwhelmed.

Is it any wonder why most of us look at our own lives and feel incredibly unfulfilled?

You see, our society does its absolute best to keep us distracted, to stop us from looking inward, and to keep us contributing to the system by setting goals that aren’t our own, buying things we don’t need, living lifestyles we can’t afford.

Because whenever we are focused on keeping up with our neighbors or looking like “That Guy” on Instagram, we will never realize that we don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on clothes, cars, and supplements to be happy. In fact, almost all true fulfillment comes from within.

So I want to challenge you to stop wasting your time looking at others and start spending more time looking at yourself.

Cut out the social media, stop looking at other people’s lives, and focus on yourself.

Spend time alone asking yourself what you really want and what would make you truly fulfilled.

Cut yourself off from the herd that mindlessly follows whatever new fad is trending on Facebook.

Build a life that is designed by you, with you, and for you.

3. The Mess Strengthens You 

Whenever we are in the midst of adversity, it’s easy to become disheartened and lose hope, to feel like there is no end in sight.

And once the adversity has passed, it’s even easier to feel shameful about the struggle that we endured.

But your messy story is what strengthens you and brings power into your life.

Think about it this way.

If someone walked down the road and said “Hey, here’s a gold 1st place Medal”, would you really want it?

Maybe, but if you’re anything like me, that medal would end up in a trash can by the side of the road.

Now I want you to imagine that you are preparing to compete in the Olympics. You’ve been training for the better part of a decade, you’ve lost sleep, injured yourself countless times, given up your social life, and all but devoted your entire life to becoming one of the best.

After a brutal and strenuous competition, you cross the finish line first, achieving victory and winning that gold medal.

How would you feel about that? 

Would you carelessly discard it in one of the city’s waste bins? I doubt it.

When you have bled and suffered for something so much, you cherish the journey, you treasure the medal, and you revel in the victory.

And this same principle is true in life.

If you aren’t struggling to achieve your goals, if you don’t have to bleed a little bit, if you don’t have any scars, then how valuable will it really feel?

The mess that you are going through, the proverbial “River of Shit” that you must swim through, that’s what makes it worthwhile, and that’s what makes your story worth telling.

So learn to feed off the mess, feel strengthened by the struggle, and revel in the pain… Because these are the things that make success worth it.

4. Feel Your Freaking Feelings

As men, we are good at thinking about things.

We think about problems, we think about solutions, we think about the future, we think about the past, and, unfortunately, we think about our feelings.

But by their very nature, our feelings are meant to be felt not analyzed and thought about.

Society has spent so much time trying to drill the dogmas that “Real men don’t cry” and “Tough guys don’t show emotion” into our head, that, as men, we have lost touch with our feelings.

We are no longer able to just feel things without assigning judgment or coming up with some sort of action plan to remedy or enhance the feeling.

And because of this disconnection, we have also become disconnected with ourselves.

We no longer know how to feel fully, we no longer remember how to simply sit in our emotions and allow the feelings of the moment to wash over us.

In order to help you reconnect with your feelings, JP recommends that you follow what he calls the “Feel Your F*cking Feelings” meditation.

During this meditation, you simply pick one sensation in your body, whether it is positive or negative, and just feel it.

Don’t think about it, don’t analyze it, don’t try and fix it… Just feel it.

If you sit down and immediately feel a cramp in your back, then just feel that sensation.

If you sit down and feel a build up of energy in your stomach, just feel it.

If you want to become “Ultra Spiritual” then you must reconnect with yourself and learn how to feel again.

5. Success is About Being Ok with Who You Are

Success, true success, doesn’t come from the amount of money in your bank account or single digit body fat or dating a Victoria’s Secret model.

True success comes from your ability to be yourself fully, completely, and unapologetically.

When you are totally comfortable with who you are, and you don’t feel the need to apologize for being you, then you are a success.

But this is easier said than done.

Because we are our own worst critics, and oftentimes, the person who want to be gets in the way of the person we were born to be.

There’s really no wisdom JP or myself can impart to make this journey easier.

Success is simple. It’s about learning to love yourself and be ok with who you are.

Getting to that point will be hard, but I promise you that it will be worth it.

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Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Ryan Blair is a serial entrepreneur who established his first company at age twenty-one and has since created and actively invested in multiple start-ups. As the CEO of ViSalus, he took the company from start-up to more than $1.6 billion in cumulative sales and was named Ernst & Young’s 2012 Entrepreneur of the Year. His first book, Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain, was a number one New York Times bestseller. He lives in Los Angeles.

Key Points

1. The First Step to Transforming Your Life is Transforming your Environment

If you are really ready to change your life, accelerate your results, and achieve your dreams, then the first step that you must take is to radically transform your environment.

There is an old saying that environment is stronger than willpower, and I believe it to be true.

If you are constantly around low ambition individuals who spend their weekends getting hammered, stoned, and watching Netflix, then how can you really expect to rise above your environment and excel at a high level?

The first step on your journey to success is to change your environment.

If your friends are bringing you down, get new friends.

If you’ve never lived outside of your small town where everyone knows one another and success is frowned upon, move the hell out of there.

Change your environment as quickly as possible, put in the work, and you will find yourself achieving at levels you previously thought impossible.

2. Go Give Back to Someone Who Has it Worse than You Do 

If you are reading this article right now, then you are blessed.

If you woke up this morning and didn’t have to wonder where your next meal would come from, then you are blessed.

If you even have the eyesight and cognitive function to comprehend this interview, then you are blessed.

And yet, despite the abundance in our everyday lives, many of us take our blessings for granted. And as a result, we whine and moan about the most trivial things, never taking responsibility and never stepping up to the plate.

It’s time to step up and step out of your own circumstances.

Go volunteer with Habitat for Humanity or some other cause that will get you around people who are less fortunate than you are. Save up for a few months and go do a volunteer trip to Haiti, then come back and complain to me about how slow your iPhone 6 is.

In our Western society, we don’t suffer from a lack of resources or a lack of opportunity. We suffer from a lack of perspective.

And the only way to get a better perspective is to get out of your current environment and go serve other people who are suffering more than you are.

So I want to challenge you to find somewhere that you can volunteer this week. Go serve food at a soup kitchen, go build homes for low-income families, go serve the homeless in downtown. Go do something that will remind you just how lucky you are.

When you return to your daily life, I would bet my last dollar that you will do so with a better attitude and a sense of gratitude.

3. Base Your Goals on the Value you Want to Offer

Something that you will find on your journey to success is that the universe has an odd habit of conspiring to help those who conspire to help others.

If you find that you are constantly unable to meet your financial goals, then chances are, your focus is almost entirely on yourself.

You think “God, I want to make $100,000 so that I can enjoy a better quality of life, nicer things, and fancier dinners.” And yet for the fourth year in a row, your company is stuck at $60,000.

I want to challenge you to think about your goals differently.

Instead of saying “How much money can I make?”

Ask yourself the question “How much money do I want to give away? And who do I want to help?”

I don’t know what it is, but when you change your goal from “I want to earn $100,000 to so I can buy my new Jaguar F-Type” to “I want to earn $200,000 so that I can give away $70,000 to build schools in Guatemala” the universe will come to your aid and present you with opportunities that seem inexplicable.

So I want to challenge you to start focusing on others.

Begin to look at money as a flow of energy that enables you to help other people and improve their quality of life.

Yes, you should have more than enough for yourself and enjoy a great quality of life. But you should also seek to give away 10X the value of what you have earned.

Adopt this attitude for 18 months, and I can promise that your life will never be the same.

4. Constantly Level Up Your Social Circle 

Jim Rohn, the father of personal development said it best “You are the average of the five people whom you associate with most.”

And while this axiom of success has likely been repeated more times than any of us care to recount, so few of you reading this will actually internalize the message.

Right now, I want you to pull out a pen and paper and take stock of your current circumstances. Everything, from your health, your finances, your fulfillment, and your relationships.

Now, I want you to pull out a separate sheet of paper and write down that same list of circumstances for your five closest friends.

If I was a gambling man, I would bet that the lists look pretty similar.

Proximity is power, and if you are serious about achieving your dreams and reaching the levels of success that you desire, then you need to constantly level up your social circle and spend time around people who are smarter, better, and more successful than you.

5. Ask for Help

As men, it’s easy to let our pride stand in the way of our fulfillment and growth.

It’s easy to say “I’m fine” and block out the outside world.

What’s difficult is to be real.

It’s difficult to be honest with the important people in your life and tell them the truth. The truth that you aren’t alright, that everything isn’t ok, and that you are feeling pretty messed up right now

It’s difficult to ask for help.

But until you are willing to hang up your ego and talk with someone else, you will never overcome the challenges standing in your way.

You must be willing to let go of your pride and speak the truth.

Because when you do, the universe will come to your aid and the people who truly care about you will help lift you up and raise you to new levels.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

MJ DeMarco is the current founder of Viperion Publishing Corp., a media company focused on online and print content distribution. He also is admin/founder for The Fastlane Forum, the webs’ leading destination forum for start-up, finance, and entrepreneurial business discussions.

He was the former start-up Founder/CEO of (1997-2007), a global ground transportation aggregator and marketplace that he successfully built and grew into a profitable multimillion dollar company, all with no money, no formal training, and with just a few employees. In 2001, he sold the company and later reacquired the company via bankruptcy reorganization. He later sold the company again in 2007 to a Phoenix-based private equity company.

He has authored two best-selling books including The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime and UNSCRIPTED: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Entrepreneurship, his most recent work about the current landscape of life, liberty, and entrepreneurship. You can connect with him and learn more at

Favorite Success Quote

If you accept conventional wisdom from conventional people living conventional lives. Can you expect to be anything other than conventional?

Key Points

1. Wake Up and See Through the Matrix 

You have been lied to.

By the government, your parents, and all of society.

I am not propagating a conspiracy theory, just sharing the facts.

From the day that you are born, you are inundated with a bullshit script that tells you to go to school, get all A’s, go to college, get a safe job, sock aside 10% of your income and invest in mutual funds, skip the lattes, blah, blah, blah….

I am here to tell you… It doesn’t freaking work!

How many multi-millionaire 65-year-olds do you know? How many wildly wealthy retirees have you met (who worked a dead-end job for the past 40 years)? And more importantly, if you have met any of these people how many were happy and fulfilled? How many were free?

The script that you were fed since childhood doesn’t work.

So it’s time to wake up and flip the script.

If you want freedom, if you want to retire, if you want to live a life that you actually enjoy, a life where you aren’t giving up 5 days of your life in exchange for 2 (a pretty shitty ROI if you ask me) then the first step is simply acknowledging that there is a problem with the script you have been fed.

Wake up, see through the matrix, and be ready to take the action required to change it.

2. The Rich Don’t Get Rich from the Script…

They get rich from preaching the script!

One of the biggest misconceptions about success is that the rich achieved their current success levels by following the script you see laid out for you.

They didn’t.

They got rich by preaching the script.

They got rich by selling you on the idea of mutual funds (which they own) and stock market investments (which they control).

They didn’t get rich investing in any of those things themselves, they got rich by selling that garbage to you.

While compiling research for his new book, MJ examined some advice being given by on the topic of long-term financial wealth.

The article in question was recommending a long-term mutual fund strategy starting as young as possible.

Then MJ decided to see how many Forbes cover models had actually followed that advice to get rich.

The results?

Zero, nada, zilch.

None of the world’s rich and powerful had eaten their own dog food or taken the medicine they were prescribing to everyone else.

Just because you see Warren Buffet or Charlie Munger providing you with an investing strategy reliant on a long term yield of 8% doesn’t mean that it’s a strategy they actually leveraged to create their own wealth.

When you are cognizant of this you will be much more wary about who you take advice from and why.

3. Learn to Provide Relative Value on a Massive Scale and You Will Become Rich 

Do you want to know the secret to becoming rich? Even the secret to getting rich quick?

Well, listen up… I am about to share it.

Provide relative value on a massive scale.

If you do this, you will become rich, and chances are, you will become rich a helluva lot quicker than you would have playing the “Get rich slow” game.

But how does one go about providing relative value?

It’s actually a lot simpler than you might think.

The first step is to identify a problem or an inefficiency in the marketplace.

If you see a problem and you have the ability to fix it, you have found your “in”.

Furthermore, if you look at an already “saturated” market and you notice that there are numerous inefficiencies in the day to day operations (customer service, fulfillment, product quality etc.) you can use this knowledge to break into an otherwise full market.

4. Happiness Comes from Autonomy Not Money 

So many people assume that more money will make them happy. That going from $20,000 to $200,000 to $2,000,000 will drastically boost your happiness and levels of fulfillment.

And yes, money matters. In fact, it matters a lot.

And to a certain extent, money will make you happy.

However, if you look at the research compiled by the leading experts in the field of psychology, after about $70,000 a year ($110,000 for those of you living in more expensive cities) increasing your income will not drastically increase happiness.

Increasing your autonomy and freedom, however, will.

Your levels of happiness are directly correlated to the amount of freedom that you have in your life.

Do you have the power to choose when you wake up? Do you have the power to choose when you work and what you work on? Do you have the power to choose who you work with?

Your end goal should be to work until the answer to all of the above questions is a resounding yes.

Because if it’s not, even $10,000,000 in the bank won’t make you happy.

5. You Only Achieve Balance Through Imbalance 

Do you want a balanced life? A life where you have the freedom to devote plenty of time to your body, your family, your wife, your kids, and your hobbies?

Great! So does everyone else.

But if you want to achieve balance, then you must first commit to several years of imbalance.

You can only achieve balance when you are willing to put in the sacrifices up front to generate the money you need to live the life you want.

It’s that simple.

No one became a millionaire working 35 hours a week, spending their mornings doing hours of meditation, and having lazy afternoons with their spouse.

They became a millionaire by working 12 hours a day 7 days a week for 2-3 years and then sitting back and reaping the rewards of those few years for the rest of their lives.

So if you want balance, commit to a period of imbalance.

The people who truly love you will weather the storm and stick with you through it all.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Brett McKay is the founder and editor-in-chief of The Art of Manliness, the largest independent men’s lifestyle magazine on the web with over 10 million monthly page views. Brett earned a degree in Letters (with a focus on Classics) from the University of Oklahoma and graduated from the University of Tulsa College of Law. He lives with Kate, his wife and AoM’s Executive Editor, and their two children in Tulsa, OK. When he’s not talking or writing about manliness, Brett enjoys barbell training and spending time outdoors.

Favorite Success Quote

“Be useful, not important.”

Key Points

1. Focus on Being a Man of Value 

We live in a society where everybody wants to be “Somebody.”

And while there is nothing inherently wrong with ambition or a drive to become successful, in our modern, ego-driven culture, this desire for fame and recognition has begun to supersede our desire to provide real value as men.

We are more worried about our status on Facebook and the number of fans we have on Instagram than the quality of the work that we are producing on a daily basis.

And it’s gotta stop.

Success is the result of doing your work and doing it with excellence. It’s the result of trying to find ways to serve others, instead of constantly serving yourself.

And the sooner that we can embrace this axiomatic truth, the sooner we will be able to live richer, healthier, and more abundant lives.

It’s not about you.

It’s about the impact you have on others and the legacy that you leave.

2. The Worst Rarely Happens 

Mark Twain is often quoted as saying

I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.

And while the quote itself might have been uttered tongue in cheek, it’s relevance to our modern lives cannot be understated.

Yes, you are going to face challenges in your life, you will face difficulty, adversity, pain, and suffering.

It’s an inevitability.

But the vast majority of your internal worries will never come to fruition.

As a society, we spend time locked inside of our heads, mentally plugging through the “What if’s” and “Oh no’s” until our blood pressure is through the roof and our anxiety levels critical.

To be an effective risk taker and leader, you must learn to discern between genuinely possible worst-case outcomes and unlikely disasters.

Yes, if you quit your job to go full time with your side hustle, it is possible that you might lose everything, go bankrupt, become homeless, and eat out of garbage cans until Elon Musk saves humanity.

But it’s not very likely.

Chances are, even the worst failure would simply require you to find a new corporate job, live at home for a while, and rebuild yourself from the ground up.

There is an element of risk in everything worth pursuing. And as a man, you must learn to cull your fear and worries and realize that despite the perceived risk, the big, scary, life-altering disaster of an outcome that you fear is unlikely at the least and downright laughable at most.

3. Toughen Your “Mental Hide” 

With the wide reach of the internet, it is all but impossible to do anything of worth without attracting negative criticism and denigration.

Keyboard warriors and airsoft commandos abound, each of them offering a different (and graphically detailed) opinion about why you suck and should immediately quit at your current endeavors.

It doesn’t matter whether you are creating products, offering information, or detailing your journey through life… If you do anything for long enough, you are going to have to haters.

So what is a man to do?

While it might be uncomfortable and difficult, there is certainly merit in accepting and responding to constructive criticism that offers genuine value to you and your brand.

However, the vast majority of the emails, comments, and posts that you will find littering your inbox and social platforms are not constructive, they are simply the result of disgruntled individuals with an abundance of time and a lack of common sense.

In these situations, you must simply learn to toughen your mental hide.

Not everyone will like you. In fact, if you do anything well enough, some people will hate you.

And that is ok.

You must learn to ignore the haters and stay focused on your dreams and mission.

When others try and knock you off course, or make wild accusations, you should learn to take it as a sign that you are doing something right.

Because it is a rare occurrence for a man offering little value to attract much attention (positive or negative).

So build your mental resilience and learn to be ok with the haters.

4. Focus on Adaptability Not Effectiveness

One of the greatest struggles for men of a high caliber is learning to embrace adaptability over effectiveness.

Yes, you should have routines and rituals built into your daily life that allow you to create and contribute at a high level, but you must remember one simple truth…

Life happens.

Things don’t always go according to plan.

People get sick, cars break down, the weather changes, you get food poisoning, and your kids get into fights at school.

When events like this happen, learning to go with the flow and adapt is paramount not only for success but also for mental well-being and stability.

You will not always be able to stick to your morning routine, you will occasionally have to sacrifice your hour of uninterrupted work time to tend to a family emergency, you won’t always be able to get to the gym… And that’s ok.

Learn to be like water.

Flow from one task and “tragedy” to the next without missing a beat and your quality of life will increase ten-fold.

5. Just Do Something 

If you are struggling in life right now, if you are on the fence if you have been wanting to get started on a dream for years but you don’t know where to start… start by doing something.


One of the immutable laws of the universe is that a body in motion will tend to stay in motion, and once you get yourself in gear and begin taking action, you will find that the remaining pieces will begin to fall into place.

Want to get in shape but you feel lost in the sea of diets, fads, and “scientifically proven” workouts? Go for a run and do 20 pushups and figure the rest out from there.

Want to start a business but don’t know how? Buy a website, write a short ebook, and start creating content and figure the rest out from there.

When you start walking, the path will be revealed.

But you must start by getting up, lacing your shoes, and taking that first step.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Mark Goblowsky is an air force veteran, career martial artist, podcaster, author, and entrepreneur. He is on a mission to help others overcome the obstacles in their life based on his own experiences.

Favorite Success Quote

“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years” ~Bill Gates

Key Points

1. Practice Your “Kung Fu”

The martial art kung fu literally translates into two words. Effort and time.

And the only things that are standing between you and your goals are these two factors.

If you can become a master of Kung Fu, a master at putting in the effort over time, you will succeed.

We all want to achieve great things, we all want a great life. We want the business, the relationships, and the body.

And you can have it! You can have it all.

But you must be willing to approach life through the lens of Kung Fu.

Put in the effort, be patient with the time, and you will succeed.

Because at the end of the day, time is going to pass whether you are doing what you love and pursuing your goals or not. So stop worrying about the outcome and get busy doing what you need to do to create the life that you want to live.

If you are willing to be patient, to stick through it when times are tough, and to trudge forward even in the face of adversity, at the end of the day, you will be successful.

No one who was truly committed to their craft, dream, or ambition for more than a decade fails. You will have failures along the way, yes. But at the end of the day, when it’s all said and done if you are willing to keep doing the work year in and year out especially when it’s hard, you will succeed.

2. If You Aren’t Happy on the Journey You Won’t Be Happy at the Destination

There is a pervasive myth in society that “One day” we will be happy.

We believe that when we finally have the six pack, the 7-figure company, the beautiful girlfriend, the house on the beach or the sports car then we will be happy.

But the truth is that happiness can be experienced right here and now.

And not only can it be experienced now, it must be experienced now.

Because if you are not happy on the journey, you will rarely find happiness at the destination.

If you cannot learn to be happy while you are building your business, you will not be happy when you sell it for $10 million.

If you cannot learn to be happy while you are training your body and building your physique, you will not be happy when you finally attain the look you’ve been longing for.

If you cannot allow yourself to be happy while you work to find the woman of your dreams, no relationship will ultimately satisfy you.

Happiness is a choice, and if you aren’t choosing to be happy along the journey, you will arrive at the destination and wonder “Is this it?”

3. Resistance Gives You Strength 

Most of you reading this want to become stronger. In all areas of your life.

But what most of you don’t realize is that strength doesn’t come from ease.

If you go to the gym every single day of your life from now until you die and all you do is push against the air, you will never get stronger, you will never build a strong body, and you will never force your muscles to grow.

To become stronger, you must push against resistance, you must struggle, you must sweat, and you must bleed.

And this doesn’t just apply to the gym.

If you want your relationship to be stronger, you will have to face resistance. You cannot have a thriving marriage and never face adversity together.

Because it is in times of struggle when love is truly born. It’s only when your marriage is facing resistance in some form or another that it is strengthened.

In your business, you will never achieve success if you stay in your comfort zone and never face resistance. Success in business mandates failures. It mandates struggles and resistance that force you to grow, adapt, and evolve with the times.

So embrace resistance, for it gives you strength.

4. Understand What is Truly Important 

When Mark’s son was a young boy, he and his mother were in a terrible hit and run car accident with a semi-truck.

His son suffered from a traumatic brain injury and now suffers from disabilities that will affect the rest of his life.

When he got the call that his son was in a coma, how do you think Mark responded?

Did he say “Gee, that really sucks… But I’ve got to finish up this project at work”

Or “Wow! I will be there later, but I just really need to close this client… They’re worth a lot of money.”

Hell no!

He dropped everything in his life and was by his son’s side 24/7 for four months.

Nothing, not his business, not his finances, not even his health got in between him and his child.

And it is in times of severe duress that we realize what is truly important.

Most of us spend our lives chasing external validation that is ultimately pointless instead of spending time on what really matters… The people that we love.

Yes, you should want to be successful.

Yes, you should want to be healthy, wealthy, and wise.

But what’s the point if the people you love aren’t there to share it with you.

Understand the importance of family, friends, and love and make that your focus in life.

Everything else is dust in the wind.

5. When Hope Disappears, So Does Action

You must always keep hope, no matter how grim the circumstance.

And by hope, I don’t mean positive thinking.

Hope is a powerful acronym that you must remember when life becomes hard.

Here and now.




If you wish to keep moving forward and succeeding in life, you must live in the here and the now, you must always look for opportunities in adversity, you must push through adversity, and maintain a constant enthusiasm for success.

When you lose hope, you lose the ability to take action.

And when you stop taking action… You wither away and die.

Never lose hope.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Sam Upton is an actor and writer known for his roles in The Lincoln Lawyer, Gone, and Stand Up Guys. He is also the director and main actor in his most recent movie, Gun.

Favorite Success Quote

“The greatest revenge is success” ~Frank Sinatra

Key Points

1. No One’s Going to Give it To You

We live in an era of entitlement.

The current generation is filled with individuals who have never had to work for anything in their lives, never had to sweat for a goal, and never had to bleed for their dreams.

When reality sets in, and they realize that life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, they panic and cry and loudly scream about how “unfair” life is.

Well here’s a little newsflash.

Life’s not fair… And no one gives a shit.

No one cares enough about you to make your dreams happen for you.

If you want something bad enough, then go and get it.

Don’t ask for permission, get off your ass and go get it.

The sweet nectar of success is reserved for those rare individuals just like you who make the definite decision to become the master of their own fate and the captain of their own destiny.

Those individuals who are, as Theodore Roosevelt put it, “Actually in the arena with their faces marred by sweat and tears and blood.”

Those are the individuals who shape the world, create great art, build massive wealth, and live a life of happiness and prosperity along the way.

What about you?

Are you going to bitch and moan and whine about how unfair life is, or are you going to accept your challenges and circumstances and make the definite decision to go out and get what’s yours?

Only you can decide.

2. Stop Giving a Fuck 

One of the greatest truths of life is this…

The fewer fucks you give, the better life you will live.

It’s that simple.

People in the 21st century simply care too much about the wrong things.

We allow the denigrating remarks of passersby’s and internet trolls to damage our self-esteem and derail our mission.

We allow the opinions of people who have done next to nothing for us to determine what path we will take and what passions we will pursue.

We allow the push and pull of society to rope us into lives that we never wanted to live surrounded by people that we’ve never liked working for a cause that we never believed in.

And there’s a simple solution to all these problems.

Stop giving a fuck.

The less time and energy you allow yourself to waste on the petty garbage and insignificant opinions, the happier you will be.

If you are on your purpose, on your mission, and on your path, if you are doing the things that are meaningful to you and waking up each day with a smile, then the rest can fade away into the background.

3. Unplug and Spend Time In Life 

We live in such a hyper-connected world that the vast majority of people no longer experience life through their own eyes, they experience it through the lens of the latest smartphone.

Instead of going out on dates and connecting with the person across from us, we waste our time Tweeting and texting and Instagramming.

Instead of spending time with our wives and children, we waste our evenings surfing social media and watching B-grade, uninspiring garbage on the internet.

We aren’t living anymore dammit!

And it’s starting to show.

Depression, loneliness, and suicide are at record highs (especially among men) and yet we continue moving through life like zombies, attached to our screens.

So let me challenge you to change that.

Put your damn phone down for an evening.

Spend real quality time with your wife and kids.

Go hang out with a friend and leave your phones at home.

Spend time by yourself with your own thoughts and no stimulation (you just might come up with some phenomenal ideas).

Learn to let go of the need for constant stimulation and I promise that your life will be better for it.

4. The Act of Doing Makes You a Success 

As men, it is easy to tie our self-worth and perception of our own success to external things.

We believe that we are only a success if we have the beautiful girl, the 7-figure business, the Lamborghini, the fame, and the body.

But the truth of the matter is that the very act of doing and pursuing our goals is what makes us a success.

If you are getting up every day, putting your nose to the grindstone and your shoulder to the wheel in pursuit of a higher vision and calling, then you are a success.

You will not become a success when you achieve some arbitrary goal or ideal, you are a success right now so long as you are in pursuit.

So long as you stay hungry, so long as you put in the work, and so long as you never give up, you can go to bed knowing that you are a success regardless of the external circusmtances in your life.

5. F*ck your Feelings and Do What’s Right 

There are only two kinds of people in the world, hedonists and stoics.

A hedonist does whatever it takes to feel good, a stoic does what is right whether it feels good or not…

And unfortunately, we live in a time that is filled to the brim with hedonists.

The vast majority of our society allow their whims, emotions, and feelings to dictate their actions instead of their dreams, visions, and moral code.

And the results have been pretty catastrophic.

If you want to break away from the herd, away from the men who, as Thoreau put it “Lead lives of quiet desperation” then you must master your emotions, thoughts, and actions and force yourself to do what is right even when you don’t feel like it.

No… Especially when you don’t feel like it.

Fuck your feelings.

No one cares how you feel or what emotions are going through your head.

You have a responsibility to do what is right regardless of your emotions.

So quit trying to feel good and start doing good.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

William H. McRaven is a former United States Navy admiral who last served as the ninth commander of the United States Special Operations Command from August 8, 2011, to August 28, 2014. Since January 2015, he has served as the chancellor of The University of Texas System.

McRaven previously served from June 13, 2008, to August 2011 as Commander, Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) and from June 2006 to March 2008 as Commander, Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR).  In addition to his duties as COMSOCEUR, he was designated as the first director of the NATO Special Operations Forces Coordination Centre (NSCC), where he was charged with enhancing the capabilities and inter-operability of all NATO Special Operations Forces.

Admiral McRaven retired from the Navy on August 28, 2014, after more than 37 years of service.

Favorite Success Quote

If by Rudyard Kipling

Key Points

1. Focus on Doing Your Duties Now 

Success in life doesn’t come from focusing on what you are going to do in the future.

It comes from focusing all of your attention on the tasks that are in front of you right now.

Yes, you should have goals, dreams, and aspirations.

However, do not allow these dreams and aspirations to rule the present moment.

Instead, focus on the now, focus on what is right in front of you, focus more on the next 24 hours and less on the next 24 years.

The quickest way to achieve success (whatever your definition of success might be) is to have a plan and then execute on that plan, day in and day out.

Do your duties now and allow tomorrow to take care of itself.

2. You Can’t Make it Alone 

Many men like to think that they are an island, they like to believe that they are the Alpha and Omega of their lives.

Until one day, they are struck by the very harsh reality that they are not.

No man, regardless of size, intelligence or other capability has ever “made it” on this planet by themselves.

We were designed for community and teamwork.

One of the fastest ways to achieve your mission, whether that is in business, in your health, or in your relationships is to surround yourself with amazing, like-minded individuals who can help support you and push you along the journey.

With a tight-knit circle of influence, you will be able to accelerate your results, find your blind spots, and receive help when you are outside of your comfort zone.

And more than that, you will have more fun!

Life is a team sport, it’s meant to be played with other people.

So eradicate the erroneous notion that real men do it alone.

Build your tribe and have a blast doing it.

3. What Are You Really Made of?

So often in our modern society, we are quick to judge others (and ourselves) on external factors like height, weight, attractiveness, financial success, and social capital.

But we forget that our worth is defined by how much heart we have, not how much money or muscle we have.

A person’s worth is defined by what’s inside.

Admiral McRaven illustrates this point perfectly in his book when he shares the story of Thomas Norris, a Navy Seal who was awarded the congressional medal of honor.

During training, nearly all of his classmates assumed that Tom would fail.

He was short, skinny, and out of shape compared to the other men.

However, Tom had a level of internal fortitude, mental strength, and heart that few men in the world display.

And his bravery was exemplified repeatedly on the battlefield, especially during the infamous rescue mission that lead to his Congressional Medal of Honor.

Like Tom, many of you might not be what comes to mind physically when people think of an “Alpha” or a “Real Man”.

But that isn’t what matters.

What are you made of?

Who are you?

What is your character like when everything goes wrong and your life is spiraling out of control?

That is what determines your worth as a man.

4. You Are Going to Fail

Read that again.

You are going to fail.

I don’t care how good you are, how smart you are, or how strong you are.

Life will kick you to the curb and beat you senseless at some point in your existence.

This isn’t a speculation.

It’s fact.

You are going to fail!

You might not face the catastrophic failures that come to mind when you hear the word, but at some point in your life, you will be faced with a situation, a business deal, a relationship, or a physical challenge that you simply cannot surmount.

So get over it.

Stop letting this fear of failure rule you and accept that failure is inevitable.

Failure is a sign of life, it is a sign that you are trying to push the envelope forward and a sign that you are growing into the man you need to be.

So get used to failing.

If you do anything of worth in this life, it is going to become a pretty common occurrence.

5. Your Bank Account Doesn’t Determine Your Success

Many men operate under the flawed ideology that the more 0’s they have in their bank accounts, the more successful they are.

This simply isn’t true.

Yes, money is important, and you should certainly strive to earn enough to enjoy your life, be comfortable, and have enough left over to share.

But it is not the end all be all to success.

Who are you? How is your character? How do you treat others? How is your marriage?

These are the things that determine a man’s success.

If you are surrounded by good friends, have a happy, loving relationship with your wife, are in good health, and positively impact the world on a regular basis, then congratulations… You have achieved success.

Direct download: William_McRaven.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Bedros Keuilian is the fitness industry’s most trusted consultant. His various fitness businesses are designed to enable trainers to maximize their earning potential with revolutionary industry techniques.

Before constructing his fitness empire, Bedros owned five fitness gyms at once. After revamping his business model with direct response marketing and sales techniques, he began earning profit margins totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars from these locations alone.

He would then go on to found Fit Body Boot Camp. As the CEO and founder of Fit Body, currently the world’s fastest growing fitness chain, Bedros practices what he preaches, implementing the same formula for success that he brings to his fitness clients worldwide. Fit Body was recently listed as one of Inc. 5000’s fastest growing businesses of 2016.

Favorite Success Quotes

“How you do anything is how you do everything”

“Circumstances do not change responsibility”

Key Points

1. Your Responsibilities Aren’t Affected by Your Circumstances

The vast majority of modern men have been castrated by a societal conditioning that tells them it’s “ok” to shirk their responsibilities. Men who allow the whims of their emotions and their day to day circumstances to dictate their actions and responses.

We see men who allow the whims of their emotions and their day to day circumstances to dictate their actions and responses.

Fathers who ignore their duties to their children, husbands who shrug off their responsibilities to their wives, and workers who simply aren’t willing to put in the work necessary to keep their clients happy.

And as a result, our society has been left scratching its head in confusion wondering “Where have all the real men gone”?

The real men are still out there… They are just harder to find.

They are the men who do not allow their feelings and problems to interfere with their duties.

The men who provide for their families, prioritize their relationships and take care of their bodies.

The men who are willing to say no to luxuries and parties now so that they can have an incredible quality of life for their family later. 

Are you one of those men?

2. Resourcefulness is the Ultimate Resource

Markets crash, businesses crumble, people die, and life happens.

So what?

The greatest breakthroughs of human history have often come in times where resources were slim and things were looking grim.

But a handful of (now) iconic individuals were willing to look at the circumstances and negative situation and see it for what it was… An opportunity.

You see, if you are resourceful enough, no circumstance or turmoil will prevent you from success.

You can always find a way to make money and create a life of happiness and freedom for yourself.

You must simply learn to look for it.

Resourcefulness is your greatest resource in the tumultuous and unpredictable world that we live in.

If you can learn to cultivate this trait in yourself and others, you will find a way to be successful.

No matter what.

3. Despite What You’ve Been Told, Work-Life Balance Is Crucial 

With the proliferation of the “Hustlers” mentality and the idea that grinding it out 24/7 365 is the only way to success, many of you are operating under the misguided belief that work-life balance is b.s.


It’s not.

Bedros found this out first hand when, after several consecutive months of high-stress projects, he snapped and suffered from multiple anxiety attacks (initially mistaking them for heart attacks).

These episodes scared Bedros into making a change and, after kicking and clawing his way through the transition, he began to ease himself out of business scenarios that he found stressful.

He cut back on his time in the office, started prioritizing his health and family again, and learned to delegate and outsource like crazy.

And now…

He’s healthier, wealthier, and happier than ever before.

Hustling your way to the top is great.

Grinding and working hard are great.

But they must be tempered by taking a step back and making time for yourself and your family.

4. The Quickest Way to Overcome Adversity is to Reframe It

Life can suck.

Things happen and circumstances outside of your control can knock you on your ass.

But the quickest way to overcome any adversity is to reframe it.

Learn to see challenges as opportunities.

Learn to see setbacks as an opportunity to grow.

Learn to see failure as education.

The more that you can reframe the difficult things in life, the easier they will become.

This will not make your problems go away… But it will make them easier to deal with.

5. All Success is Preceded by Risk 

If you want real success, you are going to have to take real risks.

End of story.

For the majority of A+ players, every big breakthrough, achievement, and milestone were preceded by even bigger risks.

For some people this meant a breakup, for others, taking out a line of credit to fund a business, and for others still, it was dropping out of college and pursuing their dreams of their own volition, without the help of mom and dad.

For Bedros, risk has come in many forms, from turning down six-figure job offers to taking out tens of thousands of dollars in credit, to leveraging his house, to purchasing a $4 million office space.

But all of these risks ended paid off in the long run.

And while you are on your own unique path to success, you must remember that you will be required to take risks and make sacrifices that are uncomfortable.

But when you do… You will have no choice but success.

And that’s where the real magic happens.

Direct download: Bedros_Keuilian.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Executive, activist, and entrepreneur, Sarah Robb O’Hagan has been described by the media as everything from “Superwoman undercover” to the “Pied Piper of Potential.” She is a high-energy combination of disruptive business leader, fitness fanatic, and cheerleading mom, and has been named one of Forbes’ “Most Powerful Women in Sports” and one of Fast Company’s “Most Creative People in Business.”

As Chief Executive Officer of the fast growing indoor cycling company Flywheel Sports, she is currently leading the transformation of the business through digital content and services. Prior to this role, Sarah became an internationally recognized re-inventor of brands, having served as global president of the $5Bn sports brand Gatorade, where she successfully led the business through a major repositioning and business turnaround, and global president of the luxury fitness company Equinox, where she reinvented the offering through a significant technology transformation.

She recently released her new book, Extreme You: Step Up. Stand Out. Kick Ass. Repeat.

Favorite Success Quote

“Without risk does not come great reward.” Sarah’s Dad

Key Points

1. Learn to Focus on What You Are Doing Now 

Tell me if this has ever happened to you before?

You are at work, hustling away on a  project that is fun and exciting, but for some reason, you cannot stop thinking about what’s happening at home with your wife or girlfriend.

Or you are out on a date with your significant other and, instead of giving them your full attention, you are answering work emails when you are supposed to be connecting and sharing a special moment.

Why the hell is it that we are always thinking about, and focused on everything except for what we are doing right now?

Happiness and success are found when you are able to be completely present in whatever you are doing.

When you are 100% focused on your work, you will be able to solve problems, pivot, and accomplish your tasks with greater speed and efficiency.

Meaning that later in the day, you have the mental bandwidth to focus in on your family and friends 100%.

The more present and focused you can be in one area, the more focus and presence you will be able to bring to the other areas of your life.

2. The Foundation of Success is Self-Care

One of the most underrated and least talked about subjects in the world of entrepreneurship is self-care.

Everyone gets so focused in on the hustle, they get so focused in on grinding it out and being “obsessed” that they forget to take care of #1.

But let me ask you a question…

How much money are you going to make if you are constantly in and out of the hospital with stress-related illnesses?

How effective will you be if you are constantly drained, lethargic, and fatigued?

How successful do you think you will really be if you are not taking care of yourself?

You won’t!

Success without self-care is unsustainable and ultimately unfulfilling.

You must learn to take care of yourself, especially your mental and physical health first and focus on your business second.

Make time every single day to get some form of exercise.

Give yourself those extra 10-15 minutes to meditate and clear your headspace.

Give yourself permission to relax at the end of a long day with a hot bath and some calm music.

If you are not taking care of yourself and your body, you will eventually burn out and fail.


3. You Cannot Take Things too Seriously 


Life is short.

So why the hell would you waste one second of your life in an unhappy or depressed state?

Have fun for God’s sake!

Learn to laugh at yourself, laugh at your work, laugh at your success, laugh at your failure, because, at the end of the day, we are all dead anyways, so we might as well enjoy the journey and have a few laughs along the way.

Life isn’t meant to be a constant stress-fest.

It’s meant to be enjoyed with people that you like, doing things that you love.

And guess what?

In every moment, you have the choice to enjoy your life, to have a great time, and to laugh through the hardships or to succumb to the pain and the suffering and allow outside circumstances to dictate your attitude.

You have a choice to enjoy life even when it’s hard.

You have a choice to let go of your ego, stop taking things so damn seriously, and enjoy the ride.

So will you?

4. Stop Going Half Way 

Because of the pressure that many millennials feel from the older generations, a large majority of the young people in Western society are making the grave mistake of building “partial bridges” for the sake of their resume.

What do I mean?

Well, think about it.

Most 18-35-year-olds will change jobs every 2-4 years.

Instead of finding something that they are really passionate about, going all the way and becoming great, they go halfway.

They hop from position to position trying to build their resume and “experience” when all that they really accomplish is becoming ok at a bunch of unrelated crap.

If you really want to become great, then you need to go all the way.

Build your bridges fully.

Commit to one skill, one position, one person and don’t back out when things get tough.

Stick it out and become an expert at your craft.

Because when you do, the rewards will be great.

5. Passion is Made Not Found 

One of the most “bass akwards” beliefs in the 21st century is that you need to find your passion.

In reality, you must make your passions.

Passions aren’t something that you find like a dollar bill on the street.

They are the result of commitment, persistence, and breakthroughs.

How many of you reading this are passionate about music?


How many of you picked up a guitar for the first time, tried to strum a C chord, sounded terrible and thought to yourself “Yes! I am passionate about this!”?

Not many.

Chances are, you picked up the guitar and you sucked for a long time.

But you stuck with it.

Maybe you wanted to impress that girl or show off that Pearl Jam song to your friends.

But for whatever reason, you stuck with it, and eventually, it became an addiction.

You loved the way that learning new songs and techniques made you feel, you loved the reaction on people’s faces when you started playing their favorite songs, and you loved the feeling of getting into flow while soloing.

And now… It’s a passion.

And that’s how most passions are born.

You don’t know what your passions are until you stick with something long enough to enjoy and understand it.

So realize that you make your passions.

And the better you become at a skill the more passionate you will be about it.

Direct download: Sarah_Robb_Ohagan.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Adam Grant has been recognized as Wharton’s top-rated teacher for five straight years, and as one of the world’s 25 most influential management thinkers and Fortune’s 40 under 40. As an organizational psychologist, he studies how we can find motivation and meaning, and lead more generous and creative lives.

Adam is the author of two New York Times bestselling books translated into 35 languages. Originals and Give and Take.

Adam received a standing ovation for his 2016 TED talk on the surprising habits of original thinkers and was voted the audience’s favorite speaker at The Nantucket Project on the success of givers and takers, which was the subject of his most recent TED talk. His speaking and consulting clients include Facebook, Google, the NBA, Merck, Goldman Sachs, Disney Pixar, Johnson & Johnson, BCG, Amex, the U.S. Army and Navy, and the World Economic Forum, where he has been honored as a Young Global Leader.

Favorite Success Quote

“The best way to succeed is to help other people succeed.”

Key Points

1. Become a Master of “Five Minute Favors”

One of the secret weapons of high performers, their proverbial “special sauce” if you will, is the five-minute favor.

These favors are simple, easy-to-do tasks that can have a huge impact on your network and future success.

One of the simplest examples is devoting 10 minutes a week to connecting at least 2 people you feel need to know each other.

This simple tactic resulted in the formation of the Beatles and Apple.

Another example is taking the extra initiative at work or in the classroom.

Simple things like providing your boss with ten easy-to-implement actions to save the office money or helping a co-worker with a project that they are behind on can drastically increase your social capital and build reciprocal kindness and goodwill.

2. Being an “Original” Is Simple

If you want to be original, the path is simple.

First, avoid the status quo.

Second, look for a new way to do things.

And third come up with a superfluous number of ideas, even bad ideas, until you find the solution for which you’re looking.

Many people seem to think that being an “Original” is a complicated process that requires psychedelic drugs, a MENSA IQ, or a real creative genius.

But the simple truth is that all non-conformists, originals, and real industry disrupters have followed the same three steps.

3. Learn to Reframe the Mundane 

One of the most immediate and impactful ways that you can increase your own levels of happiness and satisfaction is to reframe the mundane tasks in your life and find a way to enjoy them.

The simplest example is email.

How many of you spend at least an hour a day sorting through, organizing, and responding to emails?

How many of you think that one hour sucks?

I get it…

It might seem hard to reframe this seemingly sucky task into something that is genuinely meaningful and enjoyable, but just imagine if you could.

Imagine if instead of seeing your email as a drudgery, a  life-sucking task, you saw it as an opportunity.

An opportunity to touch every life with which you connect.

An opportunity to inspire love, gratitude, and empowerment in every interaction.

Because isn’t that exactly what it is?

It’s a chance for you to connect with people from all around the globe and inspire them with your attitude, your mindset, and your values.

When you approach it from this angle and with this mindset, checking your email because an empowering and exciting task because, instead of thinking “How many freaking message do I have to handle” you get to think “How many lives will I get to shape?”

4. Being an “Original” Is About Execution Not Ideation

Being an original has nothing to do with the idea.

Everyone, if they think about it long enough, can develop a “Billion dollar idea” that would change the world and disrupt entire industries.

But they never take the requisite action.

They allow their dreams, their hopes, and their ideas to wither away and die because they cannot bring themselves to execute.

They take their ideas with them to the graveyard because they were unwilling to take action on those ideas!

At the end of the day, those who truly succeed and shape the world are those who are willing to take ideas and run with them.

To take massive action in the face of uncertainty, and give their idea the chance to see the light of day.

5. Fear the Failure to Try

Many gurus and self-help proponents shame the fear of failure.

They instill a toxic belief that fearing failure is a bad thing.

But the simple truth is that you should fear failure.

In fact, it should scare the hell out of you!

But not in the way that most people imagine.

You shouldn’t fear the failure of your business, your relationship, or your bank account… you should fear your own failure to try.

At the end of the day, when you lie in your bed, weathered by time, and near the end, you will not look back in regret on the things that you tried and failed.

You will look back with regret on the times that you failed to try.

You will wonder “What if” I had asked her to marry me?

You will wonder “What if” I had started that business?

You will wonder “What if” I had embraced my truth and lived a life that was in alignment with my values and my beliefs instead of allowing my family and society to dictate my actions.

Because at the end of the day, we are all dead men.

The worst thing that can happen to you, death, is already a certainty.

So don’t fear failing to succeed.

Fear failing to try.

Direct download: Adam_Grant.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

If you're struggling with an existential crisis, this guide will help. 

I don't have all of the answers, but I've been through the ringer. 

From quitting my job to devastating breakups, to losing my father and best friend in the same month... I've been through challenges that have made me question the purpose of life and my place inside of it. 

And this is how I overcame those challenges. 

Direct download: Existential_Crisis.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Jocko Willink is a decorated retired Navy SEAL officer, author of the book Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win, and co-founder of Echelon Front, where he is a leadership instructor, speaker, and executive coach. Jocko spent 20 years in the U.S. Navy SEAL Teams, starting as an enlisted SEAL and rising through the ranks to become a SEAL officer. As commander of SEAL Team Three’s Task Unit Bruiser during the battle of Ramadi, he orchestrated SEAL operations that helped the “Ready First” Brigade of the US Army’s First Armored Division bring stability to the violent, war-torn city.

As commander of SEAL Team Three’s Task Unit Bruiser during the battle of Ramadi, he orchestrated SEAL operations that helped the “Ready First” Brigade of the US Army’s First Armored Division bring stability to the violent, war-torn city.

Task Unit Bruiser became the most highly decorated Special Operations Unit of the Iraq War. Jocko returned from Iraq to serve as Officer-in-Charge of training for all West Coast SEAL Teams. There, he spearheaded the development of leadership training and personally instructed and mentored the next generation of SEAL leaders who have continued to perform with great success on the battlefield.

During his career, Jocko was awarded the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, and numerous other personal and unit awards. In 2010, Jocko retired from the Navy and launched Echelon Front where he teaches the leadership principles he learned on the battlefield to help others lead and win. Clients include individuals, teams, companies, and organizations across a wide-range of industries and fields.

Favorite Success Quote

“Discipline equals freedom”

Key Points

1. Discipline Gives You True Freedom

If you want freedom, then forget all the crap about life hacks, smart drugs, and shortcuts.

If you want freedom, then you must cultivate extreme levels of discipline.


I don’t care if you want to do the important things.

Do them.

I don’t care if you feel like handling your responsibilities.

Handle them.

I don’t care if you want to wake up early and grind.

Just fucking rise and grind.

Discipline equals freedom.

2. You Have to Be Humble

Once you have cultivated discipline and overcome your weakness and propensity to allow your feelings in the moment to dictate your life, arrogance becomes your most dangerous enemy.

Just because you have achieved a certain level of success does not mean that you have it figured out.

The day that you think you know it all, the day that you stop trying to grow, and the day you stop learning from others…

That’s the day that you will fall and you will fall hard.

3. Take Extreme Ownership 

Whatever circumstances life has given you, it’s time to man up and own them.

Step up and take charge of the results that you are producing or failing to produce.

Take ownership of your marriage, your business, and your finances.

Sure, you can piss away your time blaming others, whining, and moaning.

But you will lose respect from the people who matter and accomplish nothing in the process.

Or, you can let go of your ego, accept responsibility, and take extreme ownership.

And when are willing to swallow your pride and take ownership of your life and success, you will cultivate respect for yourself and respect from others.

4. Detach Emotions from Your Decision-Making Process 

If you want to sabotage your success and ruin all chances of high achievement, then allow your emotions to dictate your decision making.

If you want to achieve greatly, lead effectively, and create massive success in your life, then learn to detach your emotions from important decisions.

I don’t care if you like an under-performing employee and feel bad about letting them go.

If you have done everything you can to empower them and call them forward, and they still fail… it’s time to let them go.

I don’t care if you don’t feel like getting up and doing your work for the day.

It’s time to rise and hustle.

When it comes to important decisions, you must lead with logic.

I don’t care how you feel.

Feelings don’t win wars, build businesses, or change the world.

Smart and consistent action does. 

5. Win the Mornings and Win Your Day 

If you want to have great days, then start with great mornings.

Jocko rises every morning at 4:30 a.m. and hits the gym long before distractions or other people’s agendas can start to distract him and interfere with his goals.

To achieve high levels of success, you must accomplish your most important tasks first thing every morning before the rest of the world is awake.

If you can do this, success is all but guaranteed.

Direct download: Jocko_Willink.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Isaac Lidsky “may possess the most eclectic resume in entrepreneurship” according to Inc. Magazine.

He played series regular “Weasel” on Saved by the Bell: The New Class; graduated from Harvard College at age nineteen with a degree in mathematics and computer science; graduated from Harvard Law School magna cum laude; served as a law clerk for Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg; argued more than a dozen appeals in federal court on behalf of the United States and never lost a case; started a tech company that sold for $230 million; transformed a struggling $15 million concrete subcontractor into an industry-leading $150 million construction services company in five years; and founded Hope for Vision, a nonprofit organization that funds the development of treatments and cures for blinding diseases.

Lidsky was born with Retinitis Pigmentosa, a rare degenerative disease of the retina that caused him to gradually lose his sight. Lidsky lives in Windermere, Florida with his wife, Dorothy; their triplets, Lily Louise, Phineas, and Thaddeus; and baby Clementine.

Favorite Success Quote

“Try not to become a man of success, rather become a man of value” ~Albert Einstein

Key Points

1. Make Your Own Definition of Success

Each and every day, we are bombarded by images, videos, and social diatribes about what it means to be a success.

Fancy cars overtake us in traffic, well-dressed men dating beautiful models captivate our attention, and the “Houses in the Hills” earn both our scorn and envy.

And most of us allow this societal autopilot to determine our goals, dreams, and ambitions.

We all want to make millions, sleep with beautiful women, and have a luxurious lifestyle, but we never stop to ask ourselves why.

We define our success by the world’s standards instead of our own, and as a result, most of us are angry, confused, and frustrated.

But there is another way.

You have the power to create your own definition of success.

To decide for yourself what is important and what is not.

To create your own goals based on your deepest values and desires.

Forget what society says.

Success is subjective.

If you wake up each morning, happy, fulfilled, and full of life, then you are a success.

The only question that remains for you to answer is “What is my definition of success”?

2. Your Reality is Determined by Your Choices 

If you are drawing breath and reading this paragraph right now, then chances are, you have been through the ringer.

And if you haven’t, then you might want to put on your raincoat, because there are a couple of storms on the horizon that are headed in your direction.

Struggle is an axiom of the human experience.

Everyone has challenges, problems, and setbacks.

So why is it that two people who are faced with exactly the same circumstance can create massively different results?

One simple word.


In each moment, you have the power to choose how your circumstances will affect you.

You can choose to believe that life is happening for you, that everything happens for a reason, and that you will achieve your goals and dreams.

Or you can choose to believe that life is happening to you, that people are all inherently evil and trying to hurt you, and that you are doomed to a life of failure.

The choice is yours.

But as the Knight in Indiana Jones said “Choose wisely.”

3. There is No Tomorrow 

Yesterday no longer exists.

It is nothing more than a series of mental projections that often occurred in a completely different manner than you remember.

Tomorrow has not yet arrived and never will.

All that we have is right now.

This present moment.

Take a minute to appreciate it.

Enjoy the next breath you take, feel the chair underneath you, listen to the sounds around you.

Each moment that we have is a gift, you must learn to appreciate it and be grateful for it instead of waiting for a tomorrow or “Someday” that may never come.

4. Reframe Fears as Fiction

In AA, they define fear as “False evidence appearing real”.

And truthfully, that is all that it is.

Most of the things that we worry about, lose sleep over, and allow to paralyze us will never come to fruition.

The worst case scenarios almost never happen, and when they do, they are rarely as awful as we initially imagined.

Fear is nothing but fiction.

Every fear that is holding you back and preventing you from achieving your greatness is little more than fiction.

It is a projection that your 10,000+ year old brain is creating to try and keep you safe from an imaginary fate.

Realize this.

Embrace this.

And step into your fear and take massive action.

5. Get Congruent with Your Values 

We live in a world that utterly and completely lacks integrity.

I don’t mean this in the sense that we all run around lying and breaking our promises, but rather in the sense that what we think, say, and do rarely align.

Most people think that they want to be rich, they say that they want to be well-off, and then they act like they want to be poor.

People say think that they want to be shredded and healthy, they say that they want to be in “Decent shape”, and then they act like their body is a playground to use and abuse.

People are rarely congruent and almost never in integrity with their values.

You need to realize that you cannot have your cake and eat it too.

You cannot say that you value health and well being and then abuse your body, skip the gym, and deprive yourself of sleep.

You cannot say that you value wealth and then spend every penny you make and waste hours on end in front of the television.

If you want to be successful, whatever your definition of success is, then the first step is to get in integrity with your values.

What do you want? Say it.

And once you say it, go and do it.

It’s that simple.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Nicolas Cole is a former pro World of Warcraft player turned entrepreneur.

He is writer and essayist, and a Top Writer on Quora. His work has been published in TimeForbesFortuneInc., The Huffington Post, Business Insider, and more. He is best known for writing true stories about self-development.

He recently authored the book, Confessions of a Teenage Gamer

Favorite Success Quote

“You can’t steer a stationary ship”

Key Points

1. There Are Always Lessons to Be Learned 

Few people consider video games to be a vehicle for learning powerful life and business lessons.

However, according to Nicolas, the exact same skills and strategies that made him a phenomenal World of Warcraft player were the exact same skills that translated into professional body building, entrepreneurship, and writing.

And while I am not suggesting that you go and become a professional gamer to build up your resume for the business world, you need to realize that there are life lessons to be learned in almost any endeavor.

Because the rules of success are universal.

The same laws that governed your success in the gym will govern your success in business.

The same laws that governed your success in business will govern your success with women.

Understand that there are always lessons to be learned and look for ways that you can apply seemingly disparate concepts and ideas from one area of life to achieve success in another.

2. Feel Don’t Think

If you ever watched Star Wars growing up, then you probably remember Obi Wan’s famous line to Anakin in Attack of the Clones “Feel. Don’t think.. Use your instinct.”

And while I am not training you to bring balance to the force or defeat the dark side, this same truth is applicable in our everyday, non-Jedi lives.

People, especially men, think too much.

We allow logic and egoic reasoning to dictate what we want (or what we say we want) and what goals we pursue.

But if you want to be truly happy.

If you want more joy and fulfillment in your life, and you want to live for your true purpose, then you need to feel your way through life.

When you trust your instincts instead of your head, you will be in greater alignment with your true purpose and your actual desires.

So drop the logic and just feel.

What do you really want? Who do you really want to become? And most importantly… Why?

3. Learn to Gamify Your Life

If you want to quickly achieve success in life and business, then stop taking it so damn seriously.

Relax and gamify your experience.

See your different goals and dreams as quests. And in order to achieve those quests, you need to “level up” by practicing different skills and breaking through different milestones.

When you begin to view your life and goals as a game, they start to become less of a chore, and more of an adventure.

How can you begin to gamify your life more, starting today?

4. You’ve Got to Start the Quest 

Once you have created a “quest” that you are going to pursue… You have to get started.

You cannot hope to achieve success without taking action and actually taking the first step towards your dreams.

I don’t care what this step is. It can be buying a new domain name, writing your first blog article, or launching your podcast.

Just do something.

Just get started.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step ~Lao Tzu

5. Learn to Hustle 

If you want to achieve success, then you’ve gotta hustle.

This applies to professional gaming, entrepreneurship, bodybuilding, and success with women.

You can have whatever you want, but you have to work for it.

You have to get off your butt, show up, and do the work.

If you are willing to do this day in and day out over the years, you will succeed.

It will not be all at once, but over time, as Charlie Munger said, “If you live long enough, most people will get what they deserve.”

Direct download: Nicolas_Cole.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

William Eckstrom is the President and founder of the EcSell Institute. Bill has spent his entire career in the sales arena; the first 14 years in personal production and then 13 in various sales leadership roles.

His management career began in 2000 as a District Manager for a medical equipment company and was promoted to U.S. Director of Sales in 2003. In 2004, Bill was lured away to become Senior Vice President of Business Development for a publicly traded healthcare organization. In 2008, he founded the EcSell Institute to fill a void he witnessed and personally experienced in the sales leadership

Favorite Success Quote

The constant facade of order hides the wilderness that is craving to seek out and teach us that life wasn’t created to be what we think it is. Beyond words we must experience the wilderness to be taught what otherwise cannot be known.” ~Dr. Serene Jones

Key Points

1. We Only Grow in a State of Discomfort 

We live in an age of unprecedented comfort.

Things are easier today in 2017 (or whenever you are reading this) than they have ever been before.

If we get hot, we turn up the AC. If we get bored, we open up YouTube. If we are hungry, we order a pizza.

Life is too darn easy!

And with this ease, has come a disease that is plaguing society.

The disease of stagnation.

The more comfortable you become, the less drive and ambition you have to grow, create, and build a better life for yourself.

The more comfortable you become, the easier it is to relegate your dreams, desires, and aspirations to the realm of “someday”.

Unless you are facing massive discomfort in your life, then odds are, you are slowly dying.

True growth, real, visceral growth is always predicated by discomfort.

If you are living a mediocre life and want to break free to achieve levels of success and happiness that you have been searching for for so long, then you must get uncomfortable.

It’s as simple as that.

It’s not pretty and it’s not easy… but it is the truth.

You need to actively seek out discomfort in your career, your personal growth, and your physical health.

If your job isn’t inspiring you, then find ways that you can take on new and uncomfortable responsibilities or quit.

If you are not growing as a man and becoming stronger and more grounded each and every day, then find mentors and friends inspire you to level up your game and quit playing it small.

If you are not constantly pushing the limits of your body and breaking through to new feats of strength, speed, and agility, then get your butt in the gym today and start sculpting yourself into a stronger man.

Gentlemen, if you are not growing you are dying.

It’s time to cut the crap and start living life.

And it all starts by stepping outside what is easy and embracing discomfort.

2. Focus on Yourself First

If you have ever been on an airplane, then you are well aware of the boring (and often ignored) safety briefings at the beginning of each flight.

But if you pay special attention during those briefings you will notice something interesting.

The flight attendants will always tell you that, in the event of a crash, you need to put the oxygen mask on yourself first before helping anyone around you, including your children.

And while this might sound selfish and downright barbaric to some of you, it comes with good reason.

If you black out on during the crash while trying to help someone else, then what have you accomplished?

You have likely killed yourself and sealed the other person’s fate as well.

And this lesson is applicable in all areas of life.

If you are not taking care of yourself, if you are not taking the time to grow yourself, mentally, spiritually, and professionally, then what use do you have to the rest of the world?

If you are so strung out on projects and problems that you can’t think straight and need a double shot of espresso and a line of cocaine just to function, do you really think that you will be able to be the man that you woman needs you to be? That your family needs you to be? That your friends need you to be?


Absolute selflessness is the ultimate selfishness.

It is only by taking care of yourself first that you can truly serve others.

If you want to truly serve your team, your loved ones, and your friends, then start by serving yourself.

Take time in solitude each day to meditate and be alone with your thoughts.

Take care of your health.

Take whatever time and resources are necessary to ensure that you can show up fully charged and alive.

Because when you are can unleash yourself on the world with power and energy, that’s when you can serve others and make the biggest impact.

3. Life Happens for You Not to You

Each and every day you have a choice.

You can choose to believe that the circumstances and the events in your life are happening to you.

Or you can choose to believe that they are happening for you.

When you believe that life happens to you, you disempower yourself, rob your life of meaning and purpose, and will get lost in the downward spiral of negativity.

But when you can expand your mind and embrace the belief that life is happening for you, you will begin to see lessons and opportunities where previously, there were only obstacles.

If Bill hadn’t been fired from his job, I would not be writing this article and would not have had the pleasure of interviewing him.

If I hadn’t quit corporate and endured the pain of sleeping on my brother’s couch and going broke to build this business, then I wouldn’t have been privileged to have the business and the impact that I have today.

Whatever situation you are facing in your life, whatever struggle you don’t believe you can overcome, choose to reframe it and see it as a gift from the universe.

See your pain as an opportunity to grow and become the man that you need to be so that you can truly achieve greatness when the time comes.

4.Realize that the Journey Never Ends

As you are reading or listening to this talk about discomfort, many of you might be thinking “When does this end? When can I sit back and relax and just enjoy all the comforts and ease life has to offer?”

The honest answer?

When you are dead.

You see, life is a journey.

And while you are on that journey, you are either growing or dying.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, how accomplished you are, or how much you have achieved, in every moment you can either choose growth or death.

If you look at the statistics you will see that a large number of retirees die shortly after they leave their jobs, businesses, and careers behind.

And this isn’t because of old age.

It’s because they were no longer growing. Because they no longer had a deeper purpose driving their lives.

So yes, you can embrace comfort and just coast through life.

Just be prepared for decades of unfulfilling drudgery and overwhelming emptiness.

However, if you are listening to this podcast, if you are actively seeking out information that will help you grow to become the man you were born to be, then I would guess that you have no interest in coasting.

And if this is true, then you need to embrace discomfort.

Embrace the fact that until the day you die, you will never arrive, you will never be done, and the journey will never end.

Life is nothing more than a continual set of problems for which you are tasked to find the solution.

If you do it right, these problems will grow in size and magnitude as you grow.

But they will never end.

Embrace the journey and get excited about discomfort.

5. Focus on Your Passions 

There has never been a time in human history where it was easier or more important to find and follow your passion.

With the power of the internet, you have the opportunity and the responsibility to find what you love and unleash it on the world.

It’s time to start living your life and stop living someone else’s.

Find what you love doing and go do that!

Stop squandering your time pursuing dreams and goals set by other people and start doing what you were meant to do.

If you get nothing else from this interview, get this.

You are meant to do so much more than you can imagine. But to do this, you must embrace discomfort and follow your passions no matter what the cost.


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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

A 24 year veteran of the FBI, Chris Voss is one of the preeminent practitioners and professors of negotiating skills in the world. He is the founder and principal of The Black Swan Group, a consulting firm that provides training and advises Fortune 500 companies through complex negotiations.

Voss has taught for many business schools, including the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business, Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business, Harvard University, MIT’s Sloan School of Management, and Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, among others.

Favorite Success Quote

“It can’t be that hard” ~Chris Voss

Key Points

1. Just Jump in and Figure it Out 

Whatever it is that you want to do, whatever goal you want to achieve, whatever business you want to start, whatever dream you want to pursue…

Just jump in and do it.

How hard can it be?

If other men have come before you and accomplished goals of the same or similar magnitude, then why not you?

Why shouldn’t you be able to gain the knowledge, skill sets, and expertise you need to succeed?

Don’t overthink it.

Don’t waste time analyzing it.

Just jump in and figure it out.

2. Don’t Talk to Somone. Talk with Them 

One of the keys to great negotiation and communication is that you must talk with people, not just to them.

Too many people walk around running their mouths and talking to people, but they never actually take the time to slow down and listen to them.

They never talk with them to figure out who they really are and what they are saying.

If you want to immediately improve the quality of your negotiations at work, your communication in your marriage, and the quality of conversation with your friends, then start talking with people in your life.

Figure out what really makes them tick.

Delve deeply into the why behind their comments and beliefs.

Become deeply curious about them and you will find doors opening up in some huge ways.

3. Surround Yourself with the Right People

Regardless of your goals and ambitions, it is imperative that you surround yourself with the right people.

People who are smart, hard working, fun, and most importantly… people who know things that you do not.

If you are the smartest person in any room, then you are in the wrong room.

As you progress through life, seek to find rooms that make you more and more uncomfortable. Rooms that are filled with people who are so big and powerful that you are forced to pause and think “Do I really belong here?”

The more that you can surround yourself with the right people, the more quickly you will become the right person in your own life.

So ditch the negative friends and the unambitious buddies from college.

It’s time to level up your social circle and level up your life.

4. Work Hard and Have Fun

The rules of success are simple.

Work hard and have fun.

At the end of the day, if you can do those two things, then you are a success.

If you can show up, put in the effort, get your nose to the grindstone and make things happen while laughing, smiling, and enjoying yourself, then you have achieved success.

To live a fulfilling and rich life, you must work hard.

But you must also have fun while doing it.

5. Take Good Advice 

Most people want mentors.

They want teachers and guides who can help them to achieve their goals and live a 10/10 life.

But when they finally find those people and are given their first challenging piece of advice, they run and hide, ignoring the very thing that could revolutionize their reality.

If you want to succeed, then learn to take good advice.

No matter how hard or uncomfortable it might be, when you find someone succeeding at a high level who has what you want… Listen and implement what they say.

No questions asked and no hesitation.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Todd Henry is the founder of Accidental Creative, a company that helps creative people and teams be prolific, brilliant and healthy. He regularly speaks and consults with companies about how to develop practices that lead to everyday brilliance.

He is the author of Die Empty, The Accidental Creative, and Louder than Words.

Favorite Success Quote

“Verily the lust for comfort murders the passion of our soul and then walks grinning in the funeral” ~Kahlil Gibran

Key Points

1. The Goal of Life is Not Comfort it’s Contribution

Society has tried to convince us that the ultimate goal of our lives is to increase our comfort.

But the problem with this philosophy is that no great work ever came from comfort.

You cannot contribute to society and build a true legacy while staying comfortable.

In fact, comfort is what kills great work and dreams.

The more you are pursuing comfort, the more you are going to be willing to compromise what you know is right and ultimately the more you are willing to reduce your goals and play it small in life.

It’s not comfortable to build a great business.

It’s hard work, it requires long hours, and lots of lost sleep.

It’s not comfortable to sustain a strong marriage.

It requires difficult conversations, a commitment to your spouse even when they are at their worst, and the ability to say no to the temptation of other women.

It’s not comfortable to build a great body.

It requires strenuous exercise, denying yourself the pleasure of excess food, and controlling vices that would harm your health.

But while it might not be comfortable to do any of these things, it is worth it.

2. Suffering is Not Evil

One of the missions of many modern gurus is to “Eradicate suffering wherever it exists”.

And while this sentiment sounds noble, when you understand its ramifications, the truth becomes clear.

Suffering is not evil, it is not wrong, and it is not a danger to society.

Suffering is a necessary part of growth and development.

Suffering builds character in the individual and equips them for challenges that they will face later in life.

I want you to imagine two men.

The first grew up in NYC, with rich affluent parents, and the whole world presented to him.

The second, grew up in the South Side of Chicago, with an abusive father and an emotionally distant mother.

They both grow up, and decide to take up the mantle of entrepreneurship.

When the first man comes in contact with his first set of challenges, what do you think will happen?

When he is required to work for 24 hours straight, to fire a dear friend, and to pull payroll from his own bank account… how do you think he will respond?

While he might rise to the situation and surprise us all, odds are, his love of comfort and soft life will have conditioned him to tuck his tail and run.

But the second man?

The man who became friends with pain and suffering from a very young age?

What do you think he will do?

He will laugh.

This is nothing compared to where he came from and he knows that he can easily overcome these obstacles to achieve his goals.

Suffering breeds strong men and strong men shape the world.

While you shouldn’t seek to suffer more than is necessary, you should embrace suffering as it arises and be willing to see it for the gift that it is.

3.Contemplate Your Own Death 

We are all going to die.

Maybe Elon Musk will step in and save the population from its rapidly approaching fate, but until then, the only axiom of life is the inevitability of death.

You are going to die, I am going to die, and everyone who reads this is going to die.

And when we are presented with this reality, we have but one of two choices.

We can either continue living life like we always have, lazily coasting through our days, living the deferred life that everyone else has designed for us.

Or we can take action.

We can use this disturbing and dark reality to inspire us and empower us to live our best lives.

If tomorrow is not guaranteed then you can no longer waste today.

Don’t wait until later to tell someone that you love them, don’t wait until next week to start pursuing your dreams, and don’t wait a second longer to start living with joy and passion.

We are all dead men walking.

So we might as well make the most of it.

4. Make Mistakes of Commission Not Omission

There are only two kinds of mistakes in this world.

Mistakes of omission and mistakes of commission.

Mistakes of omission are the worst kind.

These mistakes are where we knew we needed to do something, desperately wanted to take action, but froze in fear.

These are the mistakes where we think back and wonder “What would have happened if I had taken that trip, quit that job, asked that girl out, or been willing to be my true self.”

These are the mistakes that haunt us to our death bed.

Then there are mistakes of commission.

These are the mistakes that we will most often look back and smile on.

These are the mistakes where we started that business, made a bad move, and then failed and learned what we needed to for our next venture.

These are the mistakes where we drop out of school, travel the world, lose everything and have to rebuild. But, we had a heck of a time doing it, met some amazing people, and lived a fuller life for it.

These are the mistakes where we go up and talk to the girl, ask for her number, and then get shot down. But we laugh it off, go back to our buddies and try again.

Mistakes of commission at the best, help us in future endeavors, and at worst teach us lessons.

You have a choice.

You can either make mistakes of omission and live the rest of your life wondering “what if” or you can make mistakes of commission and live the rest of your life saying “At least I tried”.

5. Are You Loving People Through Your Work or Using Them?

At all times you are either loving people through your work or using them through your work.

There is no in between.

When you use people through your work, sure you can make a few dollars.

But how long will it last?

How long until people say, “Enough! I am sick of this”?

When you love people through your work, you might find that the money comes a little bit slower (trust me though it will come) but the fulfillment flows in abundance.

You know that every post you write, every video you publish, and every product you sell is ultimately helping people, engaging people, and pushing them further in their journey to become their best selves.

When you can use your business to love people, the flood gates of the universe will open to you and you will start to see love and abundance show up in your lives in a way that you never could have imagined.

Direct download: Todd_Henry.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Sean Ogle is a former 9-5er turned lifestyle entrepreneur.

Since 2009, Sean has built his company Location Rebel into one of the premier digital nomad and location independence blogs on the internet.

After quitting the corporate world, Sean was able to grow his company to multiple six figures in revenue and create a lifestyle of total freedom, travelling to dozens of countries, and exploring parts of the world many people didn’t even know existed.

Favorite Success Quote

“Comparison is the thief of joy” ~Theodore Roosevelt

Key Points

1. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

One of the most pervasive problems in our hyper “connected” society is the prevalence of the comparison mindset.

No matter how great you are doing in your business, health, and relationships, someone is always doing better, and after 30-seconds of surfing through Instagram you are immediately reminded that you are not the biggest fish in the pond.

But guess what?

It’s ok.

Every single person is on their own unique journey to success.

We all have our own path to chart and our own roads to travel.

And comparing yourself to others (whose story and struggle you are completely unaware of) is the fastest way to sabotage your own success and happiness.

It is one thing to aspire to a certain level of success.

It is another thing entirely to degrade your own journey and achievement by comparing yourself to other people who had an entirely different set of skills and advantages when they entered the game.

Cut out the comparison and you will cut out a vast majority of your unhappiness.

2. Start with the Basics 

So often whenever people are getting started on their journey to freedom and location independence, they want to focus on the sexy businesses.

They want the six figure membership site, the 7-figure ecommerce store, and the high ticket coaching and consulting gigs.

But what most people don’t realize is that these types of businesses require an incredible level of skill and knowledge to build.

You need to start with the unattractive basics first.

Select a skill like SEO, copywriting, or web design.

Become extremely proficient in that skill until you can make a full time living as a freelancer.

Then, once you have the bills paid for and the ability to work from anywhere in the world, start applying those skills to your own “Freedom Business.”

Without the basics, you will fail at creating the “sexy” business every single time.

3. Consistency is the Key to Success

True success comes from one thing.


It doesn’t matter whether you devote 2 hours a day or 20 hours a day.

As long as you are doing something to grow your skillset or business every single day, you will achieve success in a relatively short amount of time.

By making a 2-hour daily commitment over the next 18 months, you can quit your job, travel the world, and make more income than you ever thought possible.

But it requires consistency.

You can’t just work 80 hours on your freedom business one week, and then forget about it for three months.

You need to lay the foundation every single day and keep piling up those bricks until you reach the level of success that you desire.

4. Focus on Vulnerability, Not Perfection

One of the biggest road blocks that most entrepreneurs come across is that they are striving for perfection.

Perfection in their content creation, perfection in their product creation, and perfection in every aspect of business execution.

This is a mistake.

The world responds to vulnerability, not meticulously written articles that require a month of editing.

Be raw, be real, tell people what is really going on.

The more vulnerable you are, the more people will be able to relate with you and the more of an impact you will be able to have.

Don’t try to be perfect.

Just be real and the results will come.

5. Realize that Uncertainty is the Greatest Killer of Dreams 

“People will choose unhappiness over uncertainty” ~Tim Ferriss

People are scared of the unknown.

It’s just how we are wired.

We are terrified of the “ifs” surrounding our lives.

What if she rejects me?

What if this business fails?

What if I lose it all?

But what people forget is that 9 times out of ten, the worst case scenario, the “if” that we are so scared of is extremely unlikely.

And even if it happens, it’s almost never as bad as people think it will be.

So what if you start a business and it fails.

You can lick your wounds and return to the corporate world or you can start over and try again.

But if you succeed, you will have a life that you can only imagine right now.

So what if that hot girl rejects you?

Odds are she will let you down gently and you will still be the only guy in your social circle with the balls to talk to her.

And best case is that she is amazing and you end up in a happy fulfilled relationship.

With most uncertainty in life, there is a disproportionate reward to risk ratio.

Meaning that whatever you are scared of and uncertain about will typically result in a small potential loss, but has the potential for massive long term gain.

Direct download: Sean_Ogle.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

After sticking out his thumb and traveling the world, David returned home to Austin, Texas broke and unemployed, at the age of 26. Though his travels may not have yielded wealth, they instilled the key motivation that he brings to every part of his life to create it — freedom.

Through this intention, David began to test his entrepreneurial merits alongside his business-partner mom in the world of real estate. The results were nothing short of remarkable. In less than 10 years, David would go on to build one of the top real estate brokerages in the world, founding over 50 companies.

Yet, more than anything else, the inherent freedom derived from his success awards him the time to focus on the importance on what matters most: being a proud father of two beloved daughters, a son and husband to the wonderful and talented Traci Osborn.

Today, still rooted in his boundless sense of adventure, David continues to travel the world not only to be enlightened by new experiences, but to share his insight and expertise with others so they, too, can truly be free.

Favorite Success Quote

“If you go to work on your goals, your goals will work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plans will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us.” ~Jim Rohn

Key Points

1. Create Your Vision and Get to Work on It 

Most people are simply coasting through life.

They live each day in a reactive mindset, allowing circumstances and the whims of others to control their emotions and outcomes.

And most people are miserable.

They are uninspired, financially and emotionally poor.

But you don’t have to be like most people.

The first step to breaking out of the mold that society has cast you into is to take responsibility for your future and make the major definite decision about what you want.

Who do you want to be? What do you want to contribute? How much wealth do you want to accumulate? What is your plan for achieving it?

Creating a vision for your life and achieving that vision is possible.

But it will require you to think differently, it will require that you make difficult decisions, and it will require that you put in the work.

But ten years from now, you will surely arrive…

The only question is who will you arrive as?

Will you be the man that society wanted you to be?

Or the man that you want to be?

2. You Have to Beat Your “Hopium” Addiction

Most entrepreneurs suffer from a strong addiction to a sinister substance that is the insidious destroyer of goals and dreams.


This drug isn’t something that you snort, inject, or smoke, but rather it is a mindset that permeates every aspect of your life and (if you are not careful) can destroy every aspect of your life.

You see, entrepreneurship is challenging, and it requires that you have a positive outlook and a strong mindset.

However, this mindset often leads many entrepreneurs to make assumptions and hold unfounded beliefs about the future of their lives and business that simply aren’t based in reality.

They get overly excited about what might come to pass, they put too much emphasis on what is happening in their business right now and not enough on the possible downsides that could happen in the future.

This dangerous addiction blinds many entrepreneurs to the reality of the business world and causes many fortunes to be flushed down the drain.

If you want to wean yourself off this potent “substance” the first step is to cultivate a sense of positive skepticism.

This does not mean that you approach every deal, hire, or project with a negative attitude, it simply means that you look at it for what it is and ask yourself “Where will this go wrong”.

For example, if you are expanding your company and opening up a new branch, before you sign a $20,000/month lease, ask yourself “How could this decision negatively affect my financial future and stability.”

After some careful thought you realize that this new territory has not been proven yet.

You only have one agent and have no idea how your new branch will perform.

Therefor you make the decision to run a 90-day trial period with no branch location.

You meet up with your representatives and agents at local coffee shops, and wait until they have proven results.

Once the cash flow becomes positive, then you can sign a lease for an office building.

3. Become a “One-hundred Percenter”

The first step to truly living a life on your terms, a life by design, an extraordinary life, is to become a “100%er.”

This grammatically incorrect (yet wildly powerful) term simply means that 100% of your monthly expenses are covered by passive income.

You could get into a car accident, or lose your biggest client, or sell your house and go backpacking across India and you would never have to worry about finances because 100% of your expenses are covered by passive income.

This is a powerful goal that most authority figures on money and financial freedom do not teach.

Who cares how much you can earn if you are constantly living in fear knowing that one bad deal or one lost client could result in a tumultuous end to your financial income.

Your #1 goal for the first part of your financial life should be to build up enough passive income that you never have to work again.

Once this goal is achieved you have true freedom.

You can sleep in every day, watch reruns of loony tunes in your underwear and play xbox for hours on end (not an outcome we recommend).

You can dance your happy tail across South America.

You can continue building wealth and growing businesses.

Or you can devote more time to your faith and your family.

Becoming a 100%er means that you can do whatever you want because you have true financial freedom, and the quicker you can achieve this goal, the quicker you will be able to live a life on your terms.

4. Real Talent Cares More About Upside than Income

Your goal in business should be to “fire” yourself and hire people who are better at your job than you are.

Your goal is to build an empire.

And to build an empire you must become a master at finding and hiring talent.

And with this job comes one critical misconception.

Most entrepreneurs think that great talent cares only about the income that you can offer them, but in truth, talent cares more about upside than anything else.

Ok, so their base pay is only $50,000  a year…

But what is their long term potential when you include bonuses, equity, and commission?

If you offer enough incentives, you will attract incredible talent into your business.

But you have to learn how to create contracts that build up “golden handcuffs” offering your new hires the ability to earn as much as they want… provided that they are earning you even more income in the process.

5. Constantly Grow and Educate Yourself  

The key to all success in life lies in education and massive action.

If you are not constantly expanding your mind, skill sets, and patterns of thought, then you are contracting them.

And if you are not constantly taking action on the new information that you are learning then you haven’t truly learned anything at all.

Your first priority in life should always be to expand your knowledge and skill sets so that you are equipped to face whatever challenges life might throw at you.

From finances to health to relationships, expand your mind and your reality will follow.

Direct download: David_Osborn.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

While I was rewriting The Dating Playbook for Men, I came across something I didn’t expect. 

My friend told me about a site where you could date the hottest women in your area… 

...But you had to pay them to do it. 

I thought he was lying. 

But later that night I decided to check it out, and soon after I became an “undercover sugar daddy” where I met up with “sugar babies” to try and see what this bizarre and twisted underworld was all about and what was really going on. 

What I found next scared the living crap out of me…

I recorded an expose of my experience and how the new world of sugar dating will impact men and women in the future. 

And I can promise you, you will NOT want to miss this.

Direct download: Sugar_Dating.mp3
Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 4:19pm EDT

Brandon Carter has been one of the top personal trainers and nutritionists in North America for over 10 years. He has worked as a fitness model for Nike, Puma, Adidas, Men’s Health, and many others.

Brandon has trained a number of professional athletes and models.

Brandon is the author of the #1 best-selling ebook “Ultimate Cuts: 7 Secrets To Burn Fast As Hell” among several others.

Favorite Success Quote

“Your approval or disapproval means nothing to me” ~Jesus

Key Points

1. Consistency is the Key to All Success

Most successful people are not successful because of genetics, luck, or inheritance.

They are successful because they just didn’t give up.

No matter how hard it got, no matter what challenges arose, they never gave up, never surrendered, and kept pushing forward to achieve the life of their dreams.

Tony Robbins has an old saying that “You overestimate what you can do in a year but underestimate what you can do in two or three decades.”

And the simple truth is that most people die unsuccessful and unfulfilled because they were not willing to power through the decades of struggle to become successful.

If you want to succeed, then don’t quit.

Plain and simple.

2. There is No Failure Simply Data

In life, there is no failure, there is just input and data.

Imagine that you go up to a beautiful woman to try and get her number.

In your approach, you lack confidence, your voice cracks, you can’t hold eye contact, and after mumbling inaudibly for about two minutes, she curtly tells you that she is not interested.

Is this a failure?

No, it is simply data about what doesn’t work.

Now, you know that the next time you go to approach a beautiful girl, you need to stand with confidence, project your voice, hold eye contact, and portray the fact that you are a strong grounded man.

The same is true in business and in health.

Even if you lose millions of dollars, it’s not a failure, it’s simply data that will inform your decisions in the future.

If you waste two years with the same low-level exercise program without seeing results, you have not failed, you have simply gathered data about what doesn’t work.

3.  Master Your Craft 

If you want to be remembered as one of the greats, then you must become a master of your craft, not just a dabbler.

True masters are the people who are willing to devote their lives to mastering one or two specific crafts.

According to Malcolm Gladwell it takes 10,000 hours to become a true master of any craft.

This means that if you want to truly master a craft it will take you at least a decade of committed work to truly become one of the greats.

But this should not be something that is discouraging.

Because of the high barrier to entry the competition that you will face on your path to mastery will be nominal.

There are so few people who are actually willing to pay the price for mastery, that the rewards for becoming a master are so incredible.

4. You Will Have to Bleed for What You Want

If you want to succeed, you are going to have to bleed.

End of story.

Whenever you are setting new goals for yourself, do not ask yourself what you want to achieve, ask yourself what you are willing to suffer for.

Almost everyone wants a million dollars, the house in the hills, the fast cars, and the beautiful woman.

But how many people are actually willing to bleed for what they want?

How many people are willing to sacrifice and suffer to achieve their goals?

If you want to achieve great things you will need to sacrifice greatly.

So before you set out to achieve your goals ask yourself if you are truly willing to pay the price required to achieve your goals.

5. You Need to be Relentless 

Greatness requires sacrifice, we have already said as much.

But to become the best you must be relentless.

This is a whole new level of sacrifice.

Fighting your way to the top means that you are going to have to give up time with friends and family, it means that you are going to have to leave relationships, it means that you are going to have to give up sleep, give up partying, and give up damn near everything except for your pursuit of greatness.

You have to be relentless.

You have to be like Jordan and Kobe.

You have to show up early, leave late, and shut everything out except for your purpose.

Becoming the best in the world is not a path for the faint of heart, but if you decide to embark upon it, then you need to realize what it is going to cost.

Direct download: Brandon_Carter.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Kamal Ravikant is one of the world’s most interesting entrepreneurs, whose initial success was found in the Silicon Valley.

In addition to his entrepreneurial success, Kamal has also trekked the Himalayas, meditated with Tibetan monks in the Dalai Lama’s monastery, served in the US Army Infantry, and walked 550 miles across Spain.

He is also the author of Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on ItLive Your Truth, andRebirth.

Favorite Success Quote

“Destiny favors the committed.”

Hater’s gonna hate!” ~Taylor Swift

Key Points

1. Commit To Yourself 

Making and keeping a commitment to oneself is the ultimate measure of a man’s success.

We live in a society full of liars and fakes.

And I do not mean that people are maliciously seeking to manipulate their way to the top or intentionally putting on a facade of success and gravitas.

We live in a society where the greatest lies that are told are the ones that we tell ourself.

“This time it will be different.”

“This is the year that I will quit smoking/doing drugs/watching porn/standing on the sidelines”

“This is the year where I will take control of my life and start my own business.”

We live in a society that lies to itself to sedate the pain of staying the same.

But what if things could be different?

What if we were able to make commitments and follow through on them?

What if we valued ourselves and our own word so much that the very thought of backing out of a commitment that we made to ourselves was unthinkable?

It is possible.

But it starts by learning to value yourself and the commitments that you are making.

And more importantly, as we will discuss in a minute, it starts by loving yourself.

2. Execution, not Ideation is the Key to Success

Everyone has a great idea.

Everyone has an idea that could make them a billionaire (or at least much wealthier than they already are).

So why are there so many broke and impoverished people? Especially in a country like the U.S. where there are so many opportunities?

Because ideas  are not worth a damn thing. Only execution is.

The greatest investors in the world never bet on the idea, just the team behind it.

If you want to succeed, stop worrying about what you are going to do, and start worrying about how you are going to do it and who you are going to become so that you can achieve your goals.

Forget all of your ideas.

Instead, worry about transforming yourself into the kind of person who can execute and bring ideas to life.

3. Loving Yourself is Selfless

So often people read the titles of books like “Love Yourself” and “Choose Yourself” and they think “Wow! What selfless a-holes these people are”

But what they never stop to realize is that the greatest narcissists in the world are the people who loathe themselves.

If you love yourself and take care of #1, then you enter into the world from a place of peace, joy, and love and therefore you are able to pour out into others and be the light that others can follow.

If you do not love yourself, then you enter the world from a place of scarcity, fear, and anxiety, ensuring that the only impact you have is to negatively affect and drain those around you.

What is more selfless?

Making sure that you are taken care of so that you can take care of others?

Or focusing all of your energy on others until you are burnt out, angry, and depressed?

4. If I Loved Myself at a Level 10 What Would I Do?

As you face different challenges and choices in your everyday life, you should view every trial, question, and challenge through one lens and one lens only.

If I loved myself at a level 10 of 10, what would I do?”

This question simplifies even the most complicated of questions and makes it very easy for you to figure out the best solutions.

If you loved yourself at a 10/10 would you smoke that cigarette or abstain?

If you loved yourself at a 10/10 would you watch another porn flick, wasting your day and poisoning your sex life, or would you find more constructive ways to spend your time?

If you loved yourself at a 10/10 would you stay in that toxic relationship or bite the bullet and move on to someone who loves and appreciates you?

If you loved yourself at a 10/10 would you continue living a sedated, numb life, doing just enough to get by, or would you stand up and pursue your dreams, leave “desire” on the sidelines and be a man of action?

If you loved yourself at a 10/10 what would you do?

5. Vulnerability is Where True Power Lies

We are all broken.

From Bill Gates to Warren buffet to Kamal to Me.

No one is perfect and no one has everything figured out.

We are all on this journey called life together, and we are all blessed to be faced with different challenges and different successes.

And it is your privilege, no… your responsibility to share the story of your challenges and triumphs with the world.

You never know when one simple blog post, when one video, or when one conversation that you have will change someone’s life.

Opening up, being vulnerable, and sharing your story could be the difference between a friend committing suicide and a friend radically changing their life and pursuing their dreams.

Some of you may feel a bit uncomfortable sharing your story and being vulnerable with the people in your life.

But you have to remember that your story has power.

It has the power to attract people into your life who can help you on your journey and it has the power to reach people you may never know and radically transform their journey.

Do not live a life that is so selfish that you deprive yourself of the joy you will experience by impacting the world with your vulnerability.

Direct download: Kamal_Ravikant.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Born in Egypt, Dr. Nour left Cairo in 1977 after graduating in the top of his class at the Medical School of Cairo University. Looking for the freedom to study medical subjects of interest to him in the U.S., he made his way to London but got caught in three year immigration process.

After many years of private Neurology practice in the Midwest and due only to an allergy to Canadian Geese, which flourish in large populations there, Dr. Nour moved to Southern California. Happily married with two daughters in college, he is now semi-retired. He is an accomplished painting artist, videographer, photographer and a graphic designer.

He enjoys opera, sailing, tennis, bicycling, and learning about other cultures through travel, all while still enjoying helping patients with complex neurological disorders.

Favorite Success Quote

“With persistence, you can achieve anything your heart desires.”

Key Points

1. “Love” is a Scientific Series of Processes that Occur in Four Distinct Phases

1. Mate Choice

The first phase of love is mate choice. At it’s most basic level, this is the process of meeting someone and (subconsciously) deciding that they are a good match for you and your potential offspring on a genetic level. This phase happens almost instantly.

2. Falling in Love

The process that Hollywood and pop culture have used and abused. This is the phase in a relationship where the two individuals will feel massive attraction for one another and experience a heightened increase in certain pleasure chemicals. This phase will typically last 1-3 years.

3. Falling Out of Love 

A necessary part of finding true love, the third phase of love is where you effectively experience the proverbial “come down” from the neurochemical high that you experienced during phase two. During this phase of the process, you will begin struggling in your relationship and find your partner less appealing than you did before.  This phase will typically last around a year.

4. True Love

This is where the rubber meets the road. During the final stage of love, “True Love”, you have experienced falling out of love, made a conscious and informed decision that your current partner is right for you, and you now experience a release of a new set of pleasure chemicals that are slower forming but longer lasting, leading to the much desired “Happily ever after”.

2. Falling Out of Love is Essential to True Love

Many people assume that if they are falling out of love with their partner it is a bad thing.

However, they should actually get excited.

Falling out of love is an essential, if not the most essential part of the four phases of true love.

You see, the first two phases of love cause people to experience such an overwhelm of pleasure chemicals being released in the brain that they quite literally cannot see the other person for what they really are.

Thus the phrase “Love is blind”.

However, because your genes are hardwired to help ensure that you are able to survive and procreate with the highest levels of success possible, phase two begins.

During this phase, your genes are working behind the scenes to help you determine whether the person you are with is truly the best match for you in the long run.

If you do not have this phase, you cannot have true love.

Read that again and write it down.

Unless you fall out of love with your partner, you will scientifically never be able to experience true and lasting love. 

This is not an easy reality to stomach, but the knowledge and foresight of what is to come will allow you to make informed decisions about your relationships and truly determine what is best for you in the future.

3. If You Do Not Fall Out of Love with Somebody You Cannot Fall in Love With Someone New

Many men beat themselves up and feel battered down because they are unable to move on after a bad breakup or divorce.

Gentlemen, I have good news for you.

It is not your fault.

Despite what we have been lead to believe by the pop culture surrounding masculinity, on a chemical and neurological level, you cannot just get over it whenever you experience a traumatizing separation.

You see, whenever you are caught in the second phase of love and your partner ends the relationship (often because they reached the third phase and did not know how to handle it), you are still caught in love on a chemical level.

Your brain will literally not allow you to move on until you have experienced the biological and neurological effects of falling out of love.

So what does this mean for you?

If your wife or girlfriend ends things while you are mid-phase 2 are you doomed to an eternity of lovelessness?


Even though your brain and genes are working “against” you, it is possible to recover.

Typically this will occur whenever you maintain an amiable (or nonamiable) relationship with your previous partner and allow yourself to naturally fall out of love with them.

If they have been removed from your life completely, you will often need to seek professional help to truly recover and move on to your next love in a healthy way.

4. Love and Sex Are Not the Same Thing

A common fallacy among the uninformed is that love and sex are the same things.

They are not.

While love and sex are complimentary in their nature, they serve two completely different purposes.

Think about it this way.

Sex is all about satiation.

It’s about achieving the goal of orgasm and there is a set amount of sex that any given person can handle before they are done.

Love, on the other hand, does not have an inherent goal or “climax”. It is an ongoing process that can and should feel like a bottomless well.

Have you ever heard anyone say “No thanks, I don’t want any more love today. You can take your love and go give it to someone else.”?

However, love makes sex more intense and emotional and sex makes loves more binding.

Like a doctor and a nurse, they work together, but serve very separate roles.

5. Your Capacity for Love Depends on Your Genes

And now, the big one.

This particular point will be uncomfortable for many of you and might even make some of you angry.

But like the famous scientist Neil DeGrasse Tyson said, “The great thing about science is that it is true whether you agree with it or not”.

Your capacity for true love, connection, and monogamy are all highly dependent on your genes.

There are some people who due to their genetic variations quite literally cannot experience true love.

The chemicals are there, but the genetic wiring to receive the “true love” chemicals are not.

This is a hard pill for many to swallow.

The fact that monogamy, fidelity, and the quality of your relationships can actually have anything to do with your genes, let alone everything to do with them, is not something that most members of society understand and accept.

And while this truth may not be comfortable, it is the truth and it’s important that you remember this on your quest to find your own true love.

Direct download: Fred_Nour.mp3
Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Last week. I visited my father's grave. 


Here are my thoughts on the experience and what you can learn from it. 

Direct download: I_visited_my_fathers_grave_for_the_first_time.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 11:04am EDT

I almost quit. 

Knowledge for Men. San Diego. Entrepreneurship. Writing. 

All of it. 


But I didn't. 


And I'll tell you why in this episode. 

Direct download: I_Almost_Threw_In_The_Towel.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 10:15pm EDT

Stephen Mansfield is a New York Times bestselling author and a popular speaker who works with leaders worldwide.

He first rose to global attention with his groundbreaking book The Faith of George W. Bush, a bestseller that Time magazine credited with helping shape the 2004 U.S. presidential election. The book was also a source for Oliver Stone’s award-winning film “W.” Mansfield’s The Faith of Barack Obama was another international bestseller.

He has written celebrated biographies of Booker T. Washington, George Whitefield, Winston Churchill, Pope Benedict XVI, and Abraham Lincoln, among others. Publishers Weekly described his book, Killing Jesus, as “masterful.”

Favorite Success Quote

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation” ~Henry David Thoreau

Key Points

1. Manly Men Need Other Manly Men 

No man is an island.

Even though you have heard the saying hundreds if not thousands of times, few men truly internalize what it means, and still fewer act on it.

Just look at the statistics.

A simple scroll across the front pages and you will find sky-high suicide rates among males, loneliness, depression, and anxiety in numbers that we have never seen before.

Why is this?

While there are many theories and hypothesis, a critical look at the situation makes things clear.

We are a species that was built to be in community, and even though we are more connected now than ever before, most of us are utterly and absolutely alone.

We have no one to call us up, no one to celebrate with us, no one to challenge us, to help us, to hold us accountable and keep us to our word.

And because of this deterioration in our social structure men have become soft, weak, and effeminate.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

As a man, you have the power to break this pattern.

Make a conscious effort to meet and befriend other men. And when you are in these friendships, dive deeper than you ever have before.

Hold nothing back and hold each other up.

You will be amazed at the results.

2. Manly Men Do Manly Things

If you want to call yourself a man, then you need to do manly things.


Does this mean that you should shave with a tomahawk, lift boulders for fun, and skin polar bears with your fingernails?

Probably not (although that would be quite cool), it simply means that you need to embrace the masculine nature of doing instead of spectating  and talking.

Get off of your butt and get into life!

Learn a new skill, fix things, build things, explore, create, conquer.

Especially if you are a younger man, get off of the darn Xbox and learn something practical.

Teach yourself how to maintain a car, learn how to build and fix things, become a better public speaker.

Just do. 

Quit talking and take action, starting yesterday.

3. Manly Men Tend Their Field 

Every man has his own field to tend.

No, I don’t mean this literally, although some of you might.

What I mean is that every man has his own set of duties and responsibilities and if you want to consider yourself a man, then you must tend to those responsibilities.

Whether you are 15 listening to this podcast or 50, we all have our own fields.

For some of you, it’s school work, your girlfriend, and your football buddies.

For others, it’s your 8-figure company, your wife of 30 years, and non-profit.

It doesn’t matter what your particular field is, what matters is that you are diligent in tending to and watering your field.

Be disciplined in your action.

Do what needs to be done.

Tend your field.

4. Manly Men Build Manly Men 

One of the less flaunted traits of manly men is that they build other manly men.

There is an old saying that the true mark of a leader is not how many followers he has but how many leaders he creates.

Regardless of your religion or personal beliefs about the historicity of Jesus Christ, his virtues as a leader are unquestionable.

However, where Jesus excelled was at building up other leaders, in his case, disciples.

In fact, he was such an effective leader that of the 12 men who followed him, all but one (or two counting Judas) were martyred for their belief in Christ.

Now, whether you believe the stories or not, there is a powerful lesson to be learned about leadership and about the importance of building up those who are around you.

Are you really a man if all you can do is take from others and be built up?

Or do you need to take a step back and see who you can serve instead?

5. Manly Men Sacrifice Their Pleasures for Their Purpose 

The true hallmark characteristic of all manly men is their ability to endure suffering.

Manly men know that all greatness was bred through suffering.

You must experience the pain and suffering of building and losing your dreams before you will be able to fully appreciate, live, and achieve in the ways that you desire.

With the exception of individuals with inherited wealth, no man of substance, no man of great success, and no man of wealth ever achieved their status and material pleasures without first sacrificing and delaying gratification.

If you want to be great, be ready to suffer.

If you want to be great, don’t ask yourself what you want, ask yourself what you are willing to bleed for.

Direct download: Stephen_Mansfield.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Frank Miniter is an author and investigative journalist with a penchant for outdoor adventure. He has floated the Amazon, run with the bulls of Pamplona, hunted everything from bear in Russia to elk with the Apache to kudu in the Kalahari and has fly-fished everywhere from Alaska’s Kenai to Scotland’s River Spey to Japan’s freestone streams. Along the

Along the way, he was taught to box by Floyd Patterson, spelunked into Pompey’s Cave, climbed the Gunks, and graduated from the oldest private military college (Norwich University) in the U.S. He was a Senior Editor at Outdoor Life magazine and was the Executive Editor of American Hunter magazine.

He is also the author of This Will Make a Man of You and The Ultimate Man’s Survival Guide. 

Favorite Success Quote

“I like a man who grins when he fights” ~Winston Churchill

Key Points

1. You Need to Stand Up for Yourself

The evolution of society and rapid shift in perceived gender roles has created a world in which manliness and masculinity are concepts that are ambiguous and difficult to explain, at best.

Yet no matter what your beliefs are pertaining to modern masculinity, I think everyone can agree on one simple fact.

You cannot consider yourself a true “man” unless you are willing to stand up for yourself, what you believe, and those you love.

I want you to imagine John Wayne, Steve McQueen, or even a character like Tyler Durden in Fight Club are sat at a table in a bar, surrounded by friends and family.

A stranger from another table comes over and starts insulting one of his family members, bringing up some past feud and looking to cause trouble.

What do you think they would do?

Would they cower in their seat, avert their eyes, and start nervously twitching?

Or would they get out of their seat, square up with the aggressor, look them in the eyes and invite them to leave before they had a real problem?

I think we all know the answer.

Being a real man has nothing to do with loving or looking for violence, but it has everything to do with being willing to take a stand for yourself or the things which you believe.

In the 21st century, it is important to realize that this rarely (if ever) means physical confrontation.

Taking a stand for yourself can be as simple as telling your boss that you need a raise because you have been working harder than anyone else and have measurable results to prove it.

It can mean speaking candidly with your significant other about the way that they have been addressing you in public situations and informing them that their actions are inappropriate.

And yes, occasionally, when all other options are exhausted, it can mean taking the gloves off and throwing a mean right hook when someone truly steps out of line.

Never be afraid to stand up for yourself, your friends, or your values, because at the end of the day it is better to live a short life where you face your fears and live boldly than a long life as a coward.

2. Life is Meant to be Lived in Community 

10,000 years ago on the plains of the Savanna, men lived in communion with one another. They lived together, ate together, hunted together, fought together, and died together.

Town elders would lead the tribe and create rituals and rites of passage for young men to pass through in order to become a man.

The warriors of each tribe relied on each other and trusted the men around them with their lives.

And for hundreds of thousands of years, this is the way that we as a species, and more specifically, we as men, have evolved.

We live in the most socially disconnected time in human history, and despite all of our technological advancements and the rapid growth of social media and other online platforms, the problem is not getting any better.

Men struggle to find meaning and purpose in life, they are lost and confused about who they are and what it means to be a man, they are lonely and afraid and depressed, and it is due, in large part to our lack of community.

We no longer live in tribes.

If we wanted to, there are many among us who could limit our face to face interaction with others to less than once a week when we go out for groceries.

Men no longer go to other men for advice and emotional support.

We no longer have tribe elders who can guide us and mentor us.

With the exception of military servicemen, we no longer have brothers in arms who have struggled through life with us and been there for us through thick and thin.

And we are paying the price.

Men are suffering from depression and suicide at alarming rates and society tells us to simply take another pill or get a new prescription, instead of being told to build a band of brothers.

If you want to succeed in life, if you want to be truly happy and successful, then you need to have a group of men around you who you can trust, you need to have a community of like-minded individuals who will build you up and hold you accountable and who will be there for you when you are on cloud nine and rock bottom.

3. Manhood is Defined by Your Values and Your Code 

Manhood has meant something different to nearly every culture throughout history.

The Vikings version of manhood was markedly different from the Greek’s which was markedly different from the Apache’s.

But the one thing that all of these ancient cultures had in common is that their ideals of manhood were derived from a code.

Every great “manly” culture built their foundation of masculinity upon an ethos, a way of life, and a code of honor and conduct based on the values of their unique societies.

For some cultures mercy and reason were at the forefront of their code, for others it was power and justice.

The truth of the matter is, there is no one code that will work universally for every man.

We all have different realities, different religious and political beliefs, and different lenses through which we view the world around us.

This means that all of us will function under a different code and live by different values.

And while it is extremely important which values you have and uphold (integrity, honor, service, and generosity should be at the top of your list) it is more important that you uphold a set of values that make you a better man and help you contribute to society in a more meaningful way.

4. You Need to be a Well-Rounded Man 

So often in our modern society, we are quick to judge and label certain activities as unmanly, red neck, or “posh”.

Many see hunting and marksmanship as a lower class activity for camouflage wearing, tobacco chewing country boys. or they see dancing as a “gay” and unmanly activity in which no

They see dancing as a “gay” and unmanly activity in which no self-respecting man would participate.

Or they say that horseback riding and poker are activities that are only appropriate for trust fund babies and the super rich.

But you need to remember that an essential part of modern manliness is being able to participate in a wide variety of activities and show yourself to be well-rounded both in your skills and intellect.

You need to become, as the rampaging viral internet memes suggest, “A man who can do both.”

You need to be able to be a diplomate and a fighter, to speak well among the scholars of academia and the blue collar workers down at the bar.

You need to be comfortable both in a suit and tie and in camouflaged jacket.

You need to be someone who is able to hold himself in any situation and is unafraid of new things, no matter what stigma is attached to them.

5. Show Respect to Others 

I don’t care whether you are living in an incredible community of amazing men, living by a code, and the most well-rounded person in the world, if you are not extending respect and love to the people in your life, then you are not a true man.


End of story.

No one can call himself a man if they are not respecting the people in their lives, if they are not loving others, and if they are not following the “golden rule.”

Respect others and earn the respect of others.

That is where true manliness lies.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Internationally renowned human emotion, connection, and cognition expert Tony Selimi is a coach and the author of #Loneliness and A Path to Wisdom. He is currently traveling the world, sharing his message of transformation and connection.

Favorite Success Quote

“I embrace equally both support and challenge” ~Dr. John DeMartini

Key Points

1. You Must Embrace Both Sides of Life 

Life is not comprised of just the good or just the bad.

It is a beautiful dichotomous dance that blends together both exuberant highs and devastating lows meant to mold us, change us, and teach us.

While modern pop psychology gurus would have you believe that you should ignore any pain and struggle in your life and simply live in a state of constant and never ending euphoria, the simple truth is that life is beautiful because of the pain and struggles that we face.

Without the pain of discipline, there would be no joy in success.

Without the hurt of loss, there would be no satisfaction in gain.

Life requires the good and the bad to play out like the masterfully written movie that it is, and the sooner you learn to embrace both sides of life, the sooner you will be able to live up to your true potential.

2. Loneliness Affects Every Area of Your Life

Often times, as men, we revel in the concept of solidarity.

We love the thought of being the lone wolf, outnumbered and against the world achieving greatness all by his own accord.

And nothing could be more damaging or destructive to our overall health and well-being.

Whenever you live your life out of communion with others, whenever you lack strong bonds and friendships, and whenever you isolate yourself from the world, you are not only damaging your psyche, but your physical well-being and genetic expression as well.

Loneliness has been shown to cause disease, mental illness, and even alter your genes in a very real and powerful way.

There is nothing manly about depression and sickness, so quit trying to go it alone and invest into your social life.

3. Place Yourself in the Right Environments

An interesting phenomenon that can occur in our modern world is that men can be surrounded by friends but still feel lonely if the activities and conversations with those friends are incongruent with your personal values and desires.

For example, let’s say that you hate sports.

You couldn’t care less about the NFL or NHL or any other sports league.

And yet, one of your social circle’s favorite activities is to sit down together at the local bar, have a few beers, and watch the game.

Even though all of the men in the circle are fantastic influences and valuable friends, taking part in this activity will actually increase your feelings of isolation and loneliness.

This makes it essential that you start becoming more intentional about the activities you indulge in and the things that you do with your peers.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Dr. Corey Lewis is the author of The Art of Becoming, a professional coach, and a master of NLP and quantum leaping.

Favorite Success Quote

“We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are”  ~Max Dupree

Key Points

1. If You to Achieve Something You Must First Conceive it and Believe It

I want you to imagine for a moment that there are three men, let’s call them James, Alex, and Will.

All three men suffered through challenging childhoods and crippling adversity during their younger years, from poverty to the death of family members, to abusive parents.

They have all seen the worst that this world has to offer and lived through a reality where most men wouldn’t last a day.

Now James, the first of the men doesn’t know how he could possibly improve his life, he assumes that this is “just the way it is” and relegates all of his hopes and dreams to childhood fantasies.

Alex, on the other hand, knows that his life could be better.

He constantly finds himself daydreaming of a better life, one filled with an abundance of wealth, unconditional love, vibrant health, and a deep sense of belonging.

However, Alex doesn’t believe that this can be a reality for him.

After all, he is a former convict, drug addict, and grew up in one of the worst families you can imagine. How could he change?

Now, I don’t think it takes a genius to figure out the results that these two men are going to generate in their lives with these types of convictions and beliefs.

But what about Will?

Will is in the same boat as everyone else.

He went to prison in his late teens, never had a father, and is currently broke, alone, and addicted to drugs, but he’s different.

Not only does he know that life can get better for him, he deeply believes that he has what it takes to make it so, he believes that he can change his life, turn things around, and achieve the success he has been dying for his whole life.

You see, the only limits on your life are the ones that you impose upon yourself.

If you can conceive a new way of being, deeply believe that it is possible, and are willing to take the action necessary to do it, you will succeed.

2. Tapping Into Your Emotions Creates the Motion You Need for Success

How many times have you woken up in the morning, intending to get out of bed early and go “seize the day” but found yourself instead rolling over lazily and smashing the snooze button?

How many times have you sat down at your computer intent on working hard and grinding away at your latest project, when three hours later, you find yourself deeply lost in the trap of the internet, throwing your day down the drain?

How many times have you come home after a long day of work intending to hit the gym and work on your health only to find yourself sitting in front of the television on a guilty Netflix binge?

My guess is a lot.

You see the problem isn’t that you are lazy or lack work ethic, the problem is that you lack the emotional drive to create the motion you need to achieve success.

You need to have a burning reason to pursue your dreams, you need to have clear goals, and you need to learn how to tap into the power of your emotions to go after the life that you want.

3. Your Thoughts are the Father of Your Results

If you have anything in your life that you are unhappy with, you need to remember that the root of these results did not start in your bank account, in your relationship, or in your body, but these results started in your mind.

When you look at your bank account and don’t like what you see, you need to remember that these results were caused by your thoughts.

They were caused by your beliefs, your decisions, and your values that were then projected into your reality.

This truth can be seen in any area of your life.

No matter what results you have or don’t have in your life, your thoughts are the cause behind all of them.

And if you can change your thoughts, then you can change your actions, change your actions and you can change your results, and if you can change your results you change your life.

4. Break Down Your Dreams into Achievable Steps

Become a millionaire. 

Meet the girl of your dreams. 

Lose 100 lbs. 

All of these goals are incredible in size and scope and are a scary whenever you look at them without first thinking about how you can break them down into achievable steps.

If you want to become a millionaire, then start by working on earning your first $1,000 a month and build up from there.

If you want to meet the woman of your dreams, then start getting out once a week and meeting awesome women at cool social events.

If you want to lose 100 lbs. then start with 5.

Whatever goal you have, it can be broken down into several smaller steps that will allow you to approach your dreams without feeling overwhelmed or scared.

5. Escape Your Plateaus and Find the Next Level 

Life is full of unlimited possibilities and opportunities just waiting for you to show up and take them.

But first, you have to break through your plateaus and realize that you can be living life on an elevated level.

No matter how incredible your life is right now, there is always room to grow, there are always new mountains to be conquered, and there are always new ways to push yourself to become a better man.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Connor Beaton is a thought leader in the men’s community who founded ManTalks, has spoken at events around the nation, including TEDx.

Favorite Success Quote

“Aim for fulfillment and success will follow”

Key Points

1. Stop Chasing the Golden Handcuffs

In most modern western societies, there is one great expectation placed upon all men.

Can you guess what it is?

It’s not to get married and have kids.

It’s not to find a career that they love and find spiritually fulfilling.

Rather, all men are expected to earn. 

And not just to earn a living so that they can pursue a life of their choosing, they are expected to earn as much money as they can regardless of the cost.

And while there is nothing wrong with money, most men who pursue those greenbacks with a single-minded intensity soon find themselves financially wealthy, but spiritually, emotionally, and relationally broke.

You need to realize that money is great.

It can enable you to do so much good in the world and make a difference in the lives of countless people.

But it can also become a prison.

Men who chase after careers they dislike in order to achieve a financial status that they don’t really need will often find themselves sitting at home alone, millions in the bank but utterly, and completely miserable.

You see, the real secret to life is to chase fulfillment.

Chase what makes you feel alive, chase what you love, and the money will come.

And even if it doesn’t, you still had a helluva ride and enjoyed life to the fullest.

2. Allow Yourself to Experience Your Success

How many times has this happened to you?

You have spent hundreds of hours working yourself down to the bone to achieve your goals.

You haven’t slept in days, you haven’t allowed yourself to go out with friends in months, and you are on the verge of mental collapse, when finally, you reach your goal.

Whether you hit an income goal, increase your subscriber base, or finally got your first client, you have finally achieved the thing that you had been pursuing for so long.

But there’s a problem.

You don’t allow yourself to acknowledge your victory and enjoy the rewards of your labor.

Instead, you are off to the next goal, the next milestone, the next big thing before you even pause and appreciate what you already have.

One of the most essential parts of success is taking the time to fully experience each of your accomplishments.

No matter what you have achieved, you need to give yourself adequate time to bask in the glow and enjoy the successes you have already reached before you start chasing after the next big thing.

3. You Need to Have Men Who Call You Forward

When was the last time you messed up?

I mean really messed up?

You know, the time that you made the mistake that ended your relationship, that lost you 6-figures in business, or that cost you a trip to the hospital.

Who did you call?

Undoubtedly, you had friends who came to the rescue and told you everything would be alright, but did you have anyone in your life who cut through the crap of the situation and was willing to call you to a higher standard?

Most men have lots of friends on their level and below them, but few of those men have high-level mentors who are willing to call them on their B.S. and tell them when they have messed up.

But you need to realize that the only way forward is to surround yourself with men who are willing to challenge you to achieve at a new level, men who are willing to call you out, and men who are willing to brave your disapproval in an attempt to make you better.

4. If You Want to Achieve Your Goals You Have to Eliminate Porn

Porn is one of the most insidious creations of the modern age.

How many nights have you spent alone in your room, ignoring the real issues and tasks in your life while you were silently kept company by dozens, if not hundreds of virtual women?

How many times have you suppressed the frustrations that you were facing with real women by resorting to a form of “entertainment” where you have unlimited access to any type of woman on the planet, who will do anything that you want, all from the comfort of your own bed?

How many men do you know who lack the passion and drive that they should have because they are wasting all of their energy “experiencing” women online?

The simple fact is this, if you want to achieve the greatest levels of success in your business, your health, and your relationships, then you have to cut out the porn.

There are no questions about it.

It is draining you of your masculinity, of your sex drive, and of your energy to get shi!t done.

Eliminate it from your life as quickly and permanently as you can.

5. Reinvest in Your Creative Side 

One of the great travesties of the modern male is that we have all become so caught up with becoming successful in our health, finances, and relationships, that we have completely abandoned all of our creative energies that fulfill us and reinvigorate other aspects of our lives.

If you are feeling lost in your life, if you are feeling unsure of where to go, or if you are simply lacking the motivation that you need to begin pushing the envelope forward in a given area, then you need to reinvest in your creative side.

Whether you take up an instrument, begin writing, dancing, woodworking, or anything else that engages your mind in a new and exciting way, I can guarantee that you will begin to see the world in a new light.

Have you ever noticed how musicians appreciate and describe music (and even the world) in a way that non musicians simply cannot.

Have you ever noticed how writers are able to captivate their audience’s at social gatherings with riveting stories?

Have you ever noticed how men who have learned how to dance are often some of the most creative and enthusiastic partners that a woman will ever experience?

This is not a coincedence.

Engaging in your creative energy will change your life in unexpected and exciting ways.

So whether you are killing it in life right now or are in an existential funk, get out there and get creative.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Justin Constantine is a former Marine who suffered a traumatic gunshot wound to the head in Iraq and retired from the Marine Corps at the rank of lieutenant colonel. He also serves as an attorney and is now an inspirational speaker and leadership consultant who advises the corporate community on military issues and sustaining employee peak performance.

He now serves on the board of directors of several national nonprofit organizations who co-founded the Veteran Success Resource Group in 2015, a military nonprofit that provides full spectrum resources for veterans and their families. He is also a senior advisor at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, where he leads a team focused on employment opportunities for wounded veterans and their caregivers.

Favorite Success Quote

“This is a wonderful day, I have never seen this one before” ~Maya Angelou

Key Points

1. We All Face Our Own Adversity 

I want you to imagine for a second that your whole world is crumbling down.

You wake up bleary eyed from a fitful night of sleep and check your phone to only to be met with two voice messages informing you that you have one week to pay your mortgage before your home will be foreclosed and the bonus you were expecting has been cut in half due to a recent drop in your company’s stock.

Furthermore, as you rest your head in your hands wondering what you are going to do, your wife, whom you are on the verge of divorcing, enters the room and begins to argue with you about trivialities you don’t understand until you are so frustrated that you storm out of the house, slamming the door behind you.

You decide to skip work for the day and instead drive yourself to a local bar where you intend to drown your worries in whiskey because you just can’t deal with the stress anymore.

Walking through the doors of the dimly lit bar, you notice that there is another man sitting in the bar by himself, looking sullenly into his drink as he fights back tears.

With hopes of finding a companion to share in your misery, you sit down next to him and begin a conversation only to find out that the man had recently suffered a layoff at work after losing his wife of 15 years to cancer.

Startled by his situation and own perceived weakness, you silently curse yourself for your self-pity and decide to keep your own worries to yourself and order another round.

You see, no matter what adversity you are facing, someone else always has it worse and it’s easy to trivialize our own struggles whenever we compare them to the things that others are facing.

But the problem with this mentality is that we fail to realize that comparing away our strugles will not make them dissapear.

Just because you aren’t facing disease, death, or bankruptcy does not mean that your pain is not real and that it does not need to be addressed.

Whatever struggle you are facing, there is only one way to eliminate it.

And that is to admit that you are in pain and seek the help that you need to overcome it.

2. You Can Achieve Anything With Time 

The media loves to propagate this myth of the “overnight success.”

They love reporting on stories about the 17 year old entrepreneur who achieved IPO and retired before graduating high school with $20 million dollars in the bank.

Or the actress who landed one movie role and suddenly became the face of Hollywood.

Or even the “Biggest Loser” who dropped 150 lbs. of fat and became a model of health and athleticism.

But the thing is, none of these people’s success happened overnight.

It happened after years and years of working behind the scenes, after countless sleepless nights toiling away at their craft, and after thousands upon thousands of disciplined mornings brought them the results that they wanted.

You need to remember that no goal you have is out of your reach, it will just take time and it will take sacrifice.

It will require that you give up on the “good” so that you can step into the “great.”

It will mean that you miss out on parties and dates and time with friends while you work to build your legacy and achieve your dreams.

Nothing is out of your reach, but you must be patient and you must be diligent if you want to achieve it.

3. It’s Ok to Ask for Help

Do you remember when you first learned to ride a bike?

Do you remember the feeling of the wind in your hair, the rub of the helmet strap against your chin, the exhilaration in your stomach as you accelerated down the street…

And the sudden halt whenever you suddenly hit an unexpected bump and flew over the handlebars crashing into the ground with a definitive thud.

As you sat on the street, blood oozing from the raspberries on your knees and elbows, you began to cry and if your father was present, he likely responded to your accident with four words “Man up! You’re ok!”

As an adult, your father knew that you would be fine, but as a young boy, you felt that your world was caving in around you and the only response that you receive was to suck it up and be a man.

While instances like this may seem relatively benign in the big scheme of things, this mantra of “Man up! You’re fine!” is repeated over and over to the men of our society like a record on repeat until we reach a point where, no matter our struggle, we simply bear it and grin, refusing to ask for help because we fear that we will appear weak or vulnerable.

The simple truth, however, is that we all need help.

We all have our inner demons, we all have our struggles, we all have those dark places we don’t let anyone see that eat us alive at night.

And the only way to overcome them is to be willing to reach out to others and ask for help

You need the support of others, you especially need a group of men in your life who can be with you through the hard times and help keep you on the right path.

You are not alone, and you don’t need to be. Whether you need to join a men’s mastermind, hire a coach to talk to, or simply call up an old friend, if you are in pain then get help.

Talk to someone and be real about the struggles in your life, I promise it will be one of the best decisions that you ever make.

4. Forget What You “Should” Be Doing

With the holiday season in full swing, most of you who are going to visit family are going to hear one word more than any other, “Should.”

You should get a job and quit trying to build your silly business.

You should find a girlfriend and stop partying.

You should quit spending so much time on silly pursuits like travel and art and just get married and get a job instead.

You should do this.

You should do that.

But the truth is, there is no guidebook for what you should be doing as a man.

No one in society can tell you what is right for you, whether it is entrepreneurship or the 9-5, marriage or the bachelor life, travel or settling down.

Life is a beautiful buffet with countless options and most men feel weighed down with the expectations that society sets that we are supposed to earn a certain amount of money, marry a certain type of person, or live a certain type of life.

5. Define Your Own Version of Success      

With New Year’s right around the corner, everyone is going to be setting new goals and resolutions for 2017.

And I can tell you without ever meeting the person or knowing a darn thing about them who is most likely to succeed based purely upon what they write down.

You see, most people want to achieve success but they never truly define what success means.

They set vague and ambiguous goals that are uncompelling and uninspiring.

Everyone says that they want to lose weight, make more money, have a more abundant dating life, and achieve more, but what does that really mean?

How much weight do you want to lose?

How much money do you want to make?

Who do you want to be dating and how frequently?

You see, the only way to truly achieve “success” is to have a clear picture of what success means to you.

For some people, success is an easy going 9-5, $10,000 in the bank and a happy family.

Other people would become depressed if they are making less than $10,000,000 a year and travelling 11 months out of the year.

If you want to achieve success, you need to define what it means to you first, and then set out to achieve it second.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Lee Ellis is President and Founder of Leadership Freedom® and FreedomStar Media™. For more than fifteen years he has served as an executive coach and a corporate consultant in the areas of hiring, teambuilding, leadership development, and succession planning.

His clients include Fortune 500 senior executives and C-Level leaders in a variety of industries. Since 1990, Lee has managed the development, validation, and internet deployment of several personality and leadership assessments that have been used by more than 200,000 individuals.

Early in his career, Lee served as an Air Force fighter pilot flying fifty-three combat missions over North Vietnam. In 1967, he was shot down and held as a POW for more than five years in Hanoi and surrounding camps.
After the war, he served as an instructor pilot, chief of flight standardization/evaluation, and flying squadron commander. Additionally, he commanded two leadership development organizations before retiring as a colonel. Lee’s combat decorations include two Silver Stars, the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star with Valor device, the Purple Heart, and the POW medal.

Favorite Success Quote

“Be courageous. Lean into the pain of your doubts and fears to do what you know is right, even when it feels unnatural or uncomfortable.” ~Lee Ellis

Key Points

1. Living a Life of Honor is the Ultimate Success

There was once a story that one of my employees shared with me about a life lesson his grandfather had shared with him during his summer stint working as a landscaper.

His grandad had spent nearly a decade of his life operating a construction contracting business, designing and building custom homes for the upper class members of his hometown.

One of his clients who had been a long time acquantaince hired his grandfather to build a home costing several hundred thousand dollars (back in the 80’s).

Happy to oblige his friend, the grandfather took the contract and completed the home to perfection.

When the work was done and the house was built, he went to his friend to collect the payment for his services.

His friend however, had no intention of paying for the home and due to the ambiguous terms of their contract, he knew that pursuing a law suit would be a costly endeavor.

My employee’s grandfather simply shrugged and shook the man’s hand saying “If you can live with it, then I can live without it.”

He continued on grinding and working hard, developing a number of successful businesses throughout the years and achieving great successes in his personal and professional life, always conducting business with integrity and honor.

The other man however, despite his massive financial success, died of a massive heart attack at his office, alone and unloved.

While the contrast between the two men may seem obvious, the true moral of this story is that success is not about material wealth or finanical gain.

It’s about doing the right thing no matter what the cost.

That is no small order, but if you can carry out your life with honor each and every day, you will be able to die fulfilled and live a life of joy and companionship.

2. You Cannot Manage Yourself Unless You Know Yourself

How many of you have taken the Myers Brigg’s Personality Test?

If you have, then odds are good that some of the conclusions the test made about you and your personality may have surprised you.

And herein lies one of the greatest problems with our society.

We do not value introspection and self knowledge like Eastern societies and ancient people’s did.

We value work and results.

And while these two things are important, you will never be able to achieve at your fullest potential if you do not know yourself as deeply and intimately as possible.

Just think about it.

How can you ever expect to perform at a high level if you do not first know who you are and how you perform?

How can you succeed when everything you are doing is in stark opposition to your deeply held values and personality?

You must discover who you really are, how you work best, what personality traits you have, what motivates you, what discourages you, what strikes fear into your heart, and what you truly want.

Because unless you can answer those questions, you will never truly tap into your potential.

3. Guard Your Character and Make Decision Based Upon Values

The greatest travesty of every generation is the young men and women with boundless potential who waste everything because they did not guard their character.

Everyone knows that kid, maybe you met them in high school or grew up with them in your hometown, who showed tremendous potential growing up.

They were the captain of the football team, the straight A student and the leader of all of the clubs at their school.

They had it all.

But somewhere along the lines, they screwed up.

They made that one compromise of character that opened up Pandora’s box and destroyed their lives.

Maybe they cheated on one test and lost a scholarship, maybe they started abusing drugs and were arrested in their first semester, maybe they slept around and ended up getting someone pregnant.

Whatever they did, it shocked you because you knew that wasn’t like them.

And that’s the point.

It takes a lifetime to develop a reputation and build your character, but only one dumb decision to compromise it.

If you want to live a fulfilling and joyful life, then you have to make decision based upon your values and not your impulses.

While everyone operates under different moral codes, you all know what you consider wrong and right and when you should or should not do something.

Listen to that voice in your head and do not compromise your character for anyone or anything.

4. You Have to Balance Results and Relationships

There are two basic styles of leadership, results focused and relationship focused.

And odds are, if you have spent any appreciable amount of time in the world of high performance leadership, you have come into contact with both styles of leaders.

The results focused leader is the stereotypical drill sergeant style of leadership. These are the men who want things to get done, they don’t care who does it or what excuses come up, they simply want things and want them now.

Relationship-oriented leaders on the other hand are the types of leaders who care more about their people then the mission, they are the ones who, while admittedly kinder are more likely to get pushed around and taken advantage of.

Both styles have their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and all truly excellent leaders know how to balance these two styles of command to achieve their desired outcome.

The leader who knows how to balance relationships and results will be able to discern between employees who have been misplaced and assigned to positions that are incongruent with their personalities and employees who are just darn lazy.

The leader who knows how to balance relationships and results will be able to know when he is pushing his people too hard and when they have potential to go further.

The leader who can balance relationships and results will be able to achieve anything he sets his mind to because he will have his followers love as well as their respect.

5. Face Your Fears and Doubts 

Every man has fears and doubts about his worth, ability, and potential.

They are bred into us from an early age by society, friends, and even family.

But you must realize something.

As a man, outside of your integrity, no characteristic will determine your success and fulfillment more than your ability to feel the fear and do it anyways.

When Lee and his friends were being tortured and imprisoned by the Viet Cong, do you think that they were not afraid? Do you think that none of them ever thought about betraying their country or ending their own lives to escape the torment?

Of course they did!

And some of them did.

Now, years after the fact, it is the men who were able to embrace their fears and doubts and stand strong who are seen as heroes, who are loved by their brothers in arms, and who can live with a clean conscience and a full heart.

Your ability to face and overcome your fears is part of what defines you as a man.

Never your fears hold you back from greateness, because at the end of the day, even if you die facing your fears, we are all dead men, and there is nothing more noble and honorable than to give your life pursuing what God put you on this earth to do.the worst thing.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Ryan Stewman is a high-performance sales coach and trainer who went from spending two stints in federal prison to building a multiple seven figure income.

He is the author of several best-selling books including Kick-Ass, Bulletproof Business, Elevator to the Top, and Hardcore Closer. 

Favorite Success Quote

“You gotta take action before you can take over”

Key Points

1. Action not Knowledge Leads to Success

If you have been involved in the personal development world for any appreciable amount of time, then you have inevitably come across the people, shall we call them “Pathological learners” who are voracious consumers of knowledge.

They know all of the latest market trends, are well-versed in the high-performance practices of characters like Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield, and can tell you how to start and grow a business from inception to 7-figures.

And yet, when you look at the results in their lives, what do you find?

Nothing, nada, zilch.

They live in a 400 square foot apartment, are overweight, and in a relationship that looks like something out of a bad soap opera.

Yet they know all this information!

The problem is that they do not apply it. You have to realize that knowledge without action is useless.

Only applied knowledge is power, and if you have spent years devoting your time and energy to learning without taking the proper proportion of action, then it is time to get off your ass, leave the theory on your nightstand, and get in the game.

2.Suffering is a Temporary But Essential Part of Life

When was the last time you experienced suffering? I mean true suffering.

Not the “My dog is sick” or “The 49ers lost their last game”, but real, visceral suffering, the kind that keeps you up at night, deprives you of joy, and makes you question your purpose on this planet.

Perhaps you lost a family member or a friend, underwent a nasty divorce, lost your home, job, and family in bankruptcy, or even suffered from a life-changing disease or injury.

Whatever that suffering was (or is) you need to internalize one of life’s great truths, spoken over a century ago by Abraham Lincoln.

“This too shall pass”

No suffer, no matter how devastating and debilitating it may feel, is permanent. And what is more? It is necessary to build you into the man that you need to become.

I am not telling you that your pain will be easy to bear, but I am telling you that it will be worth it.

3. Ignore the Haters and Embrace the True Players

One of the greatest tragedies of the modern world is that men with unlimited potential and unimaginable abilities allow themselves to be smothered by the advice and criticisms of unambitious, underachieving, and jealous peers.

Every time you go to the office look at the men to your left and to your right.

What do you see?

Do you see men embracing their true potential, taking control of their lives, and creating an incredible future full of freedom and joy?

Or do you see men who have allowed the doubts and misgivings of society, family, and friends to hold them back from their dreams and desires?

On your path to success, you will be faced with many, many, many haters, doubters, and naysayers.

They will tell you it cannot or should not be done only out of their own insecurities and fears.

But if you want to unleash the giant inside of you and reach your full potential, you must ignore these people, whether they are bosses, life-long friends, or even family members.

Only take advice from those who are achieving what you want to achieve, and ignore the rest.

End of discussion.

4. Education not Schooling is What Separates the Winners from the Losers

There is a fallacious belief circulating the modern world that tells all young men the only path to success is through higher education.

And while college can be a great choice for some people, it is not the ultimate road to massive achievement.

I want you to think back to your highschool and college years.

If your experience was anything like mine, then at some point, you inevitably came across two different types of guys: The learner and the hustler.

The learner was someone you would describe as the stereotypical nerd. He was smart, worked hard in classes, and did everything right.

He made good marks, graduated with honors, and probably had several high level job offers waiting for him upon graduation.

The hustler however, is a different breed.

This was the man who spent his days building something that he believed in, working towards his dream, and focusing more on his practical education than his education.

Sure, he still applied himself to his schooling, but, as Mark Twain said he “Never let his schooling get in the way of his education.”

Which of these two men do you think ultimately achieved more? Who became more successful? Who was able to create something that would last and create freedom for themselves and their families?

Hint, it’s not the guy with all A’s.

5. Your Past Does Not Determine Your Future

Imagine, if you will, a man who spent his whole life as a criminal, stealing, lying, and terrorizing his way to “success.”

After being arrested for one of his many crimes and spending nearly half a decade of his life behind bars, he is released back into the world and left with a choice.

He can either allow past decisions, events, and circumstances to determine his future, or he can lift a middle finger to mistakes and decide to create a different life for himself, to rebuild himself, and create a new identity as a man of honor, integrity, and love.

Most people don’t believe that you can ever overcome your past.

And quite frankly, most people are full of shit.

Every single day, you are faced with the same decision as the man above, you can either bend a knee and supplicate yourself to the flaws and mistakes of your past self, or you can start anew and recreate yourself into the kind of man you would be proud to be.

Which decision will you make?

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Ajit is co-founder of Blinkwebinars and Evercoach. He is also CEO of Mindvalley Media, the publishing arm of the Mindvalley Group. He also helps other business as a mentor in a private mastermind, Zentreprenur.

Ajit also sits on the board for companies like Digital Academy India, Omvana, and Mindvalley Italy. In his free time, he likes to work on self-development, reiki, and his cooking skills. He is passionate about marketing and sales.

Favorite Success Quote

“It is better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing than to have a long life doing something you hate” ~Alan Watts

Key Points

1. External Succes is Fleeting

So many men try and pursue external success and validation thinking that it will make them happy and fulfilled, but the truth is, success has nothing to do with your external accomplishments.

True happiness, true success, and true fulfillment comes from living a life based around offering value and living the values that you hold dear.

It comes from loving others, filling your days with incredible experiences, and spending time doing the things that you enjoy.

That new house, raise, or car might make you happy, but only for a moment.

2. Success is About Living a Value Based Life

Success, true success, comes from living a life that is congruent with your deeply held values and beliefs.

If you value time with your family but work 80 hours a week to earn 7-figures, you are not a success. If you value your health, but give it up so that you can party with friends to try and look cool, you are not a success.

You are only a success if your thoughts, words, and actions are aligned with your deepest values and the man that you want to be.

3. Focus on Showing Up not Achieving Goals 

A life focused on achieving goals is a life of misery, because goals are constantly shifting and as soon as one is accomplished, you are left with a deep void and a sense of “What’s next?”

If you want to live a fulfilled and happy life, then focus more on showing up each day as the man that you want to be.

Be fully present in every conversation, treat others with respect and kindness, worry more about the impact you are having on those around you than the potential benefit that they can be to you and your goals.

When you make this mental shift, you will be more loving, kind, and generous, and the funny thing is, the universe will reciprocate this and you will likely achieve those goals that you had set because you are no longer focused on them.

4. Stop Trying to Live Up to The Expectations of the World

The world pushes all of these unrealistic expectations and standards on you, trying to convince you to conform to its standards and desires.

However, to live the life of your dreams, you must shun the expectations of the world and instead create your own expectations for yourself and your future.

You decide who you want to be, what you want to accomplish, and most important how you want to show up, not the world.

Once you truly internalize this, the freedom and joy that you will feel is almost unparalleled.

5. Keep People First 

In business, relationships, and pretty much every other area of life, make sure that you are keeping people first.

In your business, focus on your clients, not your revenue.

In your relationships, focus on adding value and not taking value.

In your health, focus on how your improved performance and energy will affect those around you and not on how it will boost your own ego.

Always keep people first and you will never lose.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Geoff Blades is an author of Do What You Want and an advisor to senior Wall Street professionals, CEOs, and other leaders, on all topics related to getting what they want in their businesses, careers, and lives.

In his lifetime, he went from frying chicken at KFC to working at Goldman Sach’s to quitting his “dream career” to pursue his real dream of helping others achieve the life that they want.

Favorite Success Quote

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Key Points

1. What Do You Want? Go Get It

One of the most fundamental questions that you can ask yourself is also one of the simplest; “What do I want?”

Until you can answer this question for yourself and not base it on the desires that family, peers, and society try and project upon you, you will be like a ship without a rudder.

No matter how fast you are going, it will never be in the right direction.

Take some time away from all external influences and really decide what you want for yourself in the areas of health, wealth, relationships, and personal growth.

Then, once you have a clear picture of what you want, hustle like crazy until you achieve it.

2. All Success is Based upon Your Desire for an Emotion

Whenever you are trying to determine what you really want in life, it is easy to think that your desires are based on a certain thing or achievement.

In reality, all of your desires for external successes and validation stems from your desire to feel a certain way.

Why do you want a million dollars in the bank?

It’s not because you want the million dollars.

It’s because you want to feel the safety, significance, and the freedom (and subsequent joy) that you will experience by earning a million dollars.

Once you realize that all of your desires to achieve certain goals are basically desires to feel a certain emotion, you can analyze your goals in a more pragmatic and realistic way.

3. Resistance Comes from Negative Projections

The only reason that you face resistance in your pursuit of your dreams is because of the negative projections that are associated with the work that you need to do to achieve your goals.

Think about it.

No one needs to motivate you to watch TV or eat that piece of cake. It’s an easy task that (for most people) has no associated  negative projections.

What if you were able to approach your work and your mission with the same attitude?

Instead of projecting pain and struggle in your work, learn to find joy and satisfaction in the struggle.

Learn to appreciate your work and associate a massive amount of pleasure with everything that you do.

4. Focus on the Journey and not the Destination 

Success is never about an outcome.

It is about the man you become on your path towards that outcome.

Every man who undergoes radical financial, physical, emotional, or social changes has simultaneously undergone radical personal changes.

The man who goes from flipping burgers to a millionaire, from fat to fit, or from textbook nerd to social powerhouse, have all undergone massive internal changes that brought about their new realities.

They became grittier, more determined, more dedicated, more educated, and more alive.

Realize that the best part of success is the journey that it takes you on and the person that you become along the way, not the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

5. Create Two Systems: One for Your Mind and One For Actions

One of the quickest ways to create a success filled life is to create a series of systems for mastering your mind and your actions.

This means that you need to work on developing systems to help train your brain and create mental focus and resilience while simultaneously creating systems to help you take action towards your goals and dreams.

This can be anything from meditation, exercise, journaling, practicing productivity hacks, reading, or waking up earlier in the morning.

Whatever it is for you, build your systems and then execute them ruthlessly.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Dan Kariv is the CEO of multiple companies including Amped Ventures and Math4Sale, Inc. – a startup that is currently generating 7-figures in revenue.

His life journey has been fueled by a passion to uncover and distill the spiritual truths of reality and exploring them along the journey of entrepreneurship and the pursuit of freedom so that he can better serve the world.

Favorite Success Quote

“True freedom is the ability to choose how you spend each day.”

Key Points

1. Are You Being the Best Version of Yourself?

Every second of your life, you have a choice. You can either choose to show up as the best, most powerful, most grounded version of yourself, or you can choose to allow fear and external pressures suppress your strength and live a life below your potential.

In every challenging situation, whether it is a meeting at work, an argument with your wife, or some other battle that you face, ask yourself “Am I being the best version of myself right now?”

Are you showing up and leaving everything on the table, are you attacking life with a vigor and energy that makes others stand in awe, or are you playing it safe?

Keep this question in the forefront of your mind each day and you will be amazed at the paradigm shifts you will experience.

2. Freedom Comes with a Price

Freedom of any kind, whether it is freedom of location, financial freedom, physical freedom, or social freedom (e.g. freedom from approach anxiety), comes with with a price tag.

Freedom is not free. It is earned. It is taken. It is wrestled from the jaws of fear and uncertainty and doubt.

If you want a life of your own design, a life of true power where you can be who you want and live life on your terms, then you are going to have to pay for it.

Achieving freedom requires discipline and sacrifice. It requires years, sometimes decades of giving up what you want now for a future of unlimited potential.

As the old saying goes, “Live like no one else will today so that you can live like no one else can tomorrow.”

3. Fear is the Pathway to Power

One of the quickest ways to achieve success is to see your fears as the pathway to power. See fear as the guiding force in your life that tells you where you should be going and what you should be doing.

The more fear you feel, the more you will know you are on the right track.

Do not let fear paralyze you.

Realize that on the other side of every fear is a stronger, more powerful, and more grounded man.

Overcoming your fear to start your business or talk to that girl or get off the couch and go to the gym will lead to personal growth and success that you could never have imagined.

Embrace the fear and achieve your dream life.

4. What Do You Want to be Remembered For?

It is easy to live our lives without ever truly considering our legacies.

But the simple fact is, all of us are going to die. We are all headed towards the same fate. And 100 years from now, the only thing that will differentiate your life from everyone else’s is the impact that you had and the difference that you made.

Devote time each day to thinking about the person that you want to become.

Think about how you want to be remembered.

Do you want to be remembered as the grinder? The philanthropist? The family man?

No matter what you want your legacy to be, make the definite decision to take the necessary actions to leave behind a life that will be remembered how you want to be remembered.

5. Success Requires You to Hone Your Capacity

If you want to succeed at any endeavor in life, you must first hone your capacity.

You must become a student to your craft and be willing to put your nose to the grindstone, working and learning, all the while approaching your craft with a deep humility.

The more and more capable you become at any skill, the more you will find your ego and insecurities melting away.

You will no longer feel the need to prove yourself to the world because you already have a deep inner confidence in yourself and your capacity for success.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Charlie Brenneman is a former UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) competitor in the lightweight division with an overall fight record of 19 wins and 8 losses.

After leaving the UFC two years ago, Charlie has devoted himself to helping other people achieve the success that they desire and deserve through professional coaching, speaking, and entrepreneurship.

Favorite Success Quote

“You are what you repeatedly do, excellence is not an act but a habit” ~

Key Points

1. Success is About Giving Everything You Have

In our materialistic and results driven society, it is easy to get caught up in this idea that success is all about making a certain amount of money, winning every competition, and reaching every goal.

But the truth is much deeper than that. While accomplishment should certainly play a central role in every man’s definition of success, the missing piece of the puzzle is the effort that you devote to achieving your goals.

If you put everything that you have into the attainment of a goal, if you are relentless and driven to a point that many people consider you insane and you still don’t achieve your desired outcome, then guess what?

You are still a success.

You showed up, you put in the work, and you did everything that you could do. Sometimes despite your best efforts, the stars simply don’t align. And it’s times like this where you can look at yourself in the mirror with pride, knowing that you gave it your all and are still a man of success despite the perceived failure.

2. A Life of Fulfillment Comes from the Habit of Pursuing the Uncomfortable 

So many people believe that fulfillment will come whenever they reach a certain goal. Whenever they have seven figures in their bank account, are married to the model wife, or driving the Ferrari.

In reality, however, as men, we derive our true sense of fulfillment from constantly pursuing a life of “uncomfortability.”

A life where we don’t know whether we will succeed, a life of struggle and triumph, a life, as Teddy Roosevelt put it, “In the arena, with your face marred by blood, and sweat, and tears.”

If you want to be fulfilled and live every day with a smile on your face and joy in your heart, then get out of your comfort zone. Get uncomfortable and start pushing the boundaries of what you think is possible in your life.

3. Humility is a Hallmark of the Greats 

No matter how successful you become, there is always someone out there who is better than you. And if you want to truly succeed at any endeavor, then you need to have the humility to learn from others and devote yourself to constant improvement.

If you look at any great man in sports, business, or life, you will notice that no matter their stature, they were always willing to take criticism and look for ways to improve their craft.

From billionaires like Sam Walton to All-Stars like Kobe Bryant, they all approached their field with a deep and genuine humility, accepting that they did not know everything and had plenty of room to improve.

If you truly want to be one of the greats, then you need to take the same approach to your life.

4. Accept the Struggle 

Whenever you start out at anything, whether it is a business, a sport, an instrument, or improving your social skills, you are going to suck.

It’s not pretty, it’s not nice, but it is the cold hard truth. You are going to suck, and you are going to suck for a long time.

The quicker that you can come to terms with this and accept that the journey is part of the joy of mastery, the sooner you will be able to overcome your own egotistical nature and truly become an expert in your craft.

So embrace the suck. Don’t take yourself too seriously, and get ready for months or even years of fumbling through until you become proficient in your field.

5. Surround Yourself with the Best 

The quickest way to accelerate your own growth is to surround yourself with people who are playing the game of life at a higher level than you are.

Find people in your field who are performing at a level 10X your current level and get around them.

Figure out what habits, tactics, and mindsets are separating them from the 99% and putting them into the proverbial hall of fame.

The sooner that you can build up your circle of friends and mentors who are playing at a higher level, the quicker you will achieve your own goals and truly embrace your own potential.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Mark Manson is a blogger, author, and entrepreneur. He specializes in writing personal development advice that doesn’t suck. His website is read by over 2 million people each month.

He has written two best-sellers Models: The Art of Attracting Women Through Honesty and The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counter-Intuitive Approach to Living a Good Life. markmanson.netYou can connect with him and learn more at

Key Points

1. There is No Such Thing as a Problem Free Life

Life is not easy, anyone who tells you otherwise is full of crap.

Life can suck sometimes and that is just the reality.

However, you should not see this as a bad thing, in fact, you should appreciate it.

If life is going to be painful no matter what, this means that you have a choice to choose what kind of pain you want to endure.

You can endure the pain of failure or you can endure the pain of struggling to achieve success.

2. Pain Isn’t Always Bad Pleasure Isn’t Always Good 

Something that most people misunderstand is that pain is not always a bad thing and pleasure is not always a good thing.

You can achieve pleasure by purchasing mounds of cocaine and heroin, but that would not be expedient for achieving your goals and living the life that you want.

You can also be in pain by pursuing your goals and trying to achieve greatness but this is not necessarily a bad thing.

Accept the fact that life is not about being in a constant state of euphoria, it is about overcoming challenges and living a life of meaning.

3. Your Behaviors Dictate Your Values

Whenever you ask people what they value they will tell you all sorts of things and about how they value family, fitness, or personal growth.

However, their actions say otherwise.

They say that they value family but they spend all of their time working.

They say they value health but workout only once a month and treat their body like sh!t.

Maybe they even say that they don’t value their sex life and yet they are out every week trying to get with a new girl.

If you want to know what you truly value, take a look at your actions.

Be willing to examine yourself and your life without any bias or judgment and make changes accordingly.

If you don’t you will spend your whole life spinning your wheel and accomplishing very little.

4. A Constant Pursuit of Happiness Leads to Dissatisfaction

Most self-help movements in the modern world seem hell bent on helping people achieve this constant state of euphoria.

But the sad fact is, by pursuing happiness, you actually make yourself less happy.

In every moment, you are always wondering “Am I as happy as I could be right now? What more could I be doing?” and you end up feeling depressed and frustrated because you are not happier.

The same is true with your physique, bank account, and game.

If you are constantly trying to be the absolute best, you will never be able to appreciate where you are.

Learn to just accept that you may not be the richest, best looking, or most charismatic man in the room and work with that.

Accept yourself for who you are and work to improve in the areas that are truly lacking.

Otherwise, you will be like a dog chasing its tail and end up living a miserable life.

5. You are Going to Die 

This is one of the most important things to remember in your life.

No matter what you achieve, not matter how much money you make, who you marry, or how many people’s lives you affect, at the end of the day you are going to die.

There is no way around it.

Death is the only constant in every human being’s life.

But this should not depress or scare you.

It should liberate you.

The inevitability of death means that you can free yourself from the expectations of others, the drama of daily life, and the fear that accompanies big decisions.

If you are going to die, then all that matter is the legacy that you leave behind you.

Remember this and live life to the fullest.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Joshua Hathaway, M.A. Holistic Clinical Psychology, is a Tongue Fu black belt and master of the Art of Connection.

Through his private and organizational training in No Bullsh!t Communication, as well as coaching and consulting, Joshua is radically empowering people’s success in the changing landscapes of modern love and leadership.

Favorite Success Quote

“All good things are wild and free” ~ Henry David Thoreau

Key Points

1. Your Body Language Effects Your Psychology

If you are approaching life in a weak disempowered state, with your shoulders hunched over, your head down, and your arms closed off, you are going to be playing life at a smaller level.

Have you ever noticed how powerful people all have similar body language?

They all stand up straight, project forward with their bodies and voices, have open postures, and own their space.

They do this because your body language affects your psychology, your mood, and even your hormonal balance.

From today moving forward, start making a conscious effort to change your body language and watch how it changes how you show up in the world.

2. Your Breath can Change Your Life

If you want a quick and easy way to change your life and your relationships, I will give it to you in one word: Breathe.

It is that simple.

If you are feeling stressed out… Breathe.

If you are fighting with your significant other and getting losing your temper… Breathe.

If you are in a beautiful place and simply want to appreciate the sweetness of life… Breathe.

Breathing more deeply, more fully, more regularly will help you to stay grounded and present and can completely change your life in a way few other things can.

3. Stop Telling B.S. Stories 

In relationships, we are often tempted to make up b.s. stories and wild claims that are not grounded in fact.

If you want truly satisfying relationships, you need to stop this immediately.

Instead of saying that someone never listens, stick with the facts.

Say something like “That is the third time today you have cut me off while I was talking and it’s really frustrating me”

This approach focuses on facts instead of accusations and it will allow you to get to the root of your relational problems easier than name calling and b.s. storytelling.

4. Just Listen 

Seriously, this point is so simple but so profound.

Just shut the hell up and listen.

Don’t take things personally or get angry about whatever is being said.

Just listen, ask better questions and try to get to the root of what is really happening.

Stop talking and just listen.

5. Talk about observations, feelings, and values 

Whenever you are in a serious conversation with a significant other, talk about three things.

First, your observations, or what you have noticed is happening in your relationship.

Are they respecting you or not? Are they showing up in a certain way? Have they been caught in a certain pattern of actions?

Next talk about how the observation has made you feel.

Are you feeling loved? Upset? Frustrated?

Finally, discuss your values.

Do you value integrity and honesty but have observed a pattern of lying? Say so.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Coach Michael Taylor is an entrepreneur, author, motivational speaker and radio show host who has dedicated his life to empowering men and women to reach their full potential.

He knows first hand how to overcome adversity and build a rewarding and fulfilling life and he is sharing his knowledge and wisdom with others to support them in creating the life of their dreams.

Favorite Success Quote

“There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” ~Carl Jung

Key Points

1. What You Focus on Expands

What you focus on will expand, and if you aren’t intentional about what you are focusing on, you may wake up and realize that you don’t like the life that you have created.

If you set the wrong goals and focused on the wrong things, you may wake up one day, wealthy, healthy, with plenty of “notches” on your belt and completely miserable.

Instead of focusing on being wealthy, focus on first being happy.

Instead of focusing on becoming the next Arnold, focus on being comfortable in your body and feeling alive and energetic when you wake up.

Instead of focusing on sleeping with loads of women, focus on deeply connecting with many women.

Be intentional about where you set your focus.

If you aren’t, you are setting yourself up for failure.

2. Use Life’s Challenges as Stepping Stones

Challenges are a chance for you to learn and grow.

Instead of seeing them as this negative and terrible thing, choose to view challenges as an opportunity for you to mold yourself into the man that you want to be.

See them as a way that you can strengthen yourself and equip yourself for the future.

If you approach every challenge with this attitude, you will find that challenges become fun.

They become something you look forward to, not something that you dread.

3. You are 100% Responsible for Your Life

Until you accept this truth, you will never achieve success.

If you have the technology to read this article and listen to this podcast right now and you are not where you want to be in life, it is your fault.

End of story.

If you are out of shape, in a miserable relationship (or no relationship), broke, or unhappy, it is your fault and no one else’s.

You have the power in every moment to take responsibility for yourself and make the changes necessary to become the person you want.

4. Leave Your Comfort Zone Far Behind

Life is not lived in your comfort zone.

It is lived whenever you are out to sea with no shore in sight, no boat, and no clue what is going on.

Life is lived whenever you do things that scare you half to death and make you question yourself.

Whenever you are willing to take the leap, jump off the edge, and build an airplane on the way down.

The more you get out of your comfort zone, the more you will uncover your own strength and the quicker you will achieve your goals.

5. You Must Have a Positive Mental Attitude 

Look, life can suck.

It’s that simple, there will be days when nothing goes right, when the world seems like it is conspiring against you to make your life a living hell.

It is during times like these that your attitude is everything.

You have to maintain a positive focus and be willing to see the good in every situation.

If you can do this, any adversity will become something positive, and there is no limit to what you can achieve.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Zachary Stockill is a writer, developer, podcaster, and lifelong student.

His work has been featured on The Huffington Post, The Art of Charm, and ManTalks among many others.

Favorite Success Quote

The so-called meaning of life opened up before me, it turned out to be infinitely simple, give love and seek no reward reciprocal love is your reward and the meaning of life in its entirety.” ~ Andrei Gavrilov

Key Points

1. Generosity without Expectation is Sexy 

There is a lot of focus in the modern “pick up” and dating advice world on making sure that you are always giving less in your relationships than you are receiving.

While this advice may have some foundation if you are looking for nothing other than a one-night stand or a slew of unfulfilling sexual experiences, it holds no water if you are looking for fulfillment in relationships.

If you want to have the most fulfilling relationships possible, you need to give love without expectation.

That is the key.

Give and don’t expect anything in return. Give because you want to, not because you are expecting sex or love to be reciprocated.

2. Tell Your Truth No Matter What 

If you are struggling in your relationships, odds are, you are withholding your truth from your woman.

You need to open up, tell her the truth, be honest with her without fear of outcome and without any neediness from her.

This is the only way that you can overcome issues together and break through jealousy.

3. You Need to be Aware of Women’s Sexuality 

Odds are, if you are struggling with jealousy, at least a small part of the issue is that you are not celebrating women’s sexuality.

Like men, women enjoy sex. They find it exciting and (hopefully) satisfying. And this is a beautiful thing.

Instead of sitting around in your relationships getting caught up on  the men who came before you, celebrate the fact that you are in a relationship with a beautiful sexual being, and learn to be ok with the fact that you probably weren’t her first and may not be her last.

4. Jealousy is About You, not Your Partner

Anyone who is struggling with jealousy on a large scale is almost definitely struggling with their own personal development.

Jealousy stems from your own limiting beliefs.

Your belief that you are not good enough, that you will never find a woman as good as your current girlfriend, or that other men will be able to care for her and satisfy her better than you will.

If you are struggling with these thoughts, then man up and take action.

Start taking care of yourself first. Master your own personal growth and become a man of high value who has options, and you will be able to sit back and enjoy as the

5. Maintain Your Life Outside of Relationships

The key to a healthy relationship is highly counter-intuitive.

Focus on your life outside of your relationship.

If you give up on your friends, quit pursuing your hobbies, and drop all of the things that made her fall in love with you in the first place, then your relationship is doomed.

You need to remember that you have a life outside of your woman. This will help keep you grounded whenever your relationship hits rocky ground (which is will).

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Shawne Merriman, nicknamed “Lights Out”, is a former American football player who was a linebacker in the NFL from 2005 to 2012. He was among the top linebackers in the NFL in his first three seasons with the San Diego Chargers, where he was a three-time Pro Bowl and All-Pro selection.

Merriman was drafted 12th overall by the San Diego Chargers in the 2005 NFL Draft. He earned NFL Defensive Rookie of the Year honors in his first season and recorded 39 12quarterback sacks in his first three seasons

Favorite Success Quote

“Keep working and everything else will fall into place”

Key Points

1. Don’t Do Anything Unless You Want to be Great 

We live in a world that is filled with mediocrity.

People are willing to simply show up, do the bare minimum, and then head off.

This cannot be you.

If you want to succeed at life and live with passion, fulfillment, and joy, then you need to only do things if you want to be great.

Don’t compete to be good, compete to be the best.

2. There is Always Light at the End of the Tunnel 

No matter how difficult your life is right now, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

We all struggle through hard times, some of us more so than others. Just remember that this too will end and when you push through it, it will be better on the other side.

3. Get Out of Your Own Way

If you want to succeed, then you need to drop your ego and get out of your own way.

Be willing to take advice, listen to mentors who are wiser than you, get out of your comfort zone and be willing to take the action necessary to succeed.

4. Hustle Like You’ve Never Achieved Success

No matter how successful you are, you need to keep hustling like you have never even tasted success.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a multi-millionaire, a titan of your industry, or the leader in your field, the day you stop hustling is the day that you die.

5. Remember the Babysteps

Whenever you are stuck in life and feel like you cannot move forward, you need to remember to focus on the babysteps.

If you are struggling to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be, then take a step back and focus on the small things.

Just lay 4-5 bricks a day in your business, health, wealth, and relationships and one year from now, you will have built yourself an incredible home.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Rich Litvin is a high-performance coach who helps Olympic athletes, presidential candidates, and special forces members achieve  more in their life, business, and relationships.

He is also the Co-author  of the bestselling book “The Prosperous Coach.”

Favorite Success Quote

“Confidence is a result, n0t a requirement”

Key Points

1. You Need to Live a Life of Integrity

If you want to be respected in life and succeed at the highest level, then you must be a man of integrity.

This does not simply mean that you keep your word when you make a promise.

It means that your thoughts, words, and actions are all in congruence.

You don’t lie and blow smoke to appease others, you don’t hold your tongue to avoid pissing people off, and you don’t live a life that is incongruent with what you want to make others happy.

You live a life of congruence where everything is in line.

This is the pathway to true power.

2. If You Want to Live Life Fully Kill the Nice Guy

Most men play life small.

Why? Because they are nice.

Or at least, that’s how they appear on the surface.

They are agreeable, amiable, and work very hard to make others happy, but in reality, they are living a lie.

They say yes when they want to say no, they suppress emotions, and they do all of it out of selfishness, hoping that their perceived niceness will result in some sort of gain.

To live fully, to live a powerful life, and be a grounded man, you have to kill the nice guy.

Speak your truth, live in integrity, and do not set out to appease others.

Be kind, of course, but do it from a place of abundance, where you are giving to the world because you are already so full, not from a place of scarcity where you are kind because you want something in return.

3. You Need to Burn Your Bridges

Want to succeed?

Burn your bridges.

While everyone has their own path, one of the quickest ways to ensure success is to cut off all chances of failure.

If you quit your job, move to a new city, leave a relationship, or sell a home, that’s it.

There is no turning back.

When you give yourself no choice but to succeed, you will find that you are stronger than you ever thought.

4. What Got You Here Won’t Get You There 

Something interesting about high achievers is that the actions that got them to where they are today will not get them to where they want to be.

Everything you have done to become successful in the past will hold you back from becoming successful today

Life is in a constant state of change, and when you are doing the same actions you were doing years ago, odds are you are playing it small.

You need to have powerful men, coaches, and mentors in your life who can call you on your bullshit and help you step things up.

You will never become a billionaire doing what you did to become a millionaire.

5. You Need to Improve Only 4%

Most people think they need to improve 100% to achieve their dream lives.

The truth is, they only need to improve about 4% in the right area of life.

If you can find that critical 4% in your dating, health, and business, your life can change completely.

The key is, once again, finding people who can help you to pinpoint that critical 4% and help you on the path to its achievement.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Master Business, Relationship, and Success Coach, TV/Radio Host, Author of 9 Books, Inspirational Speaker
David began his career in the health and fitness industry and quickly was named “Mr. Motivation” by Lifetime Television and “The Master of Motivation” by American Fitness magazine.

Favorite Success Quote

“Every action into the uncomfortable ensures our success in life”

Key Points

1. You Have to become Uncomfortable 

Life is not lived within your comfort zone.

If you want to achieve success, you cannot sit on your couch  and visualize it, you have to get up off your butt and go after it.

Want to get shredded?

Get yourself to the gym, lift weights, and track your diet.

Want to make more money?

Work 80 hours a week intentionally on your business for 90 days and see what your results are.

The only way to succeed is to do the things that are uncomfrotable and painful.

2. We Cannot Live for Instant Gratification

If you are living for instant gratification, you will never acheive fulfillment.

You must learn to delay gratification, giving up what you want now for what you ultimately want.

It might not be fun to wake up early and workout or miss partying with friends to grind it out on your business, but you will thank yourself in the years to come.

3.  The Path to Success Rarely Feels Good 

Success can suck.

It’s just that simple.

Getting up early isn’t fun.

Working 12 hour days isn’t fun.

Cutting off unhealthy friendships isn’t fun.

But it is worth it.

Success requires you to be in pain, it is that simple.

The sooner you accept that, the easier the pain will be.

4. What You Think About You Do Not Bring About 

Thinking about something day after day does nothing to move you closer to its attainment.

If you want something, then go and get it.

Don’t wish for it or visualize it, GO AND GET IT!

Work for it.

Sweat, cry, and bleed for it.

Then and only then can you truly acheive the things that you want.

5. Success in 80% Action 20% Mentality 

For all of this talk bashing the law of attraction and visualization, the principles behind the psycholgy of success do have some merit.

If you want to boost the speed with which you achieve success, then using visualization techniques, affirmations, and other pop psychology tactics work when used in conjunction with massive action.

Your goal should be to devote 80% of your time to taking action and 20% of your time to mastering your psychology.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Kute Blackson is an influential thought leader, a transformational coach, and author of You Are the One.

He has spent the past several years of his life dedicated to helping men and women live lives of true purpose. Discovering who they really are and how they can share their gifts with the world.

He has appeared on the Larry King show and has been endorsed by influencers Jack Canfield, Rhonda Britten, Lisa Nichols, and John Gray among many others.

Favorite Success Quote

“The real does not die, and the unreal never lived” ~Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.

Key Points

1. Be in Constant Surrender 

Life is unpredictable.

The more you end up trying to control it, the more it ends up controlling you.

One of the keys to living a truly happy and fulfilled life is to learn to surrender to the flow of life.

Allow life to happen. Understand that things happen for a reason. Do not try and force life, rather surrender to life and you will be amazed at what it brings to you.

2. You Need to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone

Life is meant to be lived.

If you are staying in your comfort zone, you are not living.

You need to constantly push yourself to do new and exciting things. Things that scare you, things that make you unsure of yourself, and things that you are unsure you can accomplish.

Because the funny thing is, you will be just fine.

You will survive, and likely thrive, and the more often you push yourself to do things outside of the normal for you, the more you will grow and the more confidence you will have.

3. You Have to Question and Feel yourself 

There is an old saying that “The unexamined life is not worth living.”

You need to question yourself, question your life, question the decisions that you have made and your assumptions about who you are and what your identity is.

The more you question your life, the more you will realize the beauty and power of your life.

Once you have begun upon this realization, you need to feel yourself.

You need to feel who you truly are. Not who society says you are, not who your parents say you are, and not even who you say you are.

You need to feel into who you truly are.

Once you can do this, you will be amazed at how your life will change.

4. You Are Not Your Thoughts 

You are not your mind.

You are not your thoughts.

You are much deeper than that.

You are an infinite being that is part of an infinite universe, and you have to learn to accept that fact and see your life as it really is.

Your thoughts are merely a vessel for a tiny part of you that is on this great journey called life.

Learn to disassociate from your thoughts and witness them instead of being a slave to them.

5. Happiness is About Truth 

There is no happiness when you are living in a lie.

If you want to live a life of total fulfillment and genuine joy and happiness, you have to start telling the truth.

Tell the truth to the people in your life, yes, but more importantly, tell the truth to yourself.

Stop lying to yourself and get real.

The sooner you can do this, the better your life will be.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Personal trainer, peak performance coach, and podcaster Ted Ryce has overcome a tremendous amount in his quest to live a legendary life.

Ryce has worked with Fortune 500 CEOs, busy professionals, and celebrities, including Richard Branson, Ricky Martin and Robert Downey Jr. He helps his clients develop and stick with high-performance habits that help them manage stress and adversity and lead more successful lives.

His philosophy is that being a high-performance person, one who chases and achieves their biggest goals, isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity to survive and thrive in the modern world.

Favorite Success Quote

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive and go do that. Because what the world needs is more people to come alive” ~Howard Thurman

Key Points

1. You Need to Come Alive 

The world is full of people who are dead on the inside.

They are living and breathing in the literal sense, but their lives lack the passion.

They wake up in the morning with no fire in their bellies. They simply go through the motions, doing things that they dislike because of societal conditioning.

What the world needs, what you need, is to come alive.

To live a life every day that is of your choosing, doing things that you love and spending every day of your life living with deep passion.

Forget what society and your parents taught you. You need to do what will make you come alive, period.

2. You Need to Push Yourself Physically to Succeed at Life 

Your health is a critical part of succeeding at life.

If you are not pushing yourself physically in the gym and challenging your body on a daily basis, then you are doing a disservice to your career, your family, and your personal growth.

Whenever you push yourself in the gym, you can push yourself harder in life.

You wake up with more energy and can live life on a level 10.

3. Consistency is Key

You will never have the body of your dreams, the woman of your dreams, or the millions in the bank account if you are not consistent.

You need to be consistent.

Set a plan and stick to it.

Don’t make excuses, don’t allow life to get in the way.

As Nike says, “Just do it!”

4. You Need More Experiences 

If you are feeling lost in life, you need to experience more things.

Pack up your bags and travel around the world. Move to a new city. Try out a new career.

Do whatever you have to do to give yourself more experiences and grow into the man that you want to become.

5. Life is a Marathon 

Life is not a a sprint, it is a marathon.

You cannot expect to achieve all of your goals and dreams within a year.

It takes decades of dedication and consistency.

And even then you will never truly arrive at any sort of destination.

Life is a never ending journey.

You will never arrive, and that is ok.

6. Training Routine to Build Strength 

If you are looking to build strength and become (literally) the strongest version of yourself.

Follow the below routine.

Workout 4 Days a Week 

Monday: Upper Body
Tuesday: Lower Body
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Upper Body
Friday: Lower Body
Weekend: Rest

Exercise Selection

For exercise selection, stick to big lifts.

Deadlifts, squats, bench press, and overhead presses should comprise the majority of your workout.

Pick 2 based on the training day, for example, if you are doing upper body, complete Bench Press, and Shoulder Presses.

Then pick 2-3 supplementary exercises of your choice that are in the same muscle groups to compliment your workout.

Sets and Reps

Option 1

Month 1: 4 sets of 12-15
Month 2: 4 sets of 6-8 (higher weight)
Month 3: 4 sets of 4-5 (higher weight)

Option 2:

Week 1: 4 sets of 6
Week 2: 4 sets of 8
Week 3: 5 sets of 8
Week 4: Deload (Same sets and reps as week 1 with 30-40% less weight)

An Added Note

The most important part of any training program is called linear periodization.

This is the concept of basically incrementally increasing the weight that you are pressing or pulling to continue forcing your body to grow and adapt.

Always seek to add one more rep, just a little bit more weight, or another set to your workouts so that you are continually improving and pushing your body.

7. Bonus Routine for Fat Burning 

An easy trick to help you burn some extra fat is to complete the following workouts either on your off days or as a finisher to your workouts.

Week 1: 5 Minutes of Bodyweight squats in aerobic heart rate range (or some other bodyweight exercise)
Week 2: 10 Minutes of Bodyweight squats in aerobic heart rate range (or some other bodyweight exercise)
Week 3: 15  Minutes of Bodyweight squats in aerobic heart rate range (or some other bodyweight exercise)
Week 4: 8 Minutes of Bodyweight squats in aerobic heart rate range (or some other bodyweight exercise)

8. Sleep Better

Here are a few tips to help you improve the quality of your sleep.

-Download the app F.lux to dim the lights on your computer so that don’t disrupt your natural sleep cycle.

-Invest in a sleep master mask (or just cover your face with a shirt)

-Invest in a nicer mattress

– Set your thermostat to 64 degrees F

-Get ear plugs for noisy environments

-Get to bed at the same time every night, preferably before 11 p.m.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Elliot S. Weissbluth is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of HighTower. His commitment to disrupting the industry in favor of transparency and integrity has driven HighTower’s growth since he founded the company in 2007 in the midst of the financial crisis.

The business model he pioneered combines the fiduciary standard for financial advisors with an open-source platform where providers of the industry’s top products and solutions compete for HighTower clients’ business.

Elliot Weissbluth and HighTower continue to challenge the status quo by bringing transformative ideas and transparent solutions to financial services.

Favorite Success Quote

“There is no shortcut to the top” ~Ed Viesturs

Key Points

1. Ignorance Can be Your Biggest Advantage

Whenever you are getting started in business ignorance and naivety can actually be one of your greatest advantages.

For some people, they do not realize just how difficult business can be and would never get started if they did.

For others, being ignorant about the market and the “right way” to do things allows them to come up with creative solutions to problems that experienced veterans would never have thought of.

Do not see your ignorance as a curse, see it as a blessing. It may very well be the only reason that you succeed.

2. The Key to Managing Stress is Finding the Right Outlets

Life is stressful, business is stressful, and entrepreneurship is really stressful.

If you do not learn how to effectively manage your stressors, you will end up burned out and overwhelmed,  utterly unable to continue on the path to success.

You have to learn to effectively mitigate and manage stress through positive outlets or risk failure due to overwhelm.

Whether you enjoy painting, extreme sports, music, time with friends, or just sitting down with a good book, figure out the things that give you energy and recharge your batteries and make time for them every day.

3. Financial Health is Just as Important as Physical Health

You will often hear leaders in the personal development sphere say the phrase “If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything” and while this is true, if you do not have financial health, every other area of your life will suffer.

If you are living in a state of financial disease your health, relationships, and spiritual life will suffer, there is no way around it.

One of the predominant reasons for the astronomically high divorce rate in the U.S. is financial stress between spouses.

One of the reasons for the health epidemic is the inability for low-income individuals to afford healthy foods and a reasonable quality of life.

One of the reasons that so few people live the lives of their dreams is because they are too busy trying to survive to figure out what their passions are.

You have to master your physical health, because, without it, everything else in your life will deteriorate.

4. Don’t Mistake Achievement and Fulfillment

While financial health is extremely important, do not ever mistake financial achievement (or any other kind of achievement) for fulfillment.

Some of the happiest people in the world only earn $25,000 a year, and some of the most miserable people on the planet are multimillionaires.

You have to shift your focus from achievement to fulfillment.

What makes you come alive, what do you enjoy doing, who do you enjoy being around?

You will only have fulfillment in your life when you can answer these questions honestly and base the rest of your life around them.

5. Go Experience Failure

Growing up, you were told that failure is bad. That it is evil. That it should be avoided.

But the truth is, failure is one of the most valuable tools you have if you wish to become successful.

Go out and fail faster than you have ever failed before. The more you fail, the more you learn,  and the more successful you will ultimately become.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Ken Blanchard, PhD, is one of the most influential leadership experts in the world. He has co-authored 60 books, including Raving Fans and Gung Ho! (with Sheldon Bowles). His groundbreaking works have been translated into over 40 languages and their combined sales total more than 21 million copies.

In 2005 he was inducted into Amazon’s Hall of Fame as one of the top 25 bestselling authors of all time. The recipient of numerous leadership awards and honors, he is cofounder with his wife, Margie, of The Ken Blanchard Companies®, a leading international training and consulting firm.

Favorite Success Quote

“Don’t ever use your position, great leaders and great because people love them and trust them, not because they have power” ~

Key Points

1. Leadership is About Trust Not Power

If you want to be an effective leader, then operate based off of trust, not off of your power.

If you want people to follow you, don’t demand that they follow you, get them to follow you because they trust you.

Leadership is based off of trust, and not off of power. You have to build your community of individuals who trust in you and trust your abilities before you will ever be an effective leader.

2. Don’t Let Age Define You

Whether you are young or old, you have something to offer the world.

Never let your age determine your ambitions.

If you are young, then use that youth and energy to invest into growing yourself and your dream, if you are older, then use your wisdom to grow your dreams while paying it forward and helping someone else.

There is no time in life whenever you do not have a purpose, never let your age define you.

3. You Need to Keep Yourself Excited

No matter where you are in life, you need to keep yourself excited and stimulate, spiritually, physically, and mentally.

If you are not constantly pushing the envelope on your life and growing yourself in all areas you will live a more rich and fulfilling life.

4. Service is Essential to Fulfillment 

You cannot truly live a full life unless you are serving others. Life is empty when it is lived for you.

You have to have some aspect of your life with an element of service. Whether this is starting a non profit, volunteering at your church or with a charity, or just giving 10% of your money to a good cause.

You need to remember that life is bigger than you and act like it.

5. If You Want Something to Go Well Get it Structured 

If you want a marriage, business, or even your health to go well, it needs to be well structured.

You have to put systems into place that help you to operate from strengths, eliminate weaknesses, and get perspective on your blind spots. Only with the right systems in place will anything truly be successful.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Aaron Anastasi is the founder and coach of the internationally recognized, Superior Singing Method, an online singing lesson program that grosses seven figures annually.

With over 10,000,000 views and 100,000 subscribers, Aaron has the #1 singing/life lesson channel on YouTube. He is also a prominent life coach for clients in industry-leading roles ranging from film directors to marine biologists to TEDx speakers.

Favorite Success Quote

“The inspiration you are waiting for, in order to start, is on the other side of starting”

Key Points

1. You Have to Get Started 

The hardest part of any endeavor, whether it is starting your business, losing 50 lbs. of fat, or marrying the girl of your dreams, is getting started.

Once you have built the momentum and gotten over the fear of failure and vulnerability, things will start to fall into place, but you have to get started!

So plug your nose, and jump into the cold water, years from now, you will look back and be glad that you did.

2. Don’t Hold Your Happiness Hostage to Large Goals 

Having huge, massive, earth shattering goals is admirable, but it can also be toxic.

You need to have your big goals; a million dollars a year in profit, a New York Times best-selling book,  transformed body, or whatever it is, but you cannot allow those big goals to hold your happiness hostage.

Set out towards your dreams with smaller, more managable goals that will allow you to taste the joy of achievement without waiting 10-20 years, and reward yourself for every step you take towards your big goals.

Remember, like Hal Elrod says “Love the life you have, while you create the life of your dreams.”

3. Your Beliefs Determine Your Reality 

Nothing can sabotage you more quickly and more completely than limiting beliefs.

If you wake up every morning, believing that you are not good enough, that you will never achieve your goals, and that you are unworthy of success, then it is impossible to achieve your dreams.

You have to consciously and actively rewire your brain and your belief systems to serve you and your goals, because if you do not, your beliefs will rewire your life for the worse.

4. Your Rituals Create Your Results

Success is simple, but it is not easy.

If you want that great body, workout every day, count your calories, and sleep 8 hours a night.

If you want a million dollars in your bank account, start your business, set about each day intentionally building on the most important things, and hire experts to help you overcome your weaknesses.

If you want the beautiful wife and the white picket fence, then start getting involved in social activities, talk to more women, and take more risks in your dating life.

Success is nothing but the accumulation of small things done consistently over a log period of time.

5. Feedback Helps You Close the Gaps in Life 

If you are not where you want to be in your life right now, then you need to sit down with people you trust and have honest and open conversations about where you are excelling and where you are falling short.

The feedback that you get from others (meaning people who have achieved what you want and who care for you) can give you the knowledge and encouragement you need to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Miki Spies is a spiritual coach with powerful and easily applicable teachings. She is an amazing coach and transformational speaker with an enthusiastic message of manifestation.

Favorite Success Quote

“Being entirely honest with oneself is an important exercise.” ~ Sigmund Freud

Key Points

1. Great Sex is About Presence

Many men think that great sex is all about technique and stamina, but the truth is, while those may be important, great sex is about presence.

It is about showing up and giving your all, being fully focused and present in each moment.

Great sex is as much a mental and spiritual activity as it is physical.

2. Everything About You is Foreplay

Some men believe that foreplay, like sex, is all about what happens in the bedroom. However, foreplay starts the second that you lay eyes on a woman.

Everything about you is foreplay, from the way that you present yourself, to the interactions you have, to the presence that you show in your conversation.

3. Don’t Regret a Damn Thing

Everything that has ever happened up until this very second made you who you are. Don’t regret any of it.

The decisions you have made, both bad and good brought you to where you are today and will help to prepare you for what is to come in the future.

Embrace them, don’t regret them. Don’t waste time wishing to change things that cannot, and should not be changed.

4. Never Settle 

If you ever feel that you are settling in a relationship, then you are doing yourself and your woman a disservice. You can never be truly happy when you feel that you are settling and it will affect every other area of your life.

Your work life, health, platonic relationships, and personal development will all stagnate whenever you have a women in your life who you are not passionate about and who does not push you to grow and become a better man.

Do yourself and your woman a favor and end things now.

5. Anticipation is the Key to Success

If you want to truly succeed and stand out with women, you have to learn to master the art of anticipation.

Women are used to men fawning over them, trying to get into their pants on the first date, and trying to escalate much too quickly.

Instead, learn to build the anticipation. Slow things down a little bit, exercise some restraint. Not only will you be able to make better decisions in your relationships, but women will respect and want you even more.

Direct download: Miki_Spies.mp3
Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Mike Dillard is an entrepreneur in Austin Texas. He built his first million-dollar business by the age of 27, teaching small business owners how to effectively market their products and services online using “attraction-marketing” strategies.

In 2010 he founded a financial education company in order to teach others how to achieve financial freedom through investment strategies commonly reserved for the wealthy.

Combined, his businesses have produced more than $50 Million in revenue without outside funding.

Today Mike dedicates his time to mentoring other entrepreneurs and developing technologies in the aeroponics industry that will give people around the world access to clean, healthy, organic food at a fraction of today’s current prices.

He spends his free time pursuing his passion for auto racing, competing in the Baja 1000, Mint 400, and SCCA.

Favorite Success Quote

“Never never stop”

Key Points

1. Success Comes from You

One of the fallacies that many wantrepreneurs make is that they think success will come from outside of them.

They think that if they find the right vehicle they will be successful but they never realize that the vehicle doesn’t matter if the driver sucks.

You have to invest in yourself before you will ever see success in business. You have to master skill sets, understand your personality and how you function, and constantly educate yourself if you ever wish to be successful.

2. You Cannot Use Your Personality Type as an Excuse

Often times in business, entrepreneurs will use their personality type as a crutch.

They say things like “How can I get good at sales if I am an introvert” or “My personality just doesn’t let me focus on one thing” or a whole host of other b.s. excuses.

If you want to succeed in entrepreneurship then wake up and realize that your personality type may be an obstacle but it is never a death sentence.

3. Making Money is Only the First Part of Wealth

Many people believe that once you make money you are set. But the truth is that making money is only the first part of the equation for wealth.

If you want to be wealthy you have to learn how to make, keep, and grow your income.

If you earn $1,000,000 a year but spend $1,250,000 then you are not wealthy, you are broke as a joke.

The things that make so many entrepreneurs great at making money, being comfortable with risks, quick decision making, and a “go big or go home” attitude is also what makes it very difficult for entrepreneurs to keep and grow their money.

To grow true wealth, you must temper yourself and learn to exercise the discipline necessary to make smart investment decisions that are not sexy, do not require a lot of risk, and are often base hits instead of home runs.

Entrepreneurship makes terrible financial decision

4. If You Want to be Respected Have Integrity

This applies to all areas of life, not just business.

If you want people to respect you, then be a man of your word, say what you mean and stop lying. Be real and honest with people, don’t b.s. them because you are hoping for positive feedback.

Your word is how you are measured as a man, make sure that people see you as a man of integrity.

5. Build Your Life One Brick at a Time

Success in entrepreneurship rarely comes in fast spurts. It comes through building your business one brick at a time, a few bricks a day.

When you wake up each day, focus on 3-5 things that you need to accomplish that will grow your business. After several years of this daily ritual, you will be successful.

Like Charlie Monger said

“Spend each day trying to be a little wiser than you were when you woke up. Discharge your duties faithfully and well. Step by step you get ahead, but not necessarily in fast spurts. But you build discipline by preparing for fast spurts…. Slug it out one inch at a time, day by day. At the end of the day–if you live long enough–most people get what they deserve.”

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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Dean Niewolny spent 23 years in executive roles with three of Wall Street’s largest financial firms, finishing his career in the financial sector as the market manager for Wells Fargo Advisors in Chicago, where he oversaw a $100mm market.

While in Chicago, he and his wife, Lisa, traveled many times to Africa and, seeing the abject needs of widows and orphans, made life changes that enabled them to get involved, such as helping to complete an orphan home and a Hospice home in Durbin, South Africa.

In 2010, Dean traded his marketplace career for Halftime to help more people who, like him, wanted to expand their own “first half” success and skills into passion and purpose for meeting human needs and making a significant difference. Dean joined Halftime as managing director and in 2011 became chief executive officer. He speaks at events around the world, encouraging business leaders to channel

Dean joined Halftime as managing director and in 2011 became chief executive officer. He speaks at events around the world, encouraging business leaders to channel their first-half achievements into a second half defined by joy, impact, and balance.

Favorite Success Quote

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,which God prepared in advance for us to do.” ~Ephesians 2:1

Key Points

1. The Pursuit of Money is Empty

So many of us as men tie our identity to the number of 0’s in our checking account. We think that out worth as  a man is determined by how much money we earn and the number of toys that we have without ever realizing that the sole pursuit of money is empty.

Yes, money is important and allows us to have a bigger impact on the world, but pursuing money just for the sake of having more money and bigger and better things is a pursuit that will leave you empty and full of regret for a life lived in vain.

2. Life is About What You Can Give Not What You Get 

The true joy of life is in giving back, it’s in making an impact and helping other people to become all that they can be. If you want to live a full life, a good life, and a life that has true meaning, then you must focus on what you are giving, not what you are getting.

3. You Don’t Need to Leave Your Job to Make an Impact

Many people seem to think that the only way to have true significance is to leave their job and start a nonprofit in the deep Sahara. But the truth of the matter is that you can start having a real impact by just focusing on your local community.

Start a local club for young boys who don’t have fathers and give them a strong male role model, build a park for the inner city, mentor someone who you believe has real potential.

You don’t have to be drastic to make an important difference, start small and you will be amazed where it takes you.

4.  Aim for Success and Significance

Something that many millennials are realizing is that success and significance are not either-or situations, you can have both-and. They are realizing that they can have the 7-figure business, and use that business to enjoy the finer things in life while still changing communities and individuals on a global scale.

They are realizing that they can actually make a money from making a difference, solving real problems and training up the next generation of leaders and world changers while making a profit is something that is completely doable.

Do not settle for one or the other, pursue both.

5. You Have to Operate from Passion and Strength 

If you want to make a real difference in the world, then you have to operate from passion and strength. If you are doing something that you do not enjoy and you are no good at, you will never make a difference in your life or the life of anybody else.

You have to find things that make you come alive, and then find a niche where you can become one of the best. This is the only way that you will be able to make a lasting impact on the world.

Direct download: Dean_Niewolny.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Dale Partridge is a social entrepreneur and founder of and Described as “a mind who feels the trends before market,” Partridge teaches leaders and organizations how to position their brand, love their people, and develop profitable corporate social responsibility programs.

He’s a renowned expert on branding, consumer psychology, and marketplace trends. He is an avid speaker and has been featured in various business publications including the cover of Entrepreneur Magazine, Fox News, NBC, INC Magazine, Mashable, MSN Money, Forbes and the Los Angeles Times. Dale resides with his family in Bend, Oregon.

Favorite Success Quote

“Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life”~Dolly Parton

Key Points

1. Accountability is Key

On your path to becoming the best man that you can be, there are a couple of key ingredients that, if you are lacking, will cause you to fail miserably.

One of those keys is accountability.

You have to have strong men in your life who are willing to speak truth and push you to become your best self. Men who are willing to call you out on your weaknesses and affirm your strengths. Without a strong support system you will fail. It is essential to your success as a man, in business, marriage, and personal growth that you develop this accountability and stick to it.

2. Men Are Overly Courageous in Business and Fearful in Family

A huge problem with men today is that they are courageous in business and timid in their family lives.

They draw all of this satisfaction from succeeding on the front of business, making millions and achieving their dreams, that they forget to be good fathers, husbands, and sons.

If you want to live up to your full potential as a man, you have to have a balance between both. You have to succeed in business so that you can provide for your family, but you also have to be willing to sacrifice a bigger paycheck to be the man that your family needs.

3. Build Generosity into Your Life

One of the cornerstones of being a good man is being generous. If you want to live a life of purpose and fulfillment, build generosity into your life, don’t sprinkle it in as an afterthought.

Give your time, money, and resources to charities that you believe in, be willing to listen to the homeless guy on the street, sit and have a conversation with someone in need. Be generous in all areas of your life and it will come back to you, but more importantly, at the end of the day when you meet your maker, you will have a clean conscience and a full heart.

Direct download: Dale_Partridge.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Dr. Roberto Canessa., is one of the 16 survivors of the Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571, which crashed in the Andes mountains on October 13, 1972

Favorite Success Quote

“Don’t wait for the helicopters to rescue you”

Key Points

1. You Have to Rescue Yourself 

In life, no one is coming to save you, there are no helicopters on the way, you have to rescue yourself.

In business, there is no one coming with that promotion you aren’t willing to work and ask for, in relationships, there are no beautiful women waiting in line to marry you while you play video games and live a mundane life, there is no magic pill to make you the best version of yourself, you have to choose to be the best, and fight for it every day.

You have to rescue yourself.

2. Know there is Hope

No matter how bleak things look right now, know that there is hope, there is always something better waiting for you if you are willing to have patience and put in the work. No matter how hard it is, no matter how much you want to give up, stay strong and have hope.

3. Take it One Step at a Time

If you want to succeed at anything, just take it one step at a time. Don’t think about the massive journey ahead of you, just think about the natural next step, think about the one thing that you need to do today.

If you can have laser focus on the next thing you need to accomplish your success in life and business will skyrocket.

4. Don’t Wait for the Plane to Crash 

Life is beautiful and we have so much to be grateful for. Don’t wait for your plane to crash to realize that. Spend time every day in thanks, thinking about the people, things, and experiences you love.

Just be grateful and allow the world to spin in its own way without worrying about it.

Direct download: Robert_Canessa_1.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 12:49pm EDT

Chris Duffin is an accomplished power lifter, coach and gym owner, he holds the world record for the raw squat in the 220 lb weight class and holds a Guinness World Record for the most weight deadlifted in 1 minute with 42 reps at 405 lbs. He is the head coach and co owner at the Elite Performance Center.

Favorite Success Quote

Reject complacency like it’s a poison, chase your vision like its your last breath, this is your path to achieving greatness”

Key Points

1. Reject Complacency and Live in Fear

If you are not growing then you are dying. If you are a driven man who wants to achieve great things in your life and you take the action necessary to achieve those things, then odds are, you will come to a point in your life where you are comfortable. You will have made your millions, become successful with women, possibly having the dream wife, the big house, and the passive income business. But this is when life becomes most dangerous.

Life is unpredictable and volatile. Once you achieve success you are at your most vulnerable because this is when you feel that you have permission to stop growing and pushing yourself.

This is something that you must root out of your life like a cancer. You have to constantly grow, reject complacency, and live in fear. Live in fear because you are doing things that you don’t know you will be able to achieve, things that are making you better and making you stronger.

2. Success Builds Trust 

If you want people to trust you, show them results. If you have a proven track record behind your name, then people will naturally support you when you start to take on more and more challenging tasks and activities.

How can you expect your family to trust you in starting and growing a new business when you haven’t even achieved success in your current job? How can you expect business partners and investors to trust you when you have no proof of your abilities.

Do what it takes to become successful and later, whenever you are making bigger and bigger leaps, you will already have the trust of the important people in your life.

3. Prioritize Your Life

The age old excuse that you don’t have time for something is just a big lie you keep telling yourself. You have time for whatever you prioritize, and if you do not prioritize business, health or relationships, then they will suffer, there’s no way around it.

If you want to achieve greatness then you have to prioritize it.

Direct download: Chris_Duffin.mp3
Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 10:24pm EDT

Craig Filek is a father, a depth coach and highly attuned facilitator bringing over 20 years of experience in transformative men’s work, shadow work and authentic relating to his unique process for radically clarifying your purpose, making a powerful contribution, and stepping into your flow

Favorite Success Quote

“In every adversity lies the seed in an equivalent or greater benefit”~Napoleon Hill

Key Points

1. Learn to Be With Yourself

Part of becoming the man that you were born to be is to discover who you are and to learn to be ok with your shadow, unafraid and bold in accepting who you are.

To achieve this level of self knowledge and acceptance, you have to be willing to spend time in solitude truly delving into yourself and allowing yourself the space to grow.

Whether this is through meditation, time in nature or journaling doesn’t matter. What matters is that you make time for yourself to be alone with yourself and truly come to know and accept who you are.

2. You Have to Have a Rite of Passage to Become the Best Man You Can Be

To truly thrive as a man, you must, even according to your own biology, go through a rite of passage that challenges you and leaves you a better man than before.

Whether this is a retreat, solo trip around the world, starting a business, or competing in a boxing match, you need to have something that marks your transition into manhood and a new life, no matter how old or experienced you are.

3. Create a Life Map

A powerful exercise to help you unlock your potential and become the man you need to be is to create a life map. Include your overarching purpose for the next 6 years, milestones along the way to help keep you motivated and on track, a daily one thing to focus on, and a list of daily habits to help you become the man you were born to be.

No matter whether your purpose is to become the biggest name in personal growth, a pro musician, or simply to be the best damn father you can, breaking everything down in this way will help you to organize your life and goals in a simple way that you can easily follow and use to achieve your purpose.

Direct download: Craig_Filek_Replay.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:00am EDT