Wed, 26 August 2015
In 2009, Christine’s 11-year-old daughter, Victoria, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. As her daughter braved cancer treatment, Christine experienced her own “dark night of the soul” lasting several years which led her to question everything she thought she understood about the world around her, including God. While living in the hospital weeks at a time, she launched What Would Love Do Int’l, authoring the Yes, Love Can! Initiative and Global Humanity Bill of Rights. A renewed sense of clarity and purpose emerged as she dedicated her life to the advancement of human consciousness and awakening the miraculous within you. Christine’s latest book, Awakening Leadership: Embracing Mindfulness, Your Life’s Purpose and the Leader You Were Born to Be, shows us that we each have an essential role to play in leading humanity toward a new era of true equality and prosperity. In the New Leadership Blueprint, it is through mindfulness that we reconnect with our life’s purpose, and finally begin to thrive. A 2014 Dayton Literary Peace Prize nominated author, Christine Horner is a humanitarian and the co-founder of the What Would Love Do Foundation. Christine has been featured on many programs and is an internationally syndicated writer. When not writing, cooking, or enjoying yoga and tennis, Christine appreciates family, travel, and spending time in Nature.
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Category:Success and Life Advice -- posted at: 3:30am EDT |