Knowledge For Men (Dating and Relationship Advice)

In today's podcast I'm tackling one of THE most infectious diseases affecting men today...Oneitis. 

In other words, the belief that ONE specific woman is the ONLY woman who can complete you and make you happy. 

I'll be destroying common myths, giving you powerful exercises to reframe your mindset, and giving you tactical action steps to overcome oneitis for good and build the dating life of your dreams. 

Let's dive in. 

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 1:14pm EDT

While I was rewriting The Dating Playbook for Men, I came across something I didn’t expect. 

My friend told me about a site where you could date the hottest women in your area… 

...But you had to pay them to do it. 

I thought he was lying. 

But later that night I decided to check it out, and soon after I became an “undercover sugar daddy” where I met up with “sugar babies” to try and see what this bizarre and twisted underworld was all about and what was really going on. 

What I found next scared the living crap out of me…

I recorded an expose of my experience and how the new world of sugar dating will impact men and women in the future. 

And I can promise you, you will NOT want to miss this.

Direct download: Sugar_Dating.mp3
Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 4:19pm EDT

Born in Egypt, Dr. Nour left Cairo in 1977 after graduating in the top of his class at the Medical School of Cairo University. Looking for the freedom to study medical subjects of interest to him in the U.S., he made his way to London but got caught in three year immigration process.

After many years of private Neurology practice in the Midwest and due only to an allergy to Canadian Geese, which flourish in large populations there, Dr. Nour moved to Southern California. Happily married with two daughters in college, he is now semi-retired. He is an accomplished painting artist, videographer, photographer and a graphic designer.

He enjoys opera, sailing, tennis, bicycling, and learning about other cultures through travel, all while still enjoying helping patients with complex neurological disorders.

Favorite Success Quote

“With persistence, you can achieve anything your heart desires.”

Key Points

1. “Love” is a Scientific Series of Processes that Occur in Four Distinct Phases

1. Mate Choice

The first phase of love is mate choice. At it’s most basic level, this is the process of meeting someone and (subconsciously) deciding that they are a good match for you and your potential offspring on a genetic level. This phase happens almost instantly.

2. Falling in Love

The process that Hollywood and pop culture have used and abused. This is the phase in a relationship where the two individuals will feel massive attraction for one another and experience a heightened increase in certain pleasure chemicals. This phase will typically last 1-3 years.

3. Falling Out of Love 

A necessary part of finding true love, the third phase of love is where you effectively experience the proverbial “come down” from the neurochemical high that you experienced during phase two. During this phase of the process, you will begin struggling in your relationship and find your partner less appealing than you did before.  This phase will typically last around a year.

4. True Love

This is where the rubber meets the road. During the final stage of love, “True Love”, you have experienced falling out of love, made a conscious and informed decision that your current partner is right for you, and you now experience a release of a new set of pleasure chemicals that are slower forming but longer lasting, leading to the much desired “Happily ever after”.

2. Falling Out of Love is Essential to True Love

Many people assume that if they are falling out of love with their partner it is a bad thing.

However, they should actually get excited.

Falling out of love is an essential, if not the most essential part of the four phases of true love.

You see, the first two phases of love cause people to experience such an overwhelm of pleasure chemicals being released in the brain that they quite literally cannot see the other person for what they really are.

Thus the phrase “Love is blind”.

However, because your genes are hardwired to help ensure that you are able to survive and procreate with the highest levels of success possible, phase two begins.

During this phase, your genes are working behind the scenes to help you determine whether the person you are with is truly the best match for you in the long run.

If you do not have this phase, you cannot have true love.

Read that again and write it down.

Unless you fall out of love with your partner, you will scientifically never be able to experience true and lasting love. 

This is not an easy reality to stomach, but the knowledge and foresight of what is to come will allow you to make informed decisions about your relationships and truly determine what is best for you in the future.

3. If You Do Not Fall Out of Love with Somebody You Cannot Fall in Love With Someone New

Many men beat themselves up and feel battered down because they are unable to move on after a bad breakup or divorce.

Gentlemen, I have good news for you.

It is not your fault.

Despite what we have been lead to believe by the pop culture surrounding masculinity, on a chemical and neurological level, you cannot just get over it whenever you experience a traumatizing separation.

You see, whenever you are caught in the second phase of love and your partner ends the relationship (often because they reached the third phase and did not know how to handle it), you are still caught in love on a chemical level.

Your brain will literally not allow you to move on until you have experienced the biological and neurological effects of falling out of love.

So what does this mean for you?

If your wife or girlfriend ends things while you are mid-phase 2 are you doomed to an eternity of lovelessness?


Even though your brain and genes are working “against” you, it is possible to recover.

Typically this will occur whenever you maintain an amiable (or nonamiable) relationship with your previous partner and allow yourself to naturally fall out of love with them.

If they have been removed from your life completely, you will often need to seek professional help to truly recover and move on to your next love in a healthy way.

4. Love and Sex Are Not the Same Thing

A common fallacy among the uninformed is that love and sex are the same things.

They are not.

While love and sex are complimentary in their nature, they serve two completely different purposes.

Think about it this way.

Sex is all about satiation.

It’s about achieving the goal of orgasm and there is a set amount of sex that any given person can handle before they are done.

Love, on the other hand, does not have an inherent goal or “climax”. It is an ongoing process that can and should feel like a bottomless well.

Have you ever heard anyone say “No thanks, I don’t want any more love today. You can take your love and go give it to someone else.”?

However, love makes sex more intense and emotional and sex makes loves more binding.

Like a doctor and a nurse, they work together, but serve very separate roles.

5. Your Capacity for Love Depends on Your Genes

And now, the big one.

This particular point will be uncomfortable for many of you and might even make some of you angry.

But like the famous scientist Neil DeGrasse Tyson said, “The great thing about science is that it is true whether you agree with it or not”.

Your capacity for true love, connection, and monogamy are all highly dependent on your genes.

There are some people who due to their genetic variations quite literally cannot experience true love.

The chemicals are there, but the genetic wiring to receive the “true love” chemicals are not.

This is a hard pill for many to swallow.

The fact that monogamy, fidelity, and the quality of your relationships can actually have anything to do with your genes, let alone everything to do with them, is not something that most members of society understand and accept.

And while this truth may not be comfortable, it is the truth and it’s important that you remember this on your quest to find your own true love.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Joshua Hathaway, M.A. Holistic Clinical Psychology, is a Tongue Fu black belt and master of the Art of Connection.

Through his private and organizational training in No Bullsh!t Communication, as well as coaching and consulting, Joshua is radically empowering people’s success in the changing landscapes of modern love and leadership.

Favorite Success Quote

“All good things are wild and free” ~ Henry David Thoreau

Key Points

1. Your Body Language Effects Your Psychology

If you are approaching life in a weak disempowered state, with your shoulders hunched over, your head down, and your arms closed off, you are going to be playing life at a smaller level.

Have you ever noticed how powerful people all have similar body language?

They all stand up straight, project forward with their bodies and voices, have open postures, and own their space.

They do this because your body language affects your psychology, your mood, and even your hormonal balance.

From today moving forward, start making a conscious effort to change your body language and watch how it changes how you show up in the world.

2. Your Breath can Change Your Life

If you want a quick and easy way to change your life and your relationships, I will give it to you in one word: Breathe.

It is that simple.

If you are feeling stressed out… Breathe.

If you are fighting with your significant other and getting losing your temper… Breathe.

If you are in a beautiful place and simply want to appreciate the sweetness of life… Breathe.

Breathing more deeply, more fully, more regularly will help you to stay grounded and present and can completely change your life in a way few other things can.

3. Stop Telling B.S. Stories 

In relationships, we are often tempted to make up b.s. stories and wild claims that are not grounded in fact.

If you want truly satisfying relationships, you need to stop this immediately.

Instead of saying that someone never listens, stick with the facts.

Say something like “That is the third time today you have cut me off while I was talking and it’s really frustrating me”

This approach focuses on facts instead of accusations and it will allow you to get to the root of your relational problems easier than name calling and b.s. storytelling.

4. Just Listen 

Seriously, this point is so simple but so profound.

Just shut the hell up and listen.

Don’t take things personally or get angry about whatever is being said.

Just listen, ask better questions and try to get to the root of what is really happening.

Stop talking and just listen.

5. Talk about observations, feelings, and values 

Whenever you are in a serious conversation with a significant other, talk about three things.

First, your observations, or what you have noticed is happening in your relationship.

Are they respecting you or not? Are they showing up in a certain way? Have they been caught in a certain pattern of actions?

Next talk about how the observation has made you feel.

Are you feeling loved? Upset? Frustrated?

Finally, discuss your values.

Do you value integrity and honesty but have observed a pattern of lying? Say so.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Zachary Stockill is a writer, developer, podcaster, and lifelong student.

His work has been featured on The Huffington Post, The Art of Charm, and ManTalks among many others.

Favorite Success Quote

The so-called meaning of life opened up before me, it turned out to be infinitely simple, give love and seek no reward reciprocal love is your reward and the meaning of life in its entirety.” ~ Andrei Gavrilov

Key Points

1. Generosity without Expectation is Sexy 

There is a lot of focus in the modern “pick up” and dating advice world on making sure that you are always giving less in your relationships than you are receiving.

While this advice may have some foundation if you are looking for nothing other than a one-night stand or a slew of unfulfilling sexual experiences, it holds no water if you are looking for fulfillment in relationships.

If you want to have the most fulfilling relationships possible, you need to give love without expectation.

That is the key.

Give and don’t expect anything in return. Give because you want to, not because you are expecting sex or love to be reciprocated.

2. Tell Your Truth No Matter What 

If you are struggling in your relationships, odds are, you are withholding your truth from your woman.

You need to open up, tell her the truth, be honest with her without fear of outcome and without any neediness from her.

This is the only way that you can overcome issues together and break through jealousy.

3. You Need to be Aware of Women’s Sexuality 

Odds are, if you are struggling with jealousy, at least a small part of the issue is that you are not celebrating women’s sexuality.

Like men, women enjoy sex. They find it exciting and (hopefully) satisfying. And this is a beautiful thing.

Instead of sitting around in your relationships getting caught up on  the men who came before you, celebrate the fact that you are in a relationship with a beautiful sexual being, and learn to be ok with the fact that you probably weren’t her first and may not be her last.

4. Jealousy is About You, not Your Partner

Anyone who is struggling with jealousy on a large scale is almost definitely struggling with their own personal development.

Jealousy stems from your own limiting beliefs.

Your belief that you are not good enough, that you will never find a woman as good as your current girlfriend, or that other men will be able to care for her and satisfy her better than you will.

If you are struggling with these thoughts, then man up and take action.

Start taking care of yourself first. Master your own personal growth and become a man of high value who has options, and you will be able to sit back and enjoy as the

5. Maintain Your Life Outside of Relationships

The key to a healthy relationship is highly counter-intuitive.

Focus on your life outside of your relationship.

If you give up on your friends, quit pursuing your hobbies, and drop all of the things that made her fall in love with you in the first place, then your relationship is doomed.

You need to remember that you have a life outside of your woman. This will help keep you grounded whenever your relationship hits rocky ground (which is will).

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Miki Spies is a spiritual coach with powerful and easily applicable teachings. She is an amazing coach and transformational speaker with an enthusiastic message of manifestation.

Favorite Success Quote

“Being entirely honest with oneself is an important exercise.” ~ Sigmund Freud

Key Points

1. Great Sex is About Presence

Many men think that great sex is all about technique and stamina, but the truth is, while those may be important, great sex is about presence.

It is about showing up and giving your all, being fully focused and present in each moment.

Great sex is as much a mental and spiritual activity as it is physical.

2. Everything About You is Foreplay

Some men believe that foreplay, like sex, is all about what happens in the bedroom. However, foreplay starts the second that you lay eyes on a woman.

Everything about you is foreplay, from the way that you present yourself, to the interactions you have, to the presence that you show in your conversation.

3. Don’t Regret a Damn Thing

Everything that has ever happened up until this very second made you who you are. Don’t regret any of it.

The decisions you have made, both bad and good brought you to where you are today and will help to prepare you for what is to come in the future.

Embrace them, don’t regret them. Don’t waste time wishing to change things that cannot, and should not be changed.

4. Never Settle 

If you ever feel that you are settling in a relationship, then you are doing yourself and your woman a disservice. You can never be truly happy when you feel that you are settling and it will affect every other area of your life.

Your work life, health, platonic relationships, and personal development will all stagnate whenever you have a women in your life who you are not passionate about and who does not push you to grow and become a better man.

Do yourself and your woman a favor and end things now.

5. Anticipation is the Key to Success

If you want to truly succeed and stand out with women, you have to learn to master the art of anticipation.

Women are used to men fawning over them, trying to get into their pants on the first date, and trying to escalate much too quickly.

Instead, learn to build the anticipation. Slow things down a little bit, exercise some restraint. Not only will you be able to make better decisions in your relationships, but women will respect and want you even more.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

This is David’s second appearance on the show, he’s back and better than before.

For those of you who are not familiar with David Wygant, he is an internationally-renowned dating and relationship coach, author and speaker. Through his boot camps, personal coaching and his website, his advice has transformed the dating lives and relationships of hundreds of thousands of people from every corner of the globe. His funny — yet always direct — approach to dating, sex and relationships has revolutionized how people meet and interact with the opposite sex.

Over the last thirteen years, David has become one of the most frequently-quoted dating experts in the media. He offers his advice as a lead writer for Yahoo! Personals, AskMen, Huffington Post and across television segments, newspapers and magazines, including MTV, The New York Times, MSNBC, Fox News, Cosmopolitan, Men’s Health and E! Entertainment Television — as well as on over 2,000 radio shows.

Key Points

1. Get Off Social Media and CONNECT

People have lost their ability to connect. We spend our days on social media, constantly swiping and liking our lives away while the real juice of life passes us by.

If you want to live a life that is full, full of love, passion, and joy, you have to put down the phone and learn to connect with people, get excited about who you will meet and what you will learn each day and turn your damn phone off!

No man will ever go to his grave regretting that he didn’t have enough facebook followers, but many men die void of true love and connection because they were never willing to put down their devices and connect.

2. You Are Good Enough 

Society, our family, and our friends have sold us a lie that we are not good enough. We have been taught that because we are not like someone else that we are somehow inferior and less worthy of love and success than others.

This is b.s.

You are who you are for a reason, embrace it! If you are a nerd, be a nerd, a gym rat, then be a gym rat, if you are a hopeless romantic, then embrace it and be who you are!

Don’t let anyone or anything tell you that you are not good enough.

3. Give Love Freely

All that matters in life is our ability to love. If you want to be happy and fulfilled, then give love freely. Love other people, love the world you live in, love your family, your friends, and don’t expect anything in return.

As soon as you do this, the universe will open up doors and your life will be a roller coaster ride of joy, love, and connection.

4. Be Totally Present 

Stop worrying about tomorrow. Quit spending your precious time focused on things that don’t matter. Unplug and learn to love, to be totally present and there with everyone you meet.

Life is too short to live in the future. Give love and presence and your life will be more joyful and amazing than you can imagine.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Dr. Robert Glover, author of No More Mr. Nice Guy: A Proven Plan For Getting What You Want in Love, Sex and Life (Running Press, 2003)

Dr. Glover is an internationally recognized authority on the Nice Guy Syndrome. He is a frequent guest on radio talk shows and has been featured in numerous local and national publications.

Through his book, online classes, workshops, podcasts, blogs, consultation, and therapy groups, Dr. Glover has helped change the lives of countless men and women around the world.

Favorite Quote

“If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun”~Audrey Hepburn

Key Points

1. Nothing Hidden Nothing Half-assed

To stop being the nice guy and unleash your inner alpha, you have to stop hiding. Stop hiding what you are thinking because you are afraid of what other people will say about you. Stop hiding your thoughts and feelings towards women because you are afraid it will upset them and cause tension. Stop bs'ing people to make them happy. Be you

Once you stop lying and keeping things hidden, you must stop doing things halfway. If you are going to do something, go all in, hold nothing back. If you are half in, it is probably a sign that you are doing something that is incongruent with who you are and your mission in life, and you should likely reevaluate your reasons for doing it.

2. You Already Have Enough Information

The problem facing most guys today is not lack of information, but rather a lack of action on the information they already know. You already know everything that you need to know to begin taking the action that will help you achieve your goals in your dating, physical, and financial lives. It’s simple.

To be healthy, eat whole foods and exercise everyday. To get good with women, talk to more women. To become rich, work hard on a side hustle until you can quit your job and then save and invest at least 15% of your income. Simple right?

But are you taking the action?

3. Women Need Emotional Tension

Something that most men do not understand is that women want positive tension in their lives (why do you think they enjoy those damn soap operas?). They want a man who will challenge them and tease them. They want a man who is completely unafraid of their reaction.

The best ways to build emotional tension are to touch, tease, and tell.

Touch her playfully throughout the interaction. Touch her arm, spin her, hold her hand, break the touch barrier, the sooner the better. Tease her in a kind hearted way that shows you are a challenge and may even get close to crossing the line every once in awhile. And finally, just freaking tell her what it on your mind. Don’t play games and don’t kid people.

Build the tension and be brutally honest.

(Touch tease and tell)

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 9:00pm EDT

Jeffrey Platts is passionate about helping men design and live that has them feeling fully alive. He’s obsessed with finding out what keeps people from being their most authentic. Which is actually what is most attractive. Not just physically. Professionally, financially, emotionally, sexually, socially, spiritually. 

Jeffrey Platts is a men’s life and love coach with a background in salsa dancing, world traveling and yoga instruction.

Favorite Success Quote

“Whatever I think the world is withholding from me, I am withholding from the world”~Eckhart Tolle

“The cave you fear to enter contains the treasure you seek”~Joseph Campbell

Key Points

1. If You Want External Change, You Have to Start Internally 

On the road to success, in whatever field, be it financially, socially, physically, or emotionally, the change starts inside. No change will happen in your external world without first taking the time to do the deep internal work of finding your why, crushing mental barriers, and setting a clear vision just to name a few.

You need to realize that if you want to see success, you have to work from the inside out and be willing to put in the time and effort on yourself before you will see the results that you are looking for.

2. Your Identity Determines Your Outcomes

Often times, when individuals try to change, a huge stumbling block that they run into is that the identity that they have held for years is incongruent with the new path that they are on.

If you have told yourself that you are a smoker for nearly 20 years, you will find it hard to quit smoking because that habit is so tied up in your identity. Therefor, if you want to make any sort of appreciable changes in your life, part of the inner work you need to start with is developing a new positive identity in yourself.

Develop an identity of a man who is disciplined, who is hardworking, who is innovative, who is smart, who is whatever you want to be. Only when your identity is aligned with your goals will you begin to achieve them.

3. Comparison Will Kill Your Dreams

The fastest way to live a miserable, unhappy life is to constantly be in comparison. Guess what, someone will always be richer than you, better looking than you, have a better family than you, date more attractive women than you, and drive a faster car than you.

But that is completely irrelevant.

All that matters is that you are competing with yourself. Are you living up to your full potential within the circumstances that you were given going after the goals you have set? Other people are born with different assets and skills than you and often had successes that came from hardships you would never wish upon your worst enemy.

Learn to congratulate others on their successes without being threatened by them. As the old clique goes, “The only person you need to be better than is the person you were yesterday.”

4. Be Who You Want to be Unapologetically 

In society, we are all encouraged to fit in. So fill the social mold and to do what everyone else is doing. This leaves very little room for authenticity and a life on your terms.

Just be who you are unapologetically and don’t worry about what society thinks. Do you love salsa dancing and yoga? Who cares that society sees this as less manly than MMA and Crossfit! Do you want to commit to a loving and monogamous marriage? Who cares that society will tell you that you are less of a man for sleeping with fewer women.

Be who you are and who you want to be completely and without apology.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Geoffrey F. Miller is an American evolutionary psychologist, serving as an associate professor of psychology at the University of New Mexico and known for his expertise in sexual selection in human evolution, and for his views on the evolution through sexual selection of the human brain as sexual ornamentation.

Dr. Miller has authored several books including The Mating MindSpent, and Mate.

Favorite Success Quote

“There is very little difference between one man and another, but what little there is is very important” ~William James

Key Points

1. One of the Keys to Success with Women is to Put Yourself in Their Shoes 

If you want to become successful with women, it is imperative that you start by putting yourself in the woman’s shoes. Ask yourself what it is that she is truly looking for in a man, what are her concerns, what are her fears?

Women are far more physically vulnerable than men are and as such, becoming a man that women can feel safe around should be a priority when you begin your journey into the dating world.

Women are also worried about their social and economic status. What will it do to her reputation if she dates or sleeps with you? What will her friends think? 

It’s questions like this that help you to understand what women are looking for and how you can better provide it. If you want to be successful with women, start by getting into their head.

2. Understand Mating Markets 

This is a seemingly simple concept, but one of vital importance. If you want to succeed at fishing, go where the fish are!

Plain and simple, the only way you will get good with women is if you go where there are an abundance of women. Moving to a large city, a big, liberal college, or moving overseas to countries with high populations of beautiful women (eg Argentina and Brazil) will increase your chances of success in mating drastically.

3. Looks Matter Less than You Think

What science has shown us is that women value looks significantly less than they do certain mental and emotional traits. (with the exception of outliers, eg extremely overweight or a male model). What this means is that, no matter what numbers came up for you in the ovarian lottery, if you are an average guy, your success with women will be determined more by the qualities that you display than your looks.

4. Women want a Man with Potential

Women love to be along for the ride, they love to find men who are ambitious and hardworking, and be there with him when he has nothing and once he gets it all. Potential is one of the sexiest things to a woman.

In fact studies have shown that women would rather be with a failed entrepreneur, who put his neck on the line and tried to succeed, than they would with a trust fund baby who was rich but never worked for it.

What this means for you is that you don’t have to be perfect, you just have to show women that you have potential to be the man they’ve always wanted.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 10:49am EDT

Zan Perrion is internationally recognized as one of the most original and insightful voices on relationships and seduction in the world today. A regular media commentator, he has been widely featured in the international press.

Zan is the founder of the Ars Amorata philosophy–a celebration of the art of seduction, the rebirth of romance, and a lifelong quest for beauty and adventure. He is also a co-founder of the Amorati network of men and author of The Alabaster Girl 

Favorite Success Quote

“Beauty needs a witness”~Zan Perrion

Key Points

1. The Greatest Seduction is Authenticity 

Today, there are a plethora of dating coaches and pickup “gurus” claiming that they have the secret sauce to seduction, the one line that will immediately drop panties and guarantee quick effortless sex.

However, what these so-called gurus do not realize, and where they are doing most men a disservice, is that seduction is all about authenticity. It’s about being who you are, expressing your desire unashamedly and fearlessly. It’s about being willing to open up and share the parts of you that you don’t think  women will like.

If you want to be a great seducer and lover, you first have to be authentic, to be the grounded masculine man who knows who he is and what he wants in life and is openly living and expressing that on a daily basis.

Forget all of the cloak and dagger techniques and one-liners, just be real, be you, and be authentic. If a woman can’t appreciate that then she wouldn’t have been a good fit in your life anyways and you save yourself wasted effort on a relationship that would have been built upon a facade.

2. A Great Lover Appreciates the Beauty of All Women 

Something many men fail to do is to appreciate the beauty in all women. Sure they appreciate the tan, fit, busty blonde, but they forget to see the beauty in every woman they come into contact with.

Any time you are talking to a girl, whether you are sexually interested or not, try to find something beautiful about her and express it. Maybe it is her smile, her body, her eyes or dress, or maybe it’s the way she laughs, her passion, her kindness, her gentle spirit.

There is beauty in everyone if we will just look, and the world would be a far better place if more people were able to see and acknowledge the beauty within every person with whom they interact.

3. A Boy Looks for What He Can Get a Man Looks for What He Can Share 

The true difference between, a boy and a man is simply the focus they have.

A boy looks for what he can get; sex, money, prestige, status, fulfillment etc etc. a man, however, looks for what he can give. He comes into every interaction looking for ways to lift others up and to share himself, to make others feel beautiful and loved.

A man is content in himself and doesn’t need the validation of others. He is already full, and as a result he can pour out into others lives without holding back.

4. There is Great Beauty in Women if You Continue 

Many guys have been screwed over by women. We have opened ourselves up and put ourselves on the line only to be burned and hurt.

After this, we became jaded and angry, stereotyping all women as mean and deceitful, failing to realize that like all other generalizations, one isolated incident does not account for a whole populations actions.

If you want to be successful with women and in life in general, you must realize that there is great beauty if you will just continue. Yes, there are women who are simply mean and hurtful, but the vast majority are beautiful creatures, incredible treasure chests of beauty just waiting for the right guy who can come along and unlock them.

So keep going, keep being authentic and keep searching for the beauty in all women and you will find it. Like the bible says (and this is applicable regardless of you religious beliefs or lack thereof) “Seek and you shall find, ask and it will be given, knock and the door will be opened. ”

Keep seeking, asking and knocking and you will find more satisfaction and deep intimacy than you ever thought possible.

5. It’s Not About the Move You Make Just That You Make a Move 

Just make a move. Stop worrying about doing the right thing and just do something.

So many guys never have success in any area of their life because they are afraid of taking imperfect action, but what they fail to realize is that no action is perfect and the only way to be successful is to continually experiment, fail, learn, and experiment again.

Don’t be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 10:06am EDT

Alan C. Fox has lived a long and joyful life, achieving tremendous success in many different arenas, both personally and professionally. He has advanced degrees in accounting, law, education, and professional writing.

He has expanded his commercial real estate company, ACF Property Management, Inc. into a billion dollar enterprise since founding it in 1968. He founded Rattle Poetry Journal (in 1994), a nationally renowned publication including his conversations with noted poets

Alan is dedicated to sharing his wisdom with as many people as possible through his writings, public talks, and media appearances.

Favorite Success Quote

“There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved” ~George Sand

Key Points

1. Learn to be Authentic not Perfect 

Many men have a perfection complex. They feel that unless they are perfect, they aren’t worthy of love and aren’t worth their goals. The simple fact, however, is that no man is perfect, we all have flaws and failures and always will.

Your goal as a grounded man should be to become 100% authentic, not perfect. Be yourself, don’t hide behind this facade or persona of who you want to be; this only leads to a disconnect between how people view you and who you really are.

When you are 100% authentic, when you are vulnerable and open yourself up to the world, no one can hurt you, you give your full self and allow others to take it or leave it knowing that some will love you and some will hate you.

2. Accept People Faults and All 

Once you come to terms with your own imperfection, you must come to terms with the imperfection of others. As much as we hate to admit it, no woman is perfect, there is no “Cinderella.” Every woman has her faults, failures, and issues.

If you want to be a grounded man in a relationship, you must learn to love your woman, faults and all. Do not sit in judgement of them, but rather accept them, acknowledging your own faults and move forward in your relationship.

3. There Are Two “Me’s” and One “Us”

In every great relationship, there are boundaries. You are two individuals but one, you have two seperate lives but the same life. You must realize that a key component of any healthy relationship is seperation.

You need time with your friends, time by yourself, and time away to grow. You should never come to a point in your relationship where your significant other has an issue with you spending time with your social circle each week or taking a trip by yourself to do some thinking.

Accept that to grow together, you also need to grow apart.

4. Do Not Avoid Conversations About Money 

Money is one of the leading causes of divorce in all marriages, and one of the greatest reasons for this is a lack of open and honest communication about money.

If you want to make a relationship work, you need to be open about your financial situation, debt, spending habits, and financial goals.

If you come into a relationship with significant debt that the other person was unaware of (or vice versa) you are starting off your lives together with contention. As Zig Ziglar said “Money isn’t everything but it is right up there with oxygen,” do not let something so important go undiscussed.

Realize that your value as a person and as a lover is not your bank account, you have more to offer a relationship than financial wealth. If you love the other person, you will find a way to work through financial issues together, but first you must talk about them and be open.

5. Take Care of Yourself First 

A simple yet profound piece of advice. You cannot be all that your partner needs you to be if you are only focused on them and not yourself. What your ideal woman wants is for you to be a masculine, emotionally intelligent, grounded man, and to do this, you must first have your own life in order.

You can’t take care of someone else and love fully if your life is in shambles, you can’t commit to a healthy relationship if you are not making your own health and well being a priority above the other person’s.

Although it may sound selfish, this is truly the only way for a relationship to work. No marriage or long term committment should be two halves making a whole, rather it should be two whole people coming together to enjoy life.

Become whole before you start searching for your “better-half”

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Jayson Gaddis is the breakthrough marriage and relationship coach for smart, successful, people. He will teach you how to use conflict to transform your life and your relationships for good. He’s a husband and part-time stay-at-home dad getting schooled by his two cosmic kids.

His family is the center of his universe and when he tries to wiggle away from what he teaches, his wife and kids hold him accountable to living it, daily. Jayson is also passionate about masculinity. He has run dozens of men’s groups, men’s leadership experiences, and founded the Men’s Leadership Training, Boulder Men’s Experience, and

Jayson is looking to provide his 5- year old son a smooth, conscious path toward manhood.

Favorite Success Quote

“You can make yourself miserable or you can make yourself strong; the amount of work is the same”~ Carlos Casinada

Key Points

1. You Have to Work on Yourself

You cannot expect to have successful fulfilling relationships if you are not first investing in yourself. If you aren’t going anywhere or working towards anything; if you dont have your stuff together…then why would a woman want you?

Before you can have the relationships you are looking for, you MUST get your own life in order. Meditate, eat healthy and hit the gym, read, and build your personal brand. Become the man that women want to be with, and the quality and quantity of your relationships will increase exponentially.

2. Take Full Responsibility

In relationships, men often struggle in accepting the responsibility for conflicts or problems. We throw out b.s. justifications and excuses as to why it’s our girlfriend or wife’s fault.

By doing this however, we relieve ourselves of the ability to take the blame and fix the problems we are facing in our relationships.

To truly succeed with women, you must accept the blame, take responsibility and work together to fix any problems.

3. Admit Your Need for Help

Most men hate showing emotion. And with good reason. Men who wear their heart on their sleeves are often perceived to be weak and incapable. Unfortunately, this often leads to a large number of men refusing to ask for help even in their darkest times.

In our society, we have taken this to an extreme, bottling up emotion and never letting anyone in for fear of what they would think. By doing this, however, we cut ourselves off from people who have the tools, knowledge and resources to help us with whatever we are facing.

One of the best things you can do to find a healthy place to discuss your struggles and trials and get the help you need is to find an all men’s mastermind and become a regular contributor.

Surround yourself with other men in the same shit and you will find an overwhelming amount of support in much needed areas of your life.

4. Cut Out the Garbage

If you are filling your mind and body with garbage, that is what your life will put out.

On your quest to become the type of man that women want to be with, you must begin by cutting out everything in your life that a woman would not want to be with.

So remove what is unnecessary in your life or holding you back from being the man you want to be and start moving towards the man you want to be.

5. Stop Having to Prove Yourself

One of the marks of a true man is that he doesn’t feel the need to prove himself to anyone. He is totally self confident and sure of himself, and he doesn’t need anyone else’s approval.

Learn to be ok with just being you. Don’t feel the need to validate yourself before anyone, be happy being you because you are enough. As long as you are growing and expanding, you are enough, and always will be.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Aaron Lamont Curry is the author of “This is Why You’re Single” a relationship and personal growth book that focuses on helping individuals to examine themselves and their beliefs about dating and relationships so that they can better understand the reasons they are struggling to find love. Aaron is currently traveling the country, speaking on relationships, and writing his next book in the “why you’re single” series.

Favorite Success Quote

“Don’t give your heart to anyone just to have someone.” – Anonymous

Key Points

1. Don’t settle for less than you deserve

It is so easy to settle for sub par relationships (both romantic and otherwise) because you do not want to face the discomfort of loneliness. It’s easy to justify staying with someone despite low class behaviors, just because you don’t want to go through the pain of singleness.

If you want to achieve great things in your life, in your business, and in your relationships, you must realize that you cannot settle for less than you deserve. You are the average of the people with whom you associate most, and this applies doubly to romantic relationships.

If you are dating someone with no drive, ambition or common values, you are setting yourself up for failure. Make the decision to raise your standards, only allow relationships that are edifying, that add value to your life, and that move your dreams forward. .

2. The simple actions make all the difference

The majority of men today have lost the art of chivalry. Simple things that show you love and respect a woman are no longer practiced, or if they are, they are done in a manipulative way to try and achieve a desired outcome (typically sex). If you want to be a man who stands out in the crowd, do the simple actions to show women that you care.

Open doors, walk on the side closest to the street, offer her your coat if she is cold, be a gentleman. This doesn’t just apply to women you are dating either, display this type of respect and humility whether the woman is a Victoria’s Secret model or an elderly lady crossing the street. Women will notice, and you will be a better man because of it.

3. Take the appropriate steps in relationships

It is all too easy to rush a relationship just for the sake of a relationship. However, if you want lasting love, take your time. Don’t decide you want to marry the girl before you even meet her. Date for a while before you start moving things along, hold off on the sex until you decide whether this is the kind of girl that you want to be with for more than a night, take it slow.

Women will respect this, and it will save you a ton of pain and heartache in the long run.

4. Don’t get into a relationship for sex

Simple but profound, as the old saying goes, “Don’t buy a ring for what you can buy on the street.” Sex is never a good reason to date or marry someone.

5. Ask the right question to find the right answer

When we examine our lives, especially the lack of certain things in our lives, we often ask the wrong questions. We ask “why” we are single instead of asking “what” we are doing that has kept us single, we ask questions that allow us to answer with cop outs and justifications instead of getting to the root of the issue. Start improving the quality of your questions and your life will improve with them.

6. You miss 100% of the shots you do not take

Life is too short to always live in fear. Do not allow the fear of failure to hold you back from becoming the man you want to become, because the truth is, inaction is the greatest failure of all. You will never achieve anything if you do not first try, even if you only succeed by 1% that is still 1% more than you could have achieved without taking action. Feel the fear, and do it anyways.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:30am EDT

Elliot Katz is the author of 7 nonfiction books including Being the Strong Man a Woman Wants: Timeless Wisdom on Being a Man. Seeking to understand the challenges he faced, Elliott Katz explored the wisdom of the ages.

He discovered powerful, often-forgotten insights that gave him the answers he needed to change. He also discovered that many people face similar challenges.  People started seeking his advice and he was repeatedly told, “Why didn’t someone tell me this before?”

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

For more than fifteen years, Owen Marcus has worked with men’s groups to develop programs that give them the tools and teach them the skills to be successful men, to celebrate their strengths, and to live their lives fully and with joy.

Owen Marcus overcame challenges such as Asperger’s Syndrome and Dyslexia to pursue his passion of helping others to find their out of the box solutions. However, it wasn’t until much later that he understood that in being free to be his own man, he was able to create and fulfill a life he designed.

His book Grow Up is not a “self-help book”; it’s a playbook on how to live your own life. Imagine a life where you can dream, love, create and live in the moment with an ease you never thought possible.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 4:00am EDT

Alan Roger Currie is an Interpersonal Communication Consultant and Verbal Skills Expert who provides advice to men and women on how to improve the manner in which they convey their romantic and sexual desires, interests and intentions to members of the opposite sex.

Currie is currently the Host of two talk radio podcast programs, ‘Upfront & Straightforward with Alan Roger Currie’ and ‘The Erotic Conversationalist’. Currie has interviewed a number of book authors who have written books in the dating and relationships genre as well as the sex and seduction genre. Currie divides his time between Northwest Indiana and Southern California.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 1:39pm EDT

Wade Alters is a former dating coach turned lifestyle entrepreneur and high level consultant. 

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Susan Winter (Author of Allowing Magnificence and Older Women/Younger Men), is a bestselling author and relationship expert specializing in higher thinking for an evolving world. She writes, speaks and coaches on cutting-edge partnership models as well as traditional relationship challenges from a platform that fosters self-esteem and personal empowerment.

She has been featured on many major media outlets including Oprah, ABC, NBC, CNN, and BBC

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Born in Egypt, Dr. Nour left Cairo in 1977 after graduating in the top of his class at the Medical School of Cairo University. Looking for the freedom to study medical subjects of interest to him in the U.S., he made his way to London but got caught in three-year immigration process.

After many years of private Neurology practice in the Midwest and due only to an allergy to Canadian Geese, which flourish in large populations there, Dr. Nour moved to Southern California. Happily married with two daughters in college, he is now semi-retired. He is an accomplished painting artist, videographer, photographer and a graphic designer.

He enjoys opera, sailing, tennis, bicycling, and learning about other cultures through travel, all while still enjoying helping patients with complex neurological disorders.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Michael Knight is the author of "Understanding the Fundamentals of Female Dynamics", a world traveler, and a master of authentic social interaction.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Triambika is an internationally recognized seminar leader, professional sex and conscious intimacy coach and the founder of The Ecstatic Awareness Institute.

She has guided thousands of men and women to empower their sexuality, by helping them to release shame, gain confidence, learn to have extraordinary sex, experience exceptional stamina and create healthier relationships.

Her powerful work with singles and couples have been featured on the Playboy channel, Personal Life Media, Source Tantra, Gilad Creative Media and as the lead host and emcee for the International Sex and Consciousness Conferences.

Triambika brings her depth, intuition, passion and magnetism to her work. Harnessing her extensive training and practice with the time-honored tradition of Tantra, human sexuality, non-dual spirituality, masculine and feminine dynamics, NLP, and body-based modalities including yogic therapy and bodywork, she helps her clients to reach authentic sexual freedom and to form fulfilling relationships that support the highest expression of who they are.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Jim Wolfe is a coach and author who helps men live life without regret, build genuine confidence, achieve fulfillment and true success, and have satisfying relationships.  

He is obsessed with reading, writing, learning, travel, and personal growth. He draws on a tremendous variety of sources to create effective educational experiences.

He is also the author of Level Up and Attract Her and Keep Her.


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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Erik Newton is a former family law attorney, and founder of Together Magazine and The Together Show Podcast. Erik describes himself as someone who’s “been through a thousand divorces and still believes in love.”

Ushering couples through divorce was never pleasant, but it turned out to be the ideal medium through which to understand the entire lifecycle of a relationship. As a result, Erik has a unique, real-world comprehension of what makes one marriage thrive and another fall apart.

During his time as an attorney, Erik teamed up with a psychologist friend to lead premarital courses for couples, hoping to give them the skills they’d need to stay out of his office.

Ultimately, his calling to help couples build healthy relationships superseded his legal career, and he decided to dedicate himself full-time to creating a place couples could go for information, inspiration, and a big dose of truth. That’s whenTogether.Guide was born.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Joshua Hathaway, M.A. Holistic Clinical Psychology, is a Tongue Fu black belt and master of the Art of Connection.

Through his private and organizational training in No B.s. Communication, as well as coaching and consulting, Joshua is radically empowering people’s success in the changing landscapes of modern love and leadership.


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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Zachary Stockill is a writer, developer, podcaster, and lifelong student.

His work has been featured on The Huffington Post, The Art of Charm, and ManTalks among many others.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Ross Jeffries™ is the founder, creator and Master Teacher of the worldwide seduction community. Featured as the mentor to Neil Strauss in the best-selling book, “The Game”, RJ has taught, coached, and mentored thousands of men around the world, since 1991, guiding them to the success with women they truly desire and deserve.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Jessica Ly is a life coach, meditative breathing teacher, and devout poet. She graduated from the University of Southern California with a B.S. in Exercise Science.  Jessica has taken her own personal journey to meditate with Buddhist monks in the Himalayas and loves

 Jessica has taken her own personal journey to meditate with Buddhist monks in the Himalayas and loves traveling to enrich her own connection to communities around the world. She believes it is not so much about gaining knowledge, but living it that leads to infinite peace and joy and the empowerment of leadership and great change.

Jessica is also the Author of The ABCs of Authentic Me

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Jerod Zavistoski is the international bestselling author of Methodology of The Modern Male "A modern man's guide to personal excellence" motivational speaker and LA's premiere dating coach.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Christian McQueen is a men's dating, style, and lifestyle coach, blogger, and author, and one of the founders of, an online subscription service for those of you who want to focus on growing and education in your downtime instead of entertainment. 

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Sarah Jones is an online entrepreneur and dating coach for men who helps introverted men unleash the power inside of them to attract and date the beautiful women that they desire by expressing themselves openly and authentically, and avoiding the gimmicks of the PUA community. 

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

This is David's second appearance on the show, he's back and better than before. 

For those of you who are not familiar with David Wygant, he is an internationally-renowned dating and relationship coach, author and speaker. Through his boot camps, personal coaching and his website, his advice has transformed the dating lives and relationships of hundreds of thousands of people from every corner of the globe. His funny — yet always direct — approach to dating, sex and relationships has revolutionized how people meet and interact with the opposite sex.

Over the last thirteen years, David has become one of the most frequently-quoted dating experts in the media. He offers his advice as a lead writer for Yahoo! Personals, AskMen, Huffington Post and across television segments, newspapers and magazines, including MTV, The New York Times, MSNBC, Fox News, Cosmopolitan, Men’s Health and E! Entertainment Television — as well as on over 2,000 radio shows.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Steven DeSalvo's first book 'Relationship Dynamics' in the EVOLVE series helps to answer the question: 'How can we change our world and the course of human evolution with positive outcomes for this planet and all of its inhabitants? This first book in this series has helped many to change and navigate to healthier relationship dynamics.

As a certified Permaculturist, his goal is to serve others in the attaining their highest evolutionary potential through writings and personal appearances to increase awareness and personal responsibility.

He moved to northern California in 2011 where he now resides and works as an independent writer, publisher, speaker and life coach. Often called a Renaissance man, Steven DeSalvo has a diverse background of creative, artistic, business and personal interests including writing and blogging on his web site

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Neil Strauss is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The Game, Rules of the Game, Emergency, and Everyone Loves You When You’re Dead. He is also the co-author of three other New York Times bestsellers - Jenna Jameson's How to Make Love Like a P*** Star, Mötley Crüe's The Dirt and Marilyn Manson's The Long Hard Road out of Hell. A writer for Rolling Stone, Strauss lives in Los Angeles.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Richard La Ruina is an entrepreneur London's top dating coach, and author of "The Natural." He has spent the past 10 years of his life building his company PUA training and traveling the world teaching men how to have better relationships and overcome their limiting beliefs with women. 

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Daniel is the founder of Elite Man Academy who has been pursuing his passion for helping men become their best selves and write their own stories. 

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Kris Wolfe is the founder of Good Guy Swag and author of "10 Ways to Win a Girls Heart". Kris went from being a scrawny and unconfident teenager to a bodybuilder, and marrying a Miss USA.

Now, he helps other men do the same by embracing authenticity and becoming a real man.  

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Dr. Mark Goulston has been described as a "people hacker."

Starting off as a clinical interventional psychiatrist and UCLA professor of psychiatry, he learned to "hack" into the minds of suicidal and potentially violent individuals to prevent acts of destruction to others or themselves. He next went on to train FBI and police hostage negotiators. He has since expanded his work to "Hacking Genius" and speaks and provides webinars internationally on: "Thinking Like Steve Jobs - How to Create 'Gotta Have It.'"

His company, The Goulston Group, is hired by Founders, CEO's and Boards of Directors to help them create a "gotta have it!" response to their services and products (which seamlessly translates into "gonna buy/hire it," a "gotta work there" response in outside talent they're recruiting, a "gonna get it done" response from employees and a "gotta invest there" response in investors.

He contributes to the Harvard Business Review, Huffington Post, Fast Company, Business Insider and writes the "Closing Bell" for C-Suite Quarterly Magazine. Frequently called upon to share his expertise with the media, he has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, Fortune, Newsweek, Time, and Reuters; has offered commentary on NPR, CNN, and Fox News; and has appeared on the Oprah and Today shows. He lives in Los Angeles, California.
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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby holds a PhD in counseling psychology and is a licensed marriage and family therapist. She is also a board-certified life coach based in Colorado.

Dr. Bobby has appeared numerous times on news programs around the country (FOX 5 New York, CBS News Denver, FOX 35 Orlando) as a relationship expert, and has been featured on and in the New York Post, Natural Health magazine, and New York Magazine. She is one of nine national dating coaches trained at the headquarters of and is a featured expert with, a 12-step breakup recovery platform.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Dr. Robert Glover, author of No More Mr. Nice Guy: A Proven Plan For Getting What You Want in Love, Sex and Life (Running Press, 2003)

Dr. Glover is an internationally recognized authority on the Nice Guy Syndrome. He is a frequent guest on radio talk shows and has been featured in numerous local and national publications.

Through his book, online classes, workshops, podcasts, blogs, consultation, and therapy groups, Dr. Glover has helped change the lives of countless men and women around the world.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:30am EDT

Mark Manson is a professional blogger, entrepreneur, and former dating coach. Since 2007, he's been helping people with their emotional and relationship problems. He has worked with thousands of people from over 30 different countries.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Jason is a top business and executive coach. He's a leading expert on human behavior, influence, sales, networking and leadership. At the heart of his strategy is the understanding that people and your relationships are your true "wealth." Everything we accomplish in life is with or through other people.

He works with experts, entrepreneurs and executives to help them get known and stand out by building key skill sets and right relationships, creating their brand platform and purpose (including helping them get to the next stage in their business/career), and improving their business strategies/processes. You can reach him at and to get free networking, personal branding and other free guides.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Jeffrey Platts is passionate about helping men design and live that has them feeling fully alive. He's obsessed with finding out what keeps people from being their most authentic. Which is actually what is most attractive. Not just physically. Professionally, financially, emotionally, sexually, socially, spiritually. 

Jeffrey Platts is a men's life and love coach with a background in salsa dancing, world traveling and yoga instruction.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Bob Schwenkler is the creator of Advanced Sexual Stamina for Men and host of Sex the Podcast. Bob and his amazing girlfriend Natalie help men and women, singles and couples, have the best sex of their lives and experience playful, deeply connected relationships. Click here to learn more about Bob and his work.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:00am EDT

Geoffrey F. Miller is an American evolutionary psychologist, serving as an associate professor of psychology at the University of New Mexico and known for his expertise in sexual selection in human evolution, and for his views on the evolution through sexual selection of the human brain as sexual ornamentation.

Dr. Miller has authored several books including The Mating Mind, Spent, and Mate.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:30am EDT

Vast physical pleasure, deep love, and even union with divine source can be experienced through sex. Sexual energy is the source of all life in this world. Christopher Sunyata teaches people how to embrace their sexual power and artfully conduct it through their body and intimate relationships, integrating this power into their whole life.

Drawing upon decades of practice and study under masters of sexual yoga, Taoist exercises, and Buddhist meditation, he teaches ancient body-centered practices without dogma or esoteric language that lead people to discover the secret wisdom already present within their own body. By learning to trust this wisdom within their body, people can reclaim passion and life energy that is their birthright, and create intimate relationships that deepen in love and chemistry over the years.  

Prior to teaching he was a successful international project manager responsible for over a billion dollars in revenue, a medical device engineer with seven patents, and a ceramic artist.  He has raised four children, two of his own, including one who has significant disabilities. He lives in Boulder, Colorado with his beloved wife Karlene.   

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:30am EDT

Angel Donovan is a 38 year old guy who decided to fix his dating and relationships. Today he's the head of Dating Skills Review and the host of the Dating Sex Relationships podcast. He interviews different men and women with specialist experience and knowledge in dating, sex and relationships every week. Check it out here.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:30am EDT

Honored by several professional associations, Dr. Barton Goldsmith is a multi-award winning psychotherapist, a syndicated columnist and radio host, as well as a recognized keynote speaker. He has appeared on CNN, Good Morning America, Fox & Friends, CBS News, NBC News, Beauty and The Geek, The Ricki Lake Show and The Mancow Muller Show.

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:30am EDT

Zan Perrion is internationally recognized as one of the most original and insightful voices on relationships and seduction in the world today. A regular media commentator, he has been widely featured in the international press.

Zan is the founder of the Ars Amorata philosophy--a celebration of the art of seduction, the rebirth of romance, and a lifelong quest for beauty and adventure. He is also a co-founder of the Amorati network of men and author of The Alabaster Girl 

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:30am EDT

Alan Fox has lived a long and joyful life, achieving tremendous success in many different arenas, both personally and professionally. He has advanced degrees in accounting, law, education, and professional writing.

He has expanded his commercial real estate company, ACF Property Management, Inc. into a billion dollar enterprise since founding it in 1968. He founded Rattle Poetry Journal (in 1994), a nationally renowned publication including his conversations with noted poets

Alan is dedicated to sharing his wisdom with as many people as possible through his writings, public talks, and media appearances. His first book, People Tools: 54 Strategies for Building Relationships, Creating Joy, and Embracing Prosperity (January 2014) made two New York Times Bestseller lists and impacted the lives of thousands of readers worldwide. The second in the series is, People Tools for Business: 50 Strategies for Building Success, Creating Wealth, and Finding Happiness

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Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:30am EDT

David Eschenlohr is a German with a Bachelor's Degree in English from a Swedish University. He's the author of the book Rite of Passage: Memoirs of a Survivor of the Pickup Community, in which he tells the story of a young man who descents into a vicious cycle of self-help and pickup.

Direct download: 177_David_Eshenlohr.mp3
Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:30am EDT

In 2006, Aaron Marino started a men’s image consulting firm, alpha m. Image Consulting, to help average men with simple common sense advice; aimed to enhance their image, style, grooming, fashion and most importantly their confidence. Aaron Marino has been featured in countless publications, as well as guest appearances on various television and radio programs, both locally, as well as nationally.

Throughout the past 7 years, Aaron Marino has worked with thousands of men from around the world, helping them with their personal style, grooming, fashion, image, wardrobe and even dating. Through his weekly YouTube posts, Aaron Marino covers a host of topics in the area of men’s style, fashion, grooming and even personal responsibility.

Aaron Marino has not only expanded his reach with his viral videos but also with a variety of products such as the stylesystem that was featured on the ABC’s Shark Tank. 

Direct download: Ep_165_w_Aaron_Marino.mp3
Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:30am EDT

Aaron Lamont Curry is the author of This is Why You're Single. He spent the majority of his years in Columbus, Ohio. With his electrifying smile and magnetic spirit he touches the lives of others by sharing powerful, enthusiast messages of encouragement through writing.

He has taken an interest in helping facilitate a better understanding of relationships by opening healthy dialogue regarding the perspectives of both men and women. After relocating to Los Angeles, California, Aaron found himself guest co-starring on Tyler Perry’s House of Payne on TBS within nearly three months of his transition.

Direct download: 131AaronCurry.mp3
Category:Dating and Relationship Advice -- posted at: 3:30am EDT